Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 122 Five Years

Just when Luo Lan was training hard on the God-making Star.

On the Frieza Legion, the turmoil caused by Dodoria's disappearance has lasted for a long time. Everyone in the legion is in a state of turmoil, and they continue to investigate themselves, but they have never found Dodoria's whereabouts.

Frieza showed great concern for Dodoria's disappearance because he had just lost a warrior like Qiu Yi a few years ago.

Frieza headquarters planet.

Champo, Kicono and others were all present, and even the Ginuit team, which had been fighting outside, was transferred back to the headquarters. Not far away, Captain Ginyu was sitting on a luxurious chair, next to Likum, Bart and other members of the Ginuit team.

These people were smiling and relaxed, even in front of Frieza.

Frieza was sitting on his small flying machine, with a tail held under it, swaying constantly, his stern face was full of suffocating energy, even if he couldn't sense the breath, the people present could feel the frightening cold air. The anger brewing in Frieza's chest.

"It's been a long time since Dodoria lost news. First Qiu Yi and then Dodoria. During this period of time, two high-combat talents have been lost. Maybe some force is targeting us!"

Frieza's face was calm, and the bloody eyes of the devil swept to everyone present. Suddenly, the temperature of the room dropped.

The faces of the people present froze, and they were all treated with care.

Captain Ginyu said calmly: "King Frieza doesn't need to be angry. Although it's a pity about Dodoria, there is no shortage of high-combat talents in the universe. I think now we should pay more attention to the situation in the east of the Northern Galaxy."

"Captain Ginyu, have you encountered someone who is difficult to deal with?" Frieza asked in surprise.

The Ginuit team is the most powerful fighting team under Frieza. It is an elite force left to Frieza before King Crude retired. Although the number is small, there are only five members, but each of them has a strong team. In terms of strength, Captain Ginyu has an astonishing 120,000 combat power, and there are not many people who can compare with him in the entire Northern Galaxy.

Frieza has always been polite to the members of the Ginuit team.

Captain Ginyu said: "It is indeed a rather troublesome guy, it seems to be called... What II, I was almost injured by him in the initial fight, the opponent is a person who is good at using magic, he is not tall, but has a good reputation strength."

"Oh, it's no wonder that our raids in the east often fail. I didn't expect that there are people over there that make Captain Ginyu feel difficult for you."

Frieza smiled lightly, and his interest had shifted from Dodoria's inexplicable disappearance to the person in the mouth of Captain Ginyu. After all, the fat man Dodoria had been missing for so long, and most of them were already cold. Instead of focusing on one On the dead, it is better to move to a more interesting place.

Of course, although Frieza said so, in his heart he didn't pay much attention to the characters mentioned by Captain Ginyu. Because with his invincible strength, he has the qualification to stand on a high place like a god, overlooking the ups and downs of various characters in the entire universe.

A powerful force that allows Frieza to deal with everything with a calm and unhurried calm.

"It's not too tricky, but some magic is weird." Captain Ginyu was very casual.

"Hoho, there are still a few more valuable planets in the east. Do I need to go and deal with it in person? Speaking of which, I haven't done it myself for several years." A few rays of light appeared in Frieza's deep bloody eyes. , his face was extremely calm.

Captain Ginyu shook his head: "There is no need for the king to take action, and the small problems over there will naturally be handled by our Ginuit team."

Frieza nodded: "We must deal with it as soon as possible, there are many valuable planets over there."

"It's natural."

Captain Ginyu laughed, his face full of confidence.

"Yeah." Frieza hummed and turned to look at Champeau, "Mr. Champeau, the headquarters has lost Mr. Dodoria from now on. In the future, you can share more work. You can issue a solicitation order to select from the legion. Some credible fighters come into headquarters."

"As ordered."

Chambo nodded gracefully and stood beside him casually.


The distant Eastern Milky Way, that mysterious and unpredictable world.

Make a star.



A giant ape roared up to the sky, his hands were pushed forward, and a blue qigong wave roared out. When the qigong wave flew more than one thousand meters, the giant ape Luo Lan twisted his hands, and with a "huh", the qigong wave directly reversed the direction and rushed straight to the sky, followed by another operation, the qigong wave directly Falling from the sky, attacking himself.

Luo Lan clenched his fists and put them on his chest in a resisting posture.

Boom! !

The energy impact all slammed into the giant ape, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the shattered place instantly spread to a radius of 10,000 meters. The energy that was enough to destroy the entire planet exploded immediately, and a huge mushroom cloud rose in place. Like a star erupting, the dazzling light and shock waves slammed away in all directions with the explosion point as the center.

The smoke of gunpowder gradually dissipated, and the giant ape Luo Lan stood intact, with a solid body carrying the energy of the planet's destruction, but the surrounding scene became completely unrecognizable.

There are no beasts on the God-making Star that can provide Luo Lan to fight, so he can only keep blasting himself with energy.

Such self-mutilating practice constantly tempers the physical strength of the giant ape.

Suddenly, Luo Lan aimed at a rolling mountain in front of him, opened his mouth, and let out a long whistle. The rays of light flickered, and turbulent energy was ejected.

Boom! !

The glorious sun suddenly rose from the horizon, like a supernova explosion, and all the light became eclipsed at this moment. The energy flow ripped apart the space, forming a circle of vacuum fields. In the distance, the dangerous mountains that stretched for thousands of miles turned into powder at the moment of contact with the high-purity energy impact, leaving only a circle-shaped hole.

After a while, the effect of the artificial moon gradually faded, and Luo Lan returned to her human form, her body floating in mid-air.

Frowning slightly, Luo Lan realized his power in the state of a giant ape.

"Under the stimulation of vitality, the power of blood in the body has indeed increased, and the power of the giant ape has become much stronger than before, but there is still a long way to go before it is perfected."

Thinking of this, Luo Lan sat down quietly, and then mobilized the spirit technique to attract the vitality in the air, and applied the vitality to the tail.

Luo Lan has mastered the reason of the giant ape by relying on his own practice, so he must be very careful in this process. Any negligence may cause the power in the body to run wild.

Primordial Qi continued to enter the cells of the tail, the blood in the body suddenly accelerated, and a tyrannical and endless energy rose up. Luo Lan's consciousness gradually immersed in it, and in the deep consciousness of the brain, the image of the huge giant ape appeared again.

Vast, ancient, brutal!

The power is infinite!

The awe-inspiring and domineering figure of the giant ape overlooked from a high place, with blood-red eyes full of tyranny, as if it was a voice from ancient times, with a low roar, a shuddering feeling.

Luo Lan forced herself to keep looking at the image of the giant ape, constantly digging out the power of her body.


Time flies and keeps passing.

Five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

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