"As expected of someone who has been by Frieza's side for so long, he does have some strength." Luo Lan looked at Dodoria with a grim expression, her body was burning with raging flames, because to maintain the vitality of her body, many places could not Be as good as possible.

"The vacuum environment is not suitable for high-intensity combat, it is better to change the environment."

Thinking of this, Luo Lan's body became blurred, and he came to Dodoria's side in an instant.

For Luo Lan's close approach, Dodoria looked alert, with a cold and biting sneer on her face, and a qigong wave was thrown out.

"Go to hell!"

In the face of Dodoria's attack, Luo Lan was fully prepared this time. He bent down slightly, and then his body flashed. He avoided Dodoria's attack at an incredible angle and approached Dodoria's side. Putting his hand on his back, Luo Lan shouted:


With a flash of light, the two instantly transferred to another planet not far from Qingteng Star. As soon as they appeared, the violent power of the two immediately caused the sky and the earth to change color, and the sky immediately became drowsy and depressed.

"Hey, what is this place?"

The sudden change in the surrounding environment caused Dodoria to be uneasy, but soon he aimed his eyes at Luo Lan again, his icy eyes were full of murderous intent, his body was tense, and his figure suddenly became illusory.

"You must kill this Saiyan immediately, then go back to the headquarters and use the most advanced healing device to repair the injury."

Dodoria thought so, and the attack became more severe.

After leaving the vacuum environment, not only did Luo Lan's movements become more flexible, but Dodoria's attacks also became more swift and violent. Even though the loss of an arm has weakened his attack a lot, his combat power is far higher than that of Luo Lan, making him still look full of threats.

Seeing this, Luo Lan's expression tightened. "Void Replacement Technique" and "Vientiane Fist" were activated at the same time, and a powerful attack was swung forward.


A violent crash.

The invisible impact set off layers of thick air waves, and the strong collision caused the ground under your feet to sink abruptly by tens of meters. crack.

The two removed each other's impact force, and each took a few steps back before they stabilized.

Luo Lan's attack was blocked by Dodoria, and she felt her arm go numb.

At this moment, Dodoria let out an angry roar, and the huge body quickly rolled over like a heavy tank.

The ground shook, up and down.

Luo Lan bit her lip, and a blue qigong wave lit up in her palm.

With a bang, a qigong wave was sprayed straight out. The violent qigong wave contained the energy to destroy everything. Even if it passed half a meter above the ground, the high temperature left a straight line on the ground.

In the face of Luo Lan's energy attack, Dodoria's face full of thorns showed disdain, and she actually clenched her fist and smashed it towards the Qigong wave.


A dull sound shook the eardrums.

As Dodoria's fist slammed hard, Luo Lan's qigong wave was actually smashed to the ground. But seeing the earth suddenly cracked, the smoke billowed, the gravel splashed, and the solid rock was directly turned into a molten state under the bombardment of high-intensity energy. The excess energy that cannot be vented penetrates into the crust, and is directly transformed into a sparse energy flow locally.

I saw thick smoke rising into the sky, and the scene in front of me was as if the sky was torn apart.

You must know that Luo Lan's attack has a power of 20,000 combat power, and hitting the planet head-on can almost cause a huge disaster of mass extinction. But such an attack was actually blocked by Dodoria, and he lost a hand.

If Dodoria hadn't been attacked at the start, it would have been hard to predict who would win.

But when the surrounding smoke was thick, Dodoria's fat body penetrated the thick black smoke and came to Luo Lan's side.

"Do you think I won't be able to see clearly by doing this?" Luo Lan sternly locked onto Dodoria's figure. Dodoria didn't even know that, even if she didn't need to look at it, she could still perceive his movements.

On the contrary, the smoke has become an obstacle in the way of Dodoria!

This time, I have to steal chickens without losing rice.

The corners of Luo Lan's mouth rose slightly, and a coldness that did not match his age appeared on his face.

Immediately, when Dodoria's attack arrived, his body flashed flexibly. Fluffy, Luo Lan's movements were smooth and smooth, and a series of attacks were perfectly coordinated, and for a while, Dodoria felt that she couldn't resist.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed through the dark eyes, Luo Lan squeezed his fist and hit the opponent's chubby belly, with a bang, a tremor ripples passed through Dodoria's body, and the mouth filled with Acidic water, Dodoria hunched over, looking a little weak.


Luo Lan's figure immediately appeared on Dodoria's side, kicked him out with a violent kick, and then instantly appeared on top of his head, clasped his fists with both hands, and slammed it down.

"not good."

A cold sweat broke out in Dodoria's heart.


Pom Pom... pop! !

Within ten thousandths of a second, Luo Lan launched dozens of attacks in a row. The powerful attack in a very short period of time made the opponent lose his ability to attack. Taking advantage of this short period of time, Luo Lan prepared his strongest attack!

Raising his hands and placing them in front of him, Vientiane Fist increased the strength of the attack, and the infinitely bright starlight gathered together, shining like a galaxy.

Luo Lan's face was solemn, and a cold voice called out:

"Star Cannon!"

The dense attack slammed away like a planetary explosion. With the enhancement of the Vientiane Fist, the Starry Sky Cannon's attack was even more terrifying. The mighty energy is in a spiral state like the Milky Way. Pieces of energy blades that shine brightly spun, wrapped in unrivaled power, and instantly came to Dodoria.

At this moment, Dodoria felt that her life was threatened, and her nerves twitched suddenly.

"Bastard, I won't be defeated by a mere Saiyan!" Dodoria roared angrily with sparks in his eyes, and terrifying energy erupted from his hands and mouth at the same time.

"Light bomb blast!"

His voice trembled a little, Dodoria's face was hideous, and dazzling flashes shot out of his mouth.

Boom! !

The dazzling fireball is rising like a big sun, and two shocking energies collide on the surface of the planet. The atmosphere seems to be completely torn apart at this time, and the world-class catastrophe has come to the planet where the battle is taking place. Visible shock waves of terror spread out.

Everything, under the action of the shock wave, instantly turned into powder!

"Oops!" Luo Lan was startled.

"Cough cough..."

Luo Lan took the brunt of the brunt, coughing up a smear of blood from his mouth, and hurriedly used the "Void Replacement Technique" to transfer part of the impact into the void, but the energy impact in front of him still made him uncomfortable, and his internal organs were severely injured.

Gritting his teeth, enduring the severe pain on his body, Luo Lan swayed slightly, pinpointing the position of Dodoria, and then in the cold eyes of the other party, a spiritual shock swept away, in Dodoria's eyes There was a brief absence.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Lan made a strong attack with all his strength.

"Full Attack!!"


The splendid light suddenly lit up, and this light made Dodoria come back to her senses, and her heart suddenly trembled, her whole body went cold, and an emotion called fear appeared in her brain for the first time.

"Do not!!"

Roaring with tears in his eyes, seeing the irresistible energy coming in front of him, Dodoria's eyeballs were full of bloodshots, he laughed miserably, and there was a strong unwillingness in his eyes: "I... I will actually be defeated in a mere amount of time. In the hands of a Saiyan... how ironic!"

He came to Ivy League Star because he wanted to show his exploits in front of Frieza, and he didn't want to throw his life here at all.

Boom! !

A huge mushroom cloud rose into the air, and the violent energy razed everything around it to the ground. When the smoke gradually dissipated, only a kilometer in diameter was left on the spot, a deep hole that was unknown.

Luo Lan floated in mid-air panting, and after observing it, she was sure that Dodoria's breath was gone.

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