Whoops! !

The continental plate suddenly snapped.

The huge movement in the outside world alarmed Luo Lan. When he opened his eyes, he was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him. It turned out that the dense and vibrant forest was being burned, as if it had experienced a catastrophe.

"What's going on, even if all my energy explodes, it's impossible to cause such a huge change as the 'God-making Star'!"

The God-making Star is the planet where the Great Realm King God lived. Even if it is in the mortal world, its strength is comparable to the Jiewang Star of the Sifang Realm King. It is definitely not so easy to collapse. There must be some kind of problem.

Luo Lan couldn't understand why the seventh floor of the well-established God-making Star became like this, but he knew that he had to leave now.

"It's a pity, such a good training place has just collapsed."

Looking at the constantly collapsing continent, Luo Lan couldn't help but secretly felt a burst of regret. Just as he quickly crossed the continent and was about to return to the next layer of the continent, the seventh layer of the continent began to bulge from the center, a dark iron. The ball suddenly broke through the continental plate and drilled out from the ground.

This large iron sphere is huge, and if viewed from outer space, it is about the size of the moon.

"What it is?"

Luo Lan watched in astonishment and couldn't help but stop.

I saw the moment when the black big iron ball was drilled out of the ground, a strange ripple spread out in all directions. Affected by this strange wave, Luo Lan felt a trance, and the amazing thing was that as the wave continued to spread, the collapsed continent actually had a tendency to ease.

Gollum... puff puff. The big black iron ball made a piercing sound, just like the sound of boiling water in a kettle.

The iron ball flew high in the air, and the dark surface slowly shone with crystal clear light, and stripes of silver-white lines appeared on the surface of the iron ball. There are more and more silver-white lines. When the lines spread over the entire surface, the big iron ball suddenly starts to expand from the middle, and in a blink of an eye, it becomes a huge star with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

"It turned into a planet even bigger than the earth?!" A shocked expression flashed across his face, and Luo Lan watched from a distance.

There is such a strange thing hidden under the seventh floor of the God-making Star. What is it?

Luo Lan frowned and watched, unable to help secretly guess.

At this moment, the iron ball, which had already expanded to the size of a planet, changed again. The sphere began to unfold from the center, as if it were changing from a high dimension to a low dimension. The spherical object spread out into a flat surface. Extremely, there is no limit to see. On that plane, a hot and sticky air flow vaguely lingered, and a stream of mercury-like substances flowed on it, gradually converging into a majestic array.

Taking a closer look, there are crooked characters and all kinds of grotesque patterns appearing on the plane.

These characters and patterns are extremely large. If you look closely, you will find that every stroke of each character is like a river and a mountain, magnificent and magnificent, and it is basically the topography of a giant continent!

It is only because the distance is far enough that these mountains and rivers come together to give people a sense of words and patterns.

Luo Lan didn't know the thousands of words on it, but when the thoughts were projected, it seemed to have some kind of magic power. The meanings of these words naturally emerged in his mind, allowing him to understand the meaning directly. The first few big characters are impressively the three characters of "making a god star", and then there are detailed records about making a god star.

It turned out that this god-making star was not built by the Great Realm King God, but was left by a great god in the more distant past, and the Great Realm King God only lived on it later.

"The ancient gods are really idle and have nothing to do, and they made this big iron ball with great fanfare to record this information?"

Luo Lan couldn't help muttering in her heart, and then continued to read. According to the above records, there was an earth-shattering war in ancient times. In that war, the Alta, the strongest fighting nation in the universe, fought alone and blocked the front line, and they had only one opponent, and it was actually a ……cat!

"Could this cat be Beerus, the god of destruction?"

Luo Lan muttered to herself, arousing some interest.

To know the name of the fighting nation Alta, he had heard it before when he cultivated the human planet. This is the second time he heard news of this nation. And depending on the situation, the things recorded on the God-making Star are older than those on the Cultivation Planet, at least there is no information about the Saiyans on it.

The thousands of words were quickly swept away by Luo Lan. When he looked at the patterns, a strange scene suddenly appeared on his retina.

Returning to his senses, Luo Lan's figure has appeared in a hazy and illusory vast space. Just like in the ancient temple that cultivated the human planet, a magnificent scene appeared in ancient times. The tower people, they formed a siege and fought hard, but the object was a fat blue cat.

It wasn't the God of Destruction Beerus that Roland had thought before.

The fierce battle was staged in front of him. Luo Lan watched the scene while watching, and found that the Alta in the image was stronger than he imagined. But seeing countless planets collapse one after another, and the broken fragments of the planets are scattered in the galaxy, but even so, they are still not the opponents of the blue fat cat.

"This kind of strength, even if I become a giant ape, is far inferior. It is worthy of being an ancient fighting nation, but it is a pity that it has been buried in the long river of time."

The ancient Alta couldn't do anything about the blue cat. With the sacrifice of countless warriors, blood splattered the entire universe. Just when everyone felt hopeless, a crimson light suddenly appeared in the universe. He floated up and was enveloped in a crimson light, so mysterious that people couldn't see his face clearly.

But a pair of intimidating eyes is shining with divine light, even after countless years, it still gives Luo Lan a feeling of shocking mind.

As soon as the man appeared on the stage, he was like the center of the entire universe, shrouded in endless coercion. I saw him take a step forward like a stroll in the courtyard, raised his hand, and a mysterious light flashed in front of him. With just one blow, the blue cat that no one could defeat was directly defeated.



The ancient Altas cheered with ecstasy, their eyes filled with adoration and awe.

Seeing this, Luo Lan's pupils shrank suddenly, and then slowly enlarged.

"It turns out that that person is the 'Fengshen' recorded in the ancient temple. How he did it just now is too mysterious!"

That attack was extremely profound, and a simple action seemed to gather the essence of countless martial arts. That attack seemed to be an axe that opened up the world, directly prying open the corner of chaos, and the crystal clear trajectory was deeply imprinted in Luo Lan's heart.

The attack full of divine light kept flashing in his mind, and he seemed to have a little understanding, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't recall it.

This feeling of remembering but not being able to remember is so tiring, and hesitating, so much so that I don't even bother to look at the pictures that follow. At the end of the picture, the "Fengshen" disappeared in the eyes of everyone's reverence, leaving behind this god-making star before leaving.

The screen stopped abruptly.

After the large iron ball that spread out displayed the picture of "picturesque scenery", it seemed to have completed its mission, and suddenly began to shrink from the flat state and returned to the original iron ball shape. Then the big iron ball expanded further, and a chilling dark red blood light appeared on the surface.

The big iron ball trembled, and its volume continued to expand.

It seems that there is a tendency to crush everything.

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