The so-called "consciousness cultivation", in Luo Lan's view, is no different from dual cultivation. A man and a woman cultivate with each other, which is equivalent to building a spiritual world together, which is the connection of the spiritual level!

Since this time it is to "transmit information", the connection at the spiritual level is also deeper than the previous "consciousness cultivation" - it requires the other party's complete acceptance and complete reception of information exchanges in order to "perceive" transmit past.

Syphilia did not have the concept of "double cultivation", so she did not refuse. Soon the two of them sat quietly, connected with each other's spirits, and then practiced in a white space of consciousness.

In the consciousness space, everything inside is shaped by the spirits of the two. Because Luo Lan has practiced spiritual techniques, he is stronger than Sephiria in terms of spiritual power, so he is the leader in the spiritual world. Soon an environment suitable for comprehension of vitality was created, and the appearance was similar to the appearance of "making a god star".

Luo Lan held Sefilia's hand and peeped into her spiritual world. Immediately, the method of strengthening vitality was passed on through consciousness.

Unlike the previous simulation of the giant ape, this time Luo Lan directly channeled his spiritual power into Syphilia's mind.

With a soft moan in her mouth, Syphilia felt that her spiritual body was completely controlled by the other party. This feeling of being controlled by the other party made her feel uncomfortable. Rolling her eyes at Luo Lan, but seeing the other party's serious face, Syphilia silently followed Luo Lan's practice.

Syphilia is also a high-level warrior, and her cultivation talent is naturally very good. Under the guidance of Luo Lan, she gradually mastered the method of strengthening vitality.

Time is constantly flowing, and 24 hours have passed in the consciousness space.

In reality, it is only a moment’s work. This wonderful time difference is the difference between the spiritual world and the real world. Perhaps the spiritual time house in the Earth Temple is a combination of the components of consciousness cultivation, and then built through some magical ability.


After finishing the consciousness training, Syphilia's glamorous face was slightly flushed with red light.

"This feeling is quite strange!" Syphilia bit her lip, feeling that her secrets were completely spied on by others.

"Direct contact with spiritual consciousness is the most direct way to transmit perception. No one can enjoy this except you." Luo Lan was serious, as if you had taken advantage of it. This is indeed the case. If it wasn't for the close relationship between Syphilia and himself, he would not have passed on his spiritual insights at all.

Syphilia nodded and said, "After this practice, my understanding of vitality enhancement is different."

"Yeah!" Luo Lan was full of smiles.

Luo Lan also hopes that Syphilia can use the means of vitality enhancement to adapt herself to the environment of the cosmic vacuum. After all, as her strength continues to increase, so does the level of combat. She will continue to challenge the powerhouse with high energy value and destroy the planet. risks are also increasing. If the opponent suddenly destroys the planet in a desperate situation at that time, Syphilia, who has no ability to survive in a vacuum environment, will be very dangerous.

It is true that teleportation can help her escape such danger, but there are accidents in everything, and if she faints, she will really have to wait to die.

Syphilia also recognized this, and that's why she tried so hard to master this ability.

To a certain extent, she is also competing with Luo Lan, after all, she is such a woman who refuses to admit defeat.

The two rested for a while, and Luo Lan remembered what Dr. Breaves had told him about the planet of human cultivation before, so he told Syphilia about the ruins of Alta. After Syphilia heard this, a smile appeared on her elegant face, and she was very interested in the situation over there.

Last time, she regretted for a long time because she missed the demon Puyi and the god-making star. This time, she must go and see it.

"I want to know what is the difference between the ancient fighting nations and our Saiyans." Syphilia's mouth curled up indifferently.

Luo Lan said: "To be honest, I don't know the appearance of the Altas very well. Although I have seen their battle scenes, because the whole body is wrapped in strong arrogance, I can't see their appearance at all."

"Come on, let's go to the planet of cultivating people."


The siblings looked at each other and smiled. Syphilia took the initiative to take Luo Lan's hand, and Luo Lan was a little stunned. Shouldn't he go and hold Syphilia's hand at this time? This position is a bit reversed. !

Or because of this thin body, when he grows up in a few years, he will regain the initiative... Holding Syphilia's icy slender hand, Luo Lan thought silently in her heart.


A curtain of water suddenly appeared in the space, and the waves rippled for a while, and the figures of Luo Lan and Syphilia disappeared.

Cultivate the planet.

Entering here after a few years of absence, looking at the surrounding scene, it is no different from a few years ago. The cultivator planet is a place where cultivators are distributed everywhere, because when the Saiyans hunted the cultivators, they hunted them one by one in different regions, which largely preserved the reproduction of the cultivators.

So even after years of hunting by Saiyan warriors, the number of cultivators has not decreased.

On a hill, the silhouettes of Luo Lan and Syphilia appeared floatingly, scanning the surrounding scenery lightly, Luo Lan's face was indifferent.

At this time, the chaotic and complicated energy aura on the planet of the cultivator entered Luo Lan's perception range. In addition to the cultivator with a combat power between one or two thousand, there were also many Saiyan warriors who had been trained on the planet of the cultivator. Among them, there were many Saiyan warriors. One is particularly powerful, probably close to 20,000.

It should be the warrior responsible for keeping the Saiyans safe.

Luo Lan and Syphilia teleported along the aura and found that it was Sonori's younger brother Thorne.

Since the development of Ivy Star has been on the right track, especially since the deployment of the humanoid robot invented by Dr. Brives, in addition to the warriors who maintain the daily order, powerful warriors like Thorne and Hertz have all withdrawn, come back Later, Sonori opened a Saiyan training ground, and Thorne's job was to take care of the situation on the planet that cultivated people.

On a shady slope, a clear stream flows by.

The rock that protrudes outwards acts like a parasol, blocking the scorching sun. Thorne was lying comfortably on a reclining chair, with a variety of fresh drinks on the small table next to him. Nole people like him like natural vegetables and fruits the most.

When Roland and Syphilia came to Thorne, the green-skinned Norai jumped up abruptly.

"Lord Luo Lan, Lord Sefilia!"

Luo Lan nodded towards him, "Take me to the place where the ruins of the Altars were discovered."

"Okay, please come with me." Thorne nodded quickly.

Then, under the leadership of Thorne, Luo Lan and Syphilia followed, and soon came to a plateau on the other side of the planet. This is a very desolate place, there are not many plants around, some vegetation and mountain trees grow sporadically on the ground, and the ground is also very dry.

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