Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 121 The strange world

Luo Lan quickly figured out the structure of the god star.

This is a world composed of seven suspended continents. Each layer of continents has different gravity and cultivation environments. The first layer is equivalent to an ordinary weak planet, and the second layer is slightly more powerful, reaching 10 times the gravity of the earth. The third layer is even higher, reaching 20 times the gravity.

And as the number of layers rises, the natural vitality gradually increases, and even more rare spiritual vitality appears on the seventh floor, which is only available in the place where the gods live.

But the only thing that made Luo Lan feel unsatisfied was that in this world, apart from naturally growing plants and a few herbivorous animals, there were actually no stronger beasts.

"Sure enough, it is the place where the Great Realm King God lives, and the natural aura of the gods is cultivated..." Luo Lan shook his head, feeling a more natural aura than that of the Sarada planet.

The Kaiwang God is the god responsible for creation. Long years can allow them to obtain powerful divine power, but because the main business is creation, the accumulation of power will be relatively slow.

As for dealing with evildoers, that is not their job, and naturally there is a god of destruction corresponding to them to deal with.

It can be said that making a god star is a place to cultivate gods, and the environment here can provide a good opportunity to feel vitality. If the gods of the earth, or gods such as the King of Hell discover this place, they may be overjoyed, because the high-level vitality here can help them improve their dimensions and be promoted to higher-level gods.

But in terms of experience, the role it plays is extremely limited. After all, Luo Lan didn't come here to become a god who has an empty dimension but no fighting power like a realm king.

"Although it doesn't help me much to improve my strength, the strong vitality can stimulate the blood in the body, which is a good environment!"

Luo Lan murmured softly to himself, of course he did not forget what Zunuo said - relying on the vitality of the gods to force the awakening of the blood, the conflict between the vitality of the gods and the power of the giant ape will be full of crisis.

"Take your time and think about the long term."

Luo Lan did not get carried away by the excitement, and began to plan the next practice step by step.

The first step is to find a way to absorb the primordial qi of the god-making star; the second step, rely on the absorbed primal qi to slowly stimulate, release the power of the giant ape in the blood vessels, and rely on this power to solve the weakened power of the giant ape "The problem. Of course, because the divine energy has a more essential and profound power component than the energy in nature, it is very easy to conflict with the violent force of the giant ape, so it is necessary to continuously fine-tune the release process, any hasty behavior may be Let your body collapse.

The third is to further improve the strength and internal strength of the body on the basis of solving the problem of giant ape.

These are all in a hurry. Luo Lan intends to polish them carefully and spend a few years to complete these three steps in the building of the gods.


"Hey", when she returned to Taisi's side, she saw the blond beauty lying flat on the green grass, her eyes staring at the changing shape of the white clouds in the sky.

Seeing Luo Lan coming back, he jumped up from the ground. Luo Lan said that she might stay here for several years, and asked if she should be sent back to Earth, Taisi thought for a while, and gritted her teeth and said that she was going to retreat and write on the God-making Star, and she had to write a novel.

Luo Lan nodded with a smile, took out the universal capsule and threw it out. After a burst of smoke, a small two-story building appeared on the vast grass.

Luo Lan said: "There is enough food on this planet. I will prepare the ingredients and leave the cooking to you."

"Don't worry, my cooking skills are specially trained, which is great." Taisi stretched out her arms, with a look of "you can rest assured".

"Hope it!"

Luo Lan shrugged, then went to prepare food. Taisi also wanted to show off her craftsmanship. When she came up with the delicious food, Luo Lan was a little surprised. She couldn't see that this rich girl really knew how to cook, at least the dishes in front of her looked like All are good.

"Your cooking skills are not bad."

"Right, when did I lie to you!" Taisi was very proud.

Luo Lan smiled and said, "I will be a good wife and mother in the future."

Taisi laughed, cleaned up the dining table after eating, then brought out a table and chairs and put it outdoors, then took out the laptop from her backpack, and began to tap against the soft wind. The natural vitality permeating the air scattered around, making Taisi feel refreshed and smart, and typing is also very smooth.

"I feel like Wen Si is springing up now, and my brain is enlightened."

"This time I will definitely be able to write a successful novel!"

Taisi laughed excitedly like a silver bell, unaware that the crimson dress on her body was constantly fluttering in the breeze, revealing the fair and delicate skin of her legs...

Luo Lan feasted her eyes, but did not remind Taisi that she had disappeared. After watching it carefully for a moment, she teleported and came to the second floor of the God-making Star. Then he sat upright in the sky, like an old monk sitting cross-legged, thinking hard. In fact, he is now absorbing the rich vitality on the God-making Star.

and incorporate them into the body.

puff... puff...

A little bit of time passed, and one day, when Luo Lan felt that he had absorbed it almost, a faint light flashed from the surface of the eyeball, and a pale energy ball suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

After the energy ball was lifted into the air, it turned into a circle as white as jade.

Artificial Moon!

Luo Lan's eyes stared at the flawless white disc, the tail behind him was immediately stimulated, the hair stood up, and then the body began to swell, the eyes turned blood red, and with a roar, Luo Lan turned into a twenty A tall brown ape.


The deafening sound resounded in all directions. Frightened by this sound, the herbivorous animals in the big forest fled everywhere, and all kinds of birds spread their wings and flew towards the safe area.

"The next step is to accept the stimulation of vitality in the state of the giant ape. This step is very dangerous and must be careful."

The giant ape quieted down, and the blood-red eyes were filled with the divine light of wisdom, and he didn't lose his mind because of the ape transformation. This was the result of Luo Lan's cultivation on the planet Sarada.

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