Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 128 Seventy-four thousand combat power

After that, Luo Lan and Taisi visited the entire Saiyan city under the leadership of Sonori. Because the scope was not large, it didn't take much time to walk around.

What makes Luo Lan feel satisfied is the current living conditions of the Saiyans. Almost every Saiyan on the Sarada planet has its own training ground and gravity room. The favorable living conditions make all Saiyan warriors from childhood. Have a good training environment. Looking at the vibrant appearance of each Saiyan warrior, Luo Lan was full of hope for this race.

At this time, he saw a few Saiyan children running by the side, the black hair tips were a little green, and those children were all mixed races of Saiyan and Vine.

"Every mixed-race Saiyan has strictly registered the information of their parents, and is raised and trained by the parenting department. When they grow up, they will be married in a suitable group of people. It is absolutely not allowed to reduce the Saiyan blood in the body. ."

Sonori briefly introduced the situation here.

Luo Lan nodded, agreeing in her heart.

Although this kind of treatment seems a bit inhumane and seems to be hindering free love, it is not. The management part only divides the scope of marriage. These mixed-race Saiyans can still marry other mixed-race Saiyans or pure-blooded Saiyans. people marry.

These headquarters will not manage, but only can no longer be combined with other races.

One-half of the bloodline is the bottom line that cannot be moved, and it is also a measure to prevent the outflow of Saiyan bloodline.

Next, Sonori introduced other aspects of the Sarada planet. Luo Lan listened quietly and felt very satisfied.

Whether it is technological progress or population development, Sarada has made great progress, especially in terms of population, the number of mixed-race Saiyans plus pure-blooded Saiyans has exceeded 1,500, although most of them are It is a young child, but compared with the number of more than 200 in the early years, it has doubled several times.

In the long run, Luo Lan hopes that there will be more pure-blooded Saiyans, and once the number of mixed-blooded Saiyans reaches a certain level, they need to stop them, so as to prevent the Saiyans' blood from being assimilated or weakened by foreign blood.

"Where's Dr. Breaves?" Roland asked.

"He and the Lis family are researching super-energy annihilation weapons, and it seems that they have tested samples. After the development of warships, every warship will be equipped with such weapons."

Sonori turned out to be disdainful of technological weapons. After all, for a master like her who can destroy a city with a single blow, what is the use of technological weapons, it's just a child's toy. More than 300 combat powers can hit the power of nuclear bombs, and tens of thousands of combat powers are at the level of civilization extinction.

However, as Dr. Breaves fiddled with high-energy particle weapons, which could hit 5,000 combat power in one shot, Sonori began to pay less attention to the power of technology.

It turns out that the development of scientific and technological power to the high-end can also exert unimaginable power.

Dr. Brives has been running on both sides of the earth and the Sarada planet in recent years. The giant spacecraft of Luo Lan is used by Dr. Brives. The equipment on it has been comprehensively upgraded, and its attack and protection capabilities are both strong. It has improved several grades, of course, the improvement of sound effects is the most significant.

"By the way, this is a little thing that the doctor made some time ago, which can detect higher-intensity energy responses!"

Sonori took out a lens-type detector, which is square and flat, and has a more technological sense than the original detector.

"Can you take a look at it?" Taisi's demure voice came over.

Sonori knew that the pretty blond lady was Dr. Brives' daughter, so she handed over the probe in her hand.

Taisi played with the detector, and after detecting Sonori, she found that she could switch between two display modes, one is the previous combat power display, and the other is simpler, which is the degree display. The energy value on Sonori's body is " 2.5 degrees".

Sonori has a combat power of 25,000, which has improved a lot in recent years.

He smiled and said to Luo Lan, "Let me test your strength."

Luo Lan said: "Don't you know my combat power?"

"The exact value is not clear." Taisi smiled slightly, her bright eyes full of interest, and said that she had aimed the detector at Luo Lan.

Luo Lan shrugged and let Taisi look at him.

"Release the breath a little bit, or I can't measure it at all."

"All right."

Luo Lan reluctantly responded, her expression became serious, slam... A majestic cyclone rolled up around her body, and suddenly it was like a thunderous clear sky smashed down, the earth trembled slightly, and a few stones floated up. Since Luo Lan precisely controls the power on his body, the impact on the surrounding is not particularly serious.

"Beep beep!" The detector responded, and the value remained at 7.4 degrees after flashing several times.

74000 combat power!

"It's not bad, about the same as what I estimated." Luo Lan leaned over and looked at the detector in Taisi's hand.

"Let me see how your combat power is, little brother... Hey, 7.4 degrees?! Isn't that 74,000 combat power? God, how did you cultivate?!" Sonori walked over and looked at the top of the eye detector. The data, some rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then he was stunned.

"74000 combat power, I don't know when it will be reached?" Sonori murmured and repeated, feeling very uneasy.

She has been quite proud of raising 5,000 combat power in the past few years, but she didn't want Luo Lan to be more terrifying, so she directly reached 74,000 combat power!

Are Saiyans such a scary race? No, Luo Lan's situation is definitely a special case.

Luo Lan smiled indifferently: "Don't be surprised, it's just more than 70,000 points of combat power. I think Syphilia must be higher than me!"

Sonori took a deep breath, remembering the even more terrifying guy Syphilia, and said with a complicated expression: "Yes, both of you sisters and brothers are monsters!"

Five years ago, she had a combat power of 37,000, how strong should she be now?

At this moment, under the influence of Luo Lan's majestic power, all Saiyans on the Sarada planet who have learned breath sensing felt this majestic power, and thought it was some powerful enemy invasion, and they all acted. stand up. When Herz rushed over with his brigade eagerly, when he saw Luo Lan, a surprise appeared on his face.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Luo Lan. I thought it was some powerful enemy that invaded the planet Sarada! My dear, I haven't seen him for a few years, but his strength has become so terrifying."

Herz came over with a big laugh, and nodded slightly towards Taisi.

"It's an achievement."

Luo Lan's words were full of pride, and he glanced at a group of Saiyans beside Herz. There were twelve people in total, each with a combat power of more than 5,000. The best ones were close to 8,000, which was exactly what he was optimistic about before. Several people.

This is the Sarada Planet Special Forces, the strongest team on the Sarada planet.

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