Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 120 Make a God Star

"That... can I ask some questions?" Taisi raised her hand and said to Zuno.

Zuno calmly opened his eyes: "Yes, as long as you provide tribute, you can get the opportunity to ask questions."

"Hey, isn't it free?"

"Of course not. The free answer just now is a special case. All the remaining questions need to be contributed. This young lady, are you willing to contribute? Your contribution can answer at least five questions!"

Seeing Taisi looking very interested, Luo Lan frowned slightly, pulling Taisi directly to the outside of the house. Taisi shouted: "Hey, I also want to ask if my novel can catch fire!"

Luo Lan said: "Zunuo can only tell you the present, and he cannot predict the future."

Taisi said disappointedly: "I can't predict, it would be boring."

"By the way, what was the tribute he said just now?" Taisi asked, and Luo Lan replied: "A kiss, you can ask one question when you are kissed by a man, and you can ask multiple questions when you are kissed by a woman."

"Hey~ It's so disgusting, let's leave quickly." Thinking of Zuno's fat head and ears, Taisi suddenly felt a chill and got goosebumps all over her body.

Luo Lan nodded and looked back at the house where Zuno lived, but he was thinking of another question: "The reason why Zuno answered my question was because of an agreement with a certain big man, but this has nothing to do with Saiyans. Does it matter, or is there someone secretly staring at me?"

Not afraid to speculate on people's hearts with the worst malicious intentions, Luo Lan guessed deeply, but still couldn't figure it out. He hated this state of being out of control.

"Let's go, let's go to the 'Making God Star' next!"

With a long sigh in his heart, Luo Lan pulled Taisi onto the spaceship, and then headed towards the "God-making Star" located in the Eastern Galaxy that Zuno said.

If it is really the planet where the legendary Great World King God lived and tried, then it is indeed possible to solve the problem of his giant ape transformation.

In the vast starry sky, a spaceship quickly passed by.

After leaving the range of Zunuo Star, Luo Lan put the aircraft into the universal capsule, then put a protective prop on Taisi, and then wrapped her waist, focusing on the location of Zunuo's "God-making Star" The star field, with a bang, the figures of the two quickly disappeared in the space of the universe.

At the same time, there is a dark green double star system in the distant Eastern Milky Way.

This place is located in the void between the star systems. The stars are rare and empty. Even gas and dust such as nebulae are very rare, but in this desolate place where nothing is rare, there are two rotating each other. The planets are entangled, you chase me spin for long years.

What's even more bizarre is that there is obviously no light source such as stars between the two dark green planets. It should have been cold and silent, but when Luo Lan approached, he found that the entire system was extremely translucent, a green light. Constantly exudes gentle heat and light.

"Like Zunoxing, there is a feeling of a different dimension in the long distance."

Luo Lan's teleportation combines the advantages of Adlat and Medamore's secret techniques, so he is very sensitive to the structure of space. In his perception, the two rotating planets are very strange, and the dimensional height is also more than other surrounding stars.

"As expected of the place where the Great Realm King God once lived, this space may have been out of the jurisdiction of the Eastern Realm King."

"It's just that among those two planets, which one is the god-making star I'm going to!"

A few strands of thoughts flashed by, and a faint smile appeared on Luo Lan's face, no matter which planet it was, go up first and then talk about it. Looking at Taisi beside her, Luo Lan called out some of her energy to protect her, and then flew straight towards one of the planets.

But flying by, Luo Lan gradually discovered something was wrong.

After flying for so long, not only did the distance between him and the dark green planet not shorten, on the contrary, there was a feeling of flying farther and farther.

"There is something wrong with those two planets, no, they are not planets at all, but some kind of projection, and the real god-making star is still hidden in the void!" Suddenly looking at the place that was constantly emitting emerald light, Luo Lan's His eyes condensed slightly, and a natural vitality surged from his body, and then covered his eyes.

In an instant, the scene in front of him changed.

I saw that the two planets in front began to become illusory, and then quickly rotated like the yin and yang fish of Tai Chi. In the process of their rotation, the whole space is gradually elongated, showing a strange topology, the physical structure is completely distorted, and from the side, a deep and mysterious green entrance appears.

Sure enough, the real God-making Star is inside that entrance.

"It actually takes vitality to open it." With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Luo Lan calmly looked at the illusory intersection.

"Why did you stop, Luo Lan?" Taisi asked.

"Close your eyes, I'm going to speed up."

A mental wave entered Taisi's mind, and Luo Lan's body suddenly accelerated, aiming at the far-reaching and quiet entrance. With a "thump" sound, it was as if the fish had crossed the water, and after a few crystal splashes, Luo Lan appeared in a paradise-like place.

The sky is blue and misty, with a warm sun hanging above the head, the ground beneath the feet is particularly flat, the green grass is lush, the breeze blows, and waves of tiny ripples are immediately rippling.

What is particularly striking is that at the end of the vast and empty land, there are actually suspended continents floating like stages. There are a total of seven continents, which are superimposed layer by layer from large to small.

"Wow, what's going on in this world, those floating continents completely violate the rules of physics!" Taisi couldn't help but marvel when she saw the scene in front of her.

Luo Lan squinted and glanced at the surrounding environment, which was a bit similar to the appearance of the real star of the realm of the gods: "This is the real star of the gods. The so-called 'stars of gods' are actually seven superimposed continents."

"Don't walk around here, I'll take a look around."

After instructing Taisi a few words, Luo Lan's figure flashed, and suddenly it was like an electric light, flying quickly over the vast continent. After a long while, he walked around the first floor of the God-making Star. Generally speaking, this layer of continent is no different from other natural planets. There are lakes, oceans, mountains, and snow. The only difference is that the environment here is more beautiful, the vegetation is more lush, and it is more suitable for life and leisure.

But Zu Nuo said that the God-making Star is the planet where the Great Realm King God lives and tests. Now that he has seen the aspects of life, what about the trials—

Luo Lan's eyes projected onto the other continents floating in the sky, and immediately a stream of air flowed through her legs, and her body rose into the sky.

When it came to the second floor of the God-making Star.


It was as if a gong was ringing in my heart.

At the moment when both feet had just stepped on the land, an unnatural and strange force field suddenly acted on him. Luo Lan was startled and felt that his body had become a lot heavier.

10 times the standard gravity, similar to the previous gravity of Vegeta!

Immediately, I had a clear understanding in my heart that the situation of each layer of the God-making Star was different, and it was indeed prepared for the trial.

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