Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 135 Thunderbolt Steel

The assessment of the special forces only took half a day. Under the storm of more than 100 Saiyan warriors, the "weak" Gabai people had no ability to resist, and soon they were destroyed by the attack of Saiyan warriors.

You must know that these Saiyans who are eligible to participate in the special combat force assessment have at least 3,000 combat power, and the strong ones are close to 5,000 combat power. With such a large-scale fighter attacking together, even high-level planets will be quickly attacked.

On the way back, every soldier was full of excited smiles. Of course, there were also Saiyans who were sighing about the extinction of a race, but there was no way. Interstellar is looking at who's fist is big, and if the fist is not big enough, don't try to infect others. people's interests. The cause and effect of all this was already determined when Gabairen set their sights on Qingteng Star. Saiyans are well versed in the rules of the universe, so once they are provoked by others, there is absolutely no reason to be soft-hearted. It is the same for any power in the universe.

When he got home and put down his luggage, Saiyan Aso found that his door was open, and when he walked into the bedroom, he saw a soft and cute little girl lying on his bed and sleeping soundly. When he heard the door closing , the little girl rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up, and she quickly floated up after seeing Asuo.

"Brother Aso, have you passed the assessment?" Noel asked.

Asuo said: "Passed, I will report to the special forces in the next day, and then receive training from Sister Naris and the others."

Noel said happily: "That's great, I'll just say that Brother Aso has worked hard for so long, and he will definitely pass. I'll celebrate today."

"Yes, it should be celebrated." Asuo nodded. The special forces assessment is only held every two years. Only three to five members with the best grades are recruited at a time. The competition can be said to be very fierce. an easy thing to do.

At this time, the little girl Noel came over mysteriously and whispered: "You know, I heard from Sister Naris that Lady Queen came back from outside, and she was with Lady Luo Lan."

Aso said in astonishment: "Both adults are back?"

"Well, and I heard from Sister Naris that Her Lady Queen has become so powerful now that even if all the soldiers of the special forces unit take action together, they are no match for Her Lady Queen."

"After all, she's the queen! Of course, her strength is one of the best among Saiyans." Aso said with admiration.

Five years ago, Syphilia's strength was the highest on the entire Sarada planet. Now that five years have passed, his strength has not increased to a certain level. Isn't it normal to defeat the special forces? When I think of joining the special forces After the troops, he could be exposed to higher-intensity battles, and Asuo felt that his whole body was boiling.

"I have to work as hard as brother Aso. I have 1,400 combat power now, and I must reach 2,000 when I am an adult." Noel clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

"Come on, it's definitely possible."

Aso touched Noel's head, even though she looked like a little girl now, she was actually 14 years old.


Luo Lan's home.

Holding the latest list of special forces in his hand, Luo Lan looked up the usual performance of the soldiers on the list while enjoying the service of the girls from the Vine clan.

Now there are only Luo Lan and the Vine girl who serves him in the living room. Taisi has returned to Earth a few days ago and may be busy publishing her novel now. Luo Lan knew the trick to strengthening the body, so he immersed himself in training, and wanted to strengthen his body to the extent that he could stay in the universe like Luo Lan.

This woman doesn't want to be behind Luo Lan at all, and is now practicing hard in the gravity room.

After reading the Saiyan information for a while, Luo Lan put these things aside. It should have been decided by Syphilia, but Syphilia pushed it all to Luo Lan on the grounds that she wanted to cultivate. .

Ding-dong, the doorbell rang, and Ebony walked in with his clan.

A few days ago, Wumu had been building a floating space island after receiving Luo Lan's instructions, but because the strongest "Thunderbolt Steel" was needed, the construction of the space island was not progressing very quickly. Fortunately, Luo Lan did not. In a hurry to use it now, let the ebony slowly build. To know that slow work and careful work, Luo Lan needs this space island to be able to withstand the power of his giant ape.

"Is there any news about Thunderbolt?" Luo Lan asked, the girl from the Vine clan obediently walked to the other room to prepare snacks.

Ebony Road: "A planet rich in thunderbolt steel has been discovered. It is located in the void area bordering the Northern Galaxy and the Western Galaxy, but... there are some masters there. If we want to trade, we may encounter some obstacles."

The so-called rare is precious. Thunderbolt steel is a rare and precious resource in the universe. It is the best material for building warships and weapons. Therefore, the origin planet has always been controlled by major forces. Even if you want to trade, it will be used as a rare commodity. A wave of price gouging in the name of .

Luo Lan pondered after hearing the words, tapped the armrest lightly with his fingers, making a thumping sound, and suddenly said coldly: "No matter who is a master, don't be afraid, you bring some Saiyan warriors as bodyguards, and Brive Dr. Si's super-energy annihilation weapon has also been formed, bring some tests, if the other party comes according to the rules, you are polite to do business, and if you take the opportunity to drive up the price, you are not polite."

Ebony's face froze: "I know how to do it."

"Anything else?"

Ebony looked confused: "Master, there is a group of my clansmen who are going to sell on the Tanger planet, so..."

Luo Lan said: "As long as it is a talent like you, just go and buy it."

Nowadays, the scale of Qingteng Star is growing day by day, and with the sale of all-purpose capsule products, the trade scale of Qingteng Star is no less than that of the large-scale commercial planet Tanger Planet. To planet trade and slave trade.

Luo Lan knows that the growth of a force is inseparable from scientific and technological talents. Even if the role of these scientific and technological talents in research and development is not comparable to that of Dr. Brives, they are also valuable resources. Coupled with the financial source of Qingteng Xing, he is not short of money now, and it is only a small expense to buy a batch of Lithians like Ebony.

"Thank you... thank you master." Ebony was grateful.

Luo Lan nodded lightly with a smile, and after asking the girl from the Vine tribe to bring some snacks to Ebony, she saw that the other party left full of energy.

Not long after, Syphilia walked out of the training room, covered in a wet towel, as if she had just taken a shower, when Luo Lan saw her body and moved halfway to the side.

Syphilia sat down beside Luo Lan, a faint scent wafting from her body, "How long will it take to complete the space island?"

"Ebony just came to report, and when enough thunderbolt steel is collected, the construction will start soon." Luo Lan smelled the fragrance of Syphilia, feeling refreshed. She didn't know what shower gel she was using. It smells good.

Syphilia nodded, frowning slightly, "It's going to take a long time, let them speed up." Luo Lan said: "Don't worry, the matter of levitating the space island will take your time. By the way, you How's your vitality strengthening going?"

"I don't understand, your vitality strengthening method is too difficult, I have to study it more carefully."

Luo Lan smiled and said: "If we don't have another 'consciousness training' and the spiritual level is connected, some of my insights can be quickly passed on to you."

Recommendation: Cultivation 100,000 years before history, go back to 100,000 years ago with advanced knowledge of cultivation.

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