Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 126 Five-Year Changes

Luo Lan stared blankly at the big iron ball that was getting bigger and bigger in front of him, and swallowed abruptly: "No way, is this thing going to crush the God-making Star?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dark iron ball continued to expand, and it expanded in a circle almost every second. A dark red microwave was generated on the surface of the iron ball. This dark microwave spread out, and everything involved in the storm was turned into powder.

In the blink of an eye, half of the seventh floor of the God-making Star has been destroyed by the microwave of the iron ball. This trend will soon destroy the entire God-making Star.

At this time, Luo Lan had already concluded that the God-making Star would definitely not be able to be preserved. After he recovered, he hurried to the next floor, and now he had to leave this dangerous place quickly.


On the first floor of the God-making Star, Taisi was revising the first few volumes of her novel, and suddenly a layer of gust of wind pressed down from the sky, and the messy strong wind blew against the hair in front of her forehead.

Taisi ruffled her hair, but when she raised her head, she saw a strange dark red in the sky, just like the fiery clouds before the sun set, but the dark red was even more oppressive and had a feeling of being breathless.

Boom, boom!

The ground also trembled, Taisi couldn't continue her writing at all, and said dissatisfiedly: "When Luo Lan is practicing, you can't be quieter, so I can't write."

Shaking her head, Taisi put away the laptop and put it in her backpack. At this moment, Luo Lan's figure appeared in front of Taisi.

"Tais, hurry up and get out of here with me, the god star is about to die."

Taisi's eyes glared at the boss: "What is it? You shouldn't have destroyed this planet because of your cultivation, right?"

Luo Lan opened his mouth, although the collapse of the God-making Star was a bit inexplicable, but in the final analysis it seemed to have something to do with him: "Don't worry about it, I'll take you out of here immediately."

"Oh, then I'll clean up."

"What else to pack, bring your notebook and leave quickly." Luo Lan shouted, then picked up Taisi's backpack, put on protective gear for her, and flew directly to the outside of the God-making Star.

Boom! !

The sky was blood red, and the original emerald beauty completely disappeared. Taisi hugged Luo Lan's body and looked at the scene behind her with beautiful eyes. The apocalyptic scene was deeply imprinted in her heart, especially the iron ball bigger than the planet, which seemed to arouse her infinite creative desire.

call out!

As if passing through a layer of water curtain, Luo Lan took Taisi back to the vast space of the universe. The green entrance distorted in a strange shape behind him was filled with dark red flames.

Arriving at the safe area smoothly, Luo Lan was still worried, and continued to retreat for a long distance. The two tai chi-shaped planets in sight were still motionless, and everything was exactly the same as before they entered the god-making star. . But Luo Lan knew that the inner world was on the verge of collapse.

"There seems to be no movement?" Taisi pressed against Luo Lan's body, and Luo Lan could feel the softness on her body.

"The interior of the God-making Star has collapsed."

Sure enough, not long after Luo Lan finished speaking, the two planets standing quietly in the starry sky seemed to have suddenly encountered an attack from an invisible black hole.

Taisi caressed her chest with a look of fear: "Fortunately, we escaped quickly, otherwise we would have died."

Luo Lan said regretfully: "It's a pity that the God-making Star is such a good place. If it can always exist, it will be an excellent cultivation paradise."

"It's a pity." Taisi nodded, after all, it was a place where she had lived for five years, and she also had some feelings. Now that it was suddenly destroyed, she couldn't help but feel some reluctance in her heart.

"Where are we going next?" Taisi asked.

"First go back to Planet Sarada, and then send you back to Earth, and take you out for five years. If you don't go back, Dr. Brives will think that I have lost you." Although Luo Lan knew that Dr. Brives was intentional Let Taisi follow him, but there is no news for five years after leaving, which is always bad.

Taisi burst out laughing: "I am so old, how can I get lost so easily."

Luo Lan smiled faintly, pinched Taisi's body hard, and hugged her hard when the other party was about to struggle. After leaving the space where the God-making Star was located, his teleportation ability became flexible again.

"Quiet, I'm going to activate teleportation now." Luo Lan's voice came.

Taisi pouted and calmed down.

After that, Luo Lan aimed at the location of the Sarada planet, and the teleportation ability was activated suddenly, only a blur of light and shadow flickered.


Five years can change a lot.

The strength of the planet Sarada has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past few years. The Saiyan family is a nation that is good at fighting, and it can be rated as a fighting nation, naturally because the whole family has a lot of fighting power.

Now Sarada planet is the most powerful force in the surrounding star field.

The name of the Saifei faction gradually started in the west of the Northern Galaxy.

Aso was one of the Saiyans who was rescued by Luo Lan. Originally, he only had the qualifications of a lower-level warrior, but now he has been an adult for two years. If, according to the previous growth trajectory, the lower-level warriors can reach a combat power of about 1,000 when they are adults, it is already quite a good result. However, after moving to the planet Sarada and nourished by the rich vitality of the mother planet, Aso's potential has emerged. huge changes.

Although these Saiyans living on the planet Sarada cannot actively absorb vitality like Luo Lan, but relying on the natural absorption little by little, the blood in the body is constantly strengthening.

Saiyans like Aso who have grown up on the planet Sarada can generally reach 2000 combat power, which is equivalent to the qualifications of the original intermediate warriors.

Of course, this is not counting the hard training. Nowadays, the technology on the Sarada planet is developed. With the assistance of the Lis, almost every Saiyan is equipped with a large gravity training room. It is not too difficult to break through 3000 combat power when you are an adult.

The best batch of the Sarada planet, the combat power has even exceeded 5,000!

"After a while, the special forces will recruit people. With my strength, if I don't work hard, the chances of being selected are still very slim."

In the gravity room, the young Saiyan warrior Aso practiced against the strong gravity, and the crystal sweat was seeping out like running water, but in order to officially join the special forces, Aso persisted in his practice.

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