Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 127 Mixed blood

"Aso, there needs to be a new batch of hunters on the planet of cultivating people. Are you interested in teaming up with us?" Walking on the street, a burly adult Saiyan invited Aso.

Asuo shook his head and refused: "I want to win the assessment of the special forces, so I won't go to cultivate human planets during this time, you should find someone else."

"That's it!" The Saiyan scratched his head.

At this moment, another Saiyan came over, "Hahaha, Garvo, don't disturb Aso, he wants to join the special forces, not like us old bones."

"Also, the younger generation of Saiyans all want to join the special forces. Asso, you have to work hard. The assessment of the special forces is quite strict, and those with a basic combat power below 3000 will not be accepted!" The Saiyan patted Aso hard on the shoulder.

Aso nodded vigorously: "So I will redouble my efforts, hoping to stand out among the Saiyans this year."

"Yes, yes, there should be such vigor."

Garwo laughed. Compared with the Saiyans of the new generation, the Saiyans who were adults during the Vegeta era were much worse. They were originally exiled lower-level warriors, and their aptitudes were not good. In addition, he is already an adult, even if he has practiced the technique of "Qi", it is not as smooth as the new generation.

But even so, Garwo and the others have felt very satisfied, because what they have achieved now is unimaginable in the past.

"Let's go, young brother, the future of the Sarada planet will be handed over to you. We old guys should go to the cultivation planet and enjoy the battle. By the way, the Vine girls on the Qingteng star are also very good, I want to Make a contribution and propagate the Saiyan bloodline."

"You guy, there are already four children in the family, and you are going to spoil those beautiful Vine girls."

"Haha, I just contribute to the ethnic group."

Saying that, the veteran Saiyans such as Garvor laughed and walked towards the docking place of the spaceship while talking dirty words.

Asuo shook his head and watched the seniors gradually walk away, and then his face became serious. He would definitely pass the special forces assessment this time.

The assessment of the special forces will be held every two years. Only three to five members with the best comprehensive strength are recruited each time. The most elite Saiyan warriors are recruited. The competition is very fierce. Since the establishment of the special operations force, there are only twelve members.

These twelve people are the leaders of the new generation, and now they all have a strength of more than 5,000 combat power.

Walking through the slender and wide avenues, the dark columnar high platforms are distributed near the city where the Saiyans live. These black high platforms are ferocious and have distinct water chestnuts. They are high-energy particle weapons built by the Lis people. Powerful, when an enemy invades the planet Sarada, these artillery turrets will be launched into the air, forming a dense defense network with orbiting satellites distributed in outer space.

It is said that the maximum power of this high-energy particle weapon can reach 0.5 degrees of energy per shot.

"Degree" is the unit of energy set by Dr. Breves and the Lithian scientists using the cosmic energy measurement method. 1 degree of energy is equivalent to a full blow with 10,000 combat power.

0.5 degrees of energy is 5,000 combat power, which means that when these dark-looking turrets really show their power, the attack strength is not weaker than a soldier with 5,000 combat power, and the terrifying energy can cause large-scale damage to the plate. Under such a dense network of protection, any enemy who invades the planet Sarada will be beaten into a sieve.

With the current technology, the power of high-energy particle weapons has reached this level. space technology, each shot will reach 1 degree of energy, which is an attack of 10,000 combat power.

Such weapons are still in the development stage.

With the genius of Dr. Brives and the assistance of Ebony and others, such research will surely be successful.

In addition, in these years, in addition to assisting Dr. Brives' research, the 100,000 Lithians have also built a space corridor in the outer space of the Sarada planet. This space corridor revolves around the Sarada planet, just like the star ring of a gaseous planet. It is usually used for various high-energy experiments, and can be transformed into an interstellar fortress armed to the teeth during wartime.

"Yo, boy, are you training?" Sonori looked at Aso with Erlang's legs crossed at the door of a training ground.

Asuo nodded and said, "Yes, I want to be trained."

"One million empty gold per hour, equivalent to 0.1 gold!" Sonori quoted the price.

"Here's a hijin, I'm going to train for ten hours." Aso handed out a five-centimeter-long silver-white metal bar.

When Sonori saw it, she opened the door of the training ground with a smile and shouted inside: "Little guys, there is another guest coming, 'entertain' him well!"

"Got it, boss."

The combatants of the original Sonori Adventure Group inside answered in unison.

In the past few years, Sonori has been prosperous on the planet Sarada, and even opened a training ground dedicated to training Saiyans, earning Xijin happily. A lot of money is made easily every day, and the resentment that was forced to join the Saifei faction has already disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, it's really cool to be able to make money while sitting."

Sonori crossed her legs, took out a radish that was said to have been shipped from the earth, and nibbled happily.


"Sonori, you're being lazy again."

With a lazy voice, Luo Lan appeared beside Sonori with Taisi in her arms.

"Ah, Brother Luo Lan!" Sonori jumped up from the bench in shock, and her rose-red eyes glanced at Luo Lan and Taisi, "It feels different, you guys have a weird aura. "

It is probably the influence of the vitality of the gods... Luo Lan secretly said to Sonori: "Take me around the Sarada planet and introduce the development of the past few years."

"Okay okay."

Sonori put away the radish, followed Luo Lan's side, and introduced him to the changes in the past five years.

Speaking of changes, the biggest change is the population change of the Saiyans on the Sarada planet. Five years have passed, and most of the Saiyans who were rescued by Luo Lan have already grown up. This result will naturally lead to an explosive population growth. The original more than 200 Saiyans have now multiplied to more than 500 people. These are pure blood Saiyans.

As for hybrids, there are even more hybrid Saiyans born from the union of Vine girls. Those male Saiyans who have grown up since the time of Star Vegeta seem to have become seeders. In just a few years, countless The Fuji girl was conceived, and the number of mixed-race Saiyans born almost exceeded a thousand.

Fortunately, the appearance of the Fuji people is basically the same as that of the Saiyans. Except for the hair color and eye color, the difference is really very small. In addition, the Saiyan bloodline is strong, and the children born have the characteristics of the Saiyans, so Hertz and others are also very much in favor of mixing with the Vine.

Of course, such mixed blood is limited to male Saiyans and Vine girls, and the Saiyan bloodline after the mixed blood must be guaranteed to be more than half, and the next generation will never be allowed to continue to mix blood, making the Saiyan bloodline as low as one-fourth one.

Because if it continues to lower, it can no longer be said to be a Saiyan hybrid, but an outflow of Saiyan blood.

For weak races, it is equivalent to gaining a powerful bloodline and strengthening themselves.

This is a big problem of racial existence, and neither Hertz nor Roland can accept it. Half of the Saiyan bloodline is already the bottom line, and it must not be lower.

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Happy Mid-autumn Festival! !

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