Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 118 Looking for Zunuo Star

"Finally killed!"

Luo Lan breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the strip of cloth hanging on her body. The previous clothes had already become tattered during the collision. To know that this Dodoria has a combat power of more than 20,000, it is not easy to beat it.

He spit out a deep breath of turbid air, and a strong bloody smell filled his mouth. Feeling the injury of his body, Luo Lan couldn't help frowning, and then took out a fairy bean and stuffed it into his mouth. The vitality immediately made up for the wounds of the body.

"Dodoria actually came to Ivy League. Could it be that Frieza has discovered the Saiyans in the west of the Northern Galaxy?"

There was a trace of worry in my heart. The area where Frieza was originally active should be in the southern part of the Northern Galaxy, and should not set foot in the west.

Luo Lan thought anxiously about the reason for Dodoria's appearance, but no matter what he thought, it was impossible to know - the reason why Dodoria appeared on the ivy star was just to capture the planet of cultivating people, fortunately in front of Frieza The performance of merit, even this time, is still hiding Frieza's behavior.

Returning to Qingteng Star, Hertz and the others were already in a hurry because they couldn't feel Luo Lan's breath before, and when they saw Luo Lan's return, they all gathered around.

"Luo Lan, has the enemy been eliminated?"

"Who is he, and he is so powerful?"

Hulls and Sonori kept asking, Luo Lan waved their hands to calm them down, and then revealed Dodoria's identity.

"What, is he Dodoria?!"

When they learned that the intruder was actually Dodoria, the number one general under Frieza, both Hertz and Sonori's expressions became solemn.

"The Frieza Army is the force entrenched in the southern region of the Northern Galaxy! I heard that their boss, Frieza, is very terrifying." Sonori became uneasy, knowing that the entire Northern Galaxy is the Frieza Army The power is the most terrifying.

Hertz also nodded, "If Frieza knows the information about the Saiyans, I'm afraid there will be problems."

"Ah, the Frieza Army you're talking about, is that the group we met last time on Planet Barney?" Taisi blinked and said inexplicably, "Don't worry, I heard about them. Right now, they are fighting hard to the east of the Northern Galaxy, so I definitely don't have time to pay attention here."

"How did you know?"

Taisi immediately puffed out her chest and showed off: "In order to write a good novel, I have done enough homework, this is what Gak told me, Frieza's army is very busy now, and there is no time to spare so much. manpower."

Luo Lan's eyes lit up, "Since it's news from the Galaxy Patrol Organization, it should be credible..."

He breathed a sigh of relief, but then a feeling of unhappiness arose in his heart—could it be that if the planet Sarada wants to exist, it still depends on Frieza not to pay attention, so as to get a short breath? This feeling of living in the cracks made Luo Lan very uncomfortable.

One day, I will stand upright in front of Frieza, so that no one dares to underestimate him.

With a secret decision in his heart, Luo Lan said to Herz and the others: "Do a good job in the defense of Ivy League, and let the Saiyans on the planet of Cultivation and Sarada be vigilant, and today's things must never happen again. "

"OK, Got it."

Hertz nodded vigorously.

Luo Lan nodded towards Hertz, then went to change a piece of clothes and continued to accompany Taisi on the Ivy Star. Due to the Dodoria invasion, the security level of the entire Ivy League was raised by several levels. It was not until several months later that there was no action from Frieza's army, and it was determined that Dodoria's behavior was just a special case. .

In fact, during this period of time, there has been a lot of trouble within Frieza's army because of Dodoria's disappearance.

However, since Dodoria concealed his whereabouts before he went to the western part of the Northern Galaxy, his death was not reminiscent of the "Syfi forces" outside the distant stars.


The vast sea of ​​stars, bright and boundless.

The vast and boundless seventh universe is mainly divided into four galaxies, namely, the four major galaxies in the south, south, north, and west. Each of these galaxies is relatively independent, with a complete underworld and hell. It is to take care of the development of the lower world planet.

But in fact, because the realm king is at a high level, not many races really know the existence of the realm king.

There are hundreds of millions of star systems inside the four major galaxies, and each star system is a large spiral galaxy. Their large diameters are millions of light-years, and their small ones are tens of thousands of light-years, just like Luo Lan. Like the Milky Way that lived in the previous life, there are hundreds of millions of planetary systems like the solar system inside each star system.

In general, with such a huge scale in the seventh universe, the number of lives that have been nurtured is simply unimaginable. However, among so many lives, most of them are weak lives like the earthlings, and those with a combat power of more than 1,000 are very rare.

Such a huge base of weak life directly dilutes the existence of those strong.

In the Eastern Galaxy, there is a mysterious planet inhabited by a character named "Master Zuno". According to Gak, he is an incredible and omniscient person who seems to know everything in the world, and can easily answer even the privacy of people he has never met.

At this time in a certain star field of the Eastern Galaxy.

Luo Lan drove the aircraft to hover in space for a long time, but he never found the Zunuo star where the "Master Zunuo" lived.

In the not-so-big spaceship, Taisi was lying on the ground in her white underwear and sleeping soundly. Lying on her side, her body was uncovered, her white skin was exposed to the air, her mouth was drooling, she scratched her neck from time to time, and she didn't care that Luo Lan was in the same room with her.

"Taisi usually looks very well-bred, but after getting along for a long time, it turns out that this is the character..." Luo Lan checked the star map, and her eyes swept to Taisi, who was only wearing underwear next to her. Because Luo Lan had even taken a bath together, Luo Lan was more familiar with her body than Syphilia, so she acted calmly at this time.

Of course, the main thing is that his body hasn't developed yet.

The heart is more than enough.

"Zunuo Star should be near here." Luo Lan closed the star map and concentrated on driving the spaceship. The location of Zunuo Xing is very strange. There seems to be a layer of invisible dimension wrapped around it. Luo Lan's teleportation can't locate its position.

"Isn't it here yet?"

Taisi got up, rubbed her eyes and walked over, her golden hair tied in a ponytail and hanging down on her chest.

"Why don't you follow Dr. Brives back to Earth, why do you follow me out? Let me tell you, it may take several years to go out this time. Don't blame me for not sending you back when you get bored." Luo Lan glanced at Taisi At a glance, he saw a playful smile on the other side.

"You know, I also want to retreat for a while. I won't go back if I don't write a good novel this time. Besides, my father is also in favor of letting me follow you."

Taisi smiled, her beautiful eyes were black and translucent.

You still haven't figured out what Dr. Brives meant for you to follow me... Luo Lan looked at Taisi and vomited in her heart: This idiot, he didn't even know that he was sold, Dr. Brives is this sent you away.

On second thought, Dr. Breaves's actions are understandable. After knowing the coldness and ruthlessness of the universe, for the weak earthlings, looking for a strong person to rely on has become a good choice.

Looking at Ta Yisiping's graceful appearance, Luo Lan was a feast for the eyes. He heard the sound of the strings and knew the elegant meaning. Even if the body couldn't move, it was good to have eyes widened.

It doesn't hurt to bring a beautiful woman with you during your practice, at least you don't have to cook your own meals in the future.

But then again, a daughter like Taisi should be able to cook!

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