"Tais, how is your cooking?"

Luo Lan controlled the aircraft, turned her head to look at Taisi, Taisi grabbed her golden hair and smiled slightly: "It's not bad, because I'm often alone outside, so I can only do it myself."

"I'm relieved of that."

If Taisi can't even cook well, then bringing her out is just a burden.


In the dark red cosmic background, the stars shone with a charming pale white light. A burst of white light quickly passed by, and Luo Lan's spaceship gradually approached the galaxy where Zunuo was located.

Soon, the spacecraft entered a strange dimension, which isolated the space and separated Zunuo Star from the cosmic starry sky.

Inside the dimension, a dark red planet stands quietly, and there are countless island-like mountain peaks floating around it. The strange thing is that these dangling islands are located near the Zunuo star, but they are not affected by the planet's gravity at all. .

"This Zunuo star is quite magical." Landing the spacecraft on the open space, Luo Lan looked around. The plants on Zunuo star were particularly sturdy, and the trees and leaves covered the sky and the sun. In the kingdom of giants, everything is taller than imagined.

"That guy called 'Lord Zuno' really knows everything in the world?" Looking around curiously, Taisi followed Luo Lan's footsteps closely. In this unfamiliar environment, she could only follow Luo Lan's side. is the safest.

"It's impossible to know everything, but at least you should know most of the things in the mortal world."

Luo Lan shook his head, this Zu Nuo should be a special kind of life form, just like the divination mother-in-law on earth knows most things, but obviously Zu Nuo's ability is much stronger than the divination mother-in-law, who can only know the earth but Zuno can know the whole universe

Of course, although Zuno knows a lot, things like the angel Whis, the god of destruction Beerus, and higher-level things about gods should not be said casually.

Walking through the long aisle with Taisi all the way, Luo Lan stopped in front of a majestic building with red maple leaves on both sides.

"Here, that's where Zuno lives."

Taisi looked at the high stairs in surprise, and several escalators kept running: "It's so high, Master Zuno actually lives in such a nice house by himself."

Luo Lan smiled and dragged Taisi into Zuno's house, and soon four ugly looking gatekeepers blocked their way. He has a fat head and big ears, and is wearing a Japanese samurai uniform, but his own strength is not very strong.

"We are people who serve Lord Zuno. Lord Zuno said that uninvited people came uninvited, so please come out and stop them!"

"Master Zuno seems to know that we will come?" Taisi whispered in Luo Lan's ear.

Luo Lan nodded calmly: "You must have this ability."

"What should I do, it seems that I still need to make an appointment?"

"It's alright, just break in." Luo Lan smiled lightly, and the next moment his figure flashed, with a few bang bang bang, the four warriors serving Lord Zuno were knocked to the ground by Luo Lan, "Take us with us. Go in, if Zuno really doesn't want to see us, then it's impossible for our spacecraft to enter the range of Zuno."

Zunuo has such a great reputation in the galaxy, and there are many rich people who come to ask questions every day. If there is really no means of defense, it is impossible to stop those ambitious guys with just the few warriors in front of them.

At this time, a big-headed man in a green samurai uniform got up, "I see, please come with me."

"Is this solved?" Taisi thought it would be a tough battle, but she didn't expect to pass so easily.

"Zuno is not an ordinary life form, and his behavior has always been very strange."

Luo Lan said, and followed Taisi into the mansion where Zuno lived after the warrior.

Under the leadership of the samurai, they walked through the long wooden corridor, and soon came to a brightly lit mansion with lanterns on both sides, and the blue stone pillars stood upright, and the style was very simple.

"Lord Zuno, today's guest has arrived."


Zuno floated over in a large bowl-like aircraft, with a huge head larger than those of the warriors, "Saiyans, and Earthlings, say the questions you want to consult, only one is allowed."

Luo Lan was a little stunned: "Is it free?"

Zuno glanced at Luo Lan blankly: "Because of a certain adult's agreement, when encountering a Saiyan in the future, you need to answer a question from the Saiyan for free."

an adult?

Luo Lan frowned and was a little surprised. Listening to Zuno's meaning, it seemed that someone had made an agreement with him a long time ago and needed to answer a question from the Saiyans. Of course, Luo Lan knew that now was not the time to ask about that person, so she secretly took this matter to heart.

"Lord Zuno, how can I solve the problem of my giant ape-like power?"

Zuno looked at Luo Lan with dull eyes, then closed his eyes, as if he was activating his superpower, and a plain voice sounded: "The Saiyan's giant ape is the power passed down in the ancient blood, because back then After the destruction of the planet Sarada, the power of the giant ape gradually sank, so that the power of ordinary Saiyans showed a trend of gradual decline after their transformation power reached 100,000 combat power..."

Luo Lan nodded, this is the situation he is currently facing.

"There are two solutions. One is to live on the planet Sarada, and rely on the vitality of the mother planet to gradually nourish the blood vessels. After hundreds or thousands of years, the power of the Saiyan giant ape will gradually wake up and trouble you. It comes naturally.”

Who would wait for hundreds of years, with so much time, I have already developed a super saiyan transformation, will I still be rare in the power of giant ape?

Luo Lan said: "Please tell me the second way."

Zuno said: "The second way is to enter the high-dimensional space to practice, and use the spiritual energy there to awaken the power of the giant ape in advance, but this is extremely difficult and requires a high level of understanding, because the spiritual energy is already violent with the giant ape. Conflict of power, this awakening method is actually a forced awakening, which is full of danger... If you want to take this method, you can go to the star of the Eastern Galaxy, which is said to be the place where the Great King God once lived and tried. The refined planet, the address is at..."

Then Zuno said the location of the god-making star.

"Make a god star!"

Luo Lan was shocked when she heard the words, and kept the name and address of this planet firmly in her heart.

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