Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 142 Collection

After a long while, the thick smoke gradually disappeared, and what appeared in front of us was a scene of ruin. The plateau with faults had completely disappeared, and a purgatory world full of magma flowing downwards was replaced.

Without human intervention, it may take thousands of years for the natural environment to restore it.

Luo Lan was floating in the air, and at this time the effect of the giant ape had begun to pass. Looking at the plateau that had been destroyed beyond recognition, Luo Lan's mind was still immersed in the attack just now.

At the end, the opponent seemed to give up resistance, otherwise he would not have been able to defeat the opponent so easily.

"Strange Alta, who had tried so hard not to let me get close to the altar, but in the end he couldn't even resist!" Thinking of the strange expression on the other side's face when he saw him use the "Fengshen" trick, Luo Lan guessed: " Maybe that Alta person recognized this trick, so he gave up resistance!"

That "Fengshen" is the god of the Alta people's belief, it is possible to say so!

But then again, the appearance of the Altas made Luo Lan feel familiar, with aqua blue complexion and orange hair, there was a sense of deja vu, but Luo Lan couldn't remember anything.

"never mind."

Shaking his head, he forgot about the Alta people.

Luo Lan took out the fairy beans to treat the injuries on his body. After his body recovered, he found that his strength had improved a little. He smiled lightly, and then flashed to the original altar position. The stone pillar that was blessed by a strange force stood intact, even after being attacked by an almost planet-destroying attack, it still stood.

Looking at the red dragon ball with a diameter of one meter enshrined on the altar, Luo Lan finally had time to study it.

Take out the Dragon Ball Radar from the different-dimensional space and look at it, and a bright golden light source appears on the display of the Dragon Ball Radar.

"This weird glass ball is really a Dragon Ball! Strange, there are such Dragon Balls in the Dragon Ball world. The orange-red crystal surface is normal, but there is actually a dragon inside, and it's still red?"

"Looks like amber!"

In Luo Lan's memory, the only red dragon that appeared was the red dragon summoned by the Black Star Seven Dragon Balls in the GT world. But that was also summoned by the dragon balls of seven black stars, not the dragon in front of him.

The power of Dragon Ball is directly linked to its size.

If a dragon ball with a diameter of one meter can summon the dragon inside, it must be more powerful than the dragon of Namek, Polenga.

Just not to mention whether the dragon can be summoned or not, the red dragon in it alone makes Luo Lan a little terrified, maybe it will cause some disaster!

Forget it, let's put it away first!

Luo Lan sighed inwardly, and it's better not to blindly use the Red Dragon Ball until the origin of the Red Dragon Ball is known. Of course, it's impossible for Luo Lan to give up this Dragon Ball in vain, after all, he finally got it through hard work and hard work.

Sparks like steel collided with each other. Luo Lan opened the portal of the different dimension and ingested the whole red dragon ball. Not to mention, the weight of this dragon ball was quite heavy.

Not long after Luo Lan put the red dragon ball into the other-dimensional space, a few figures flew from one end of the sky, and the leader was Syphilia.

Followed by Thorne, as well as some Saiyan warriors who had been trained on the planet of cultivators.

Syphilia fell to Luo Lan's side, and seeing him looking intact, she couldn't help but sighed in relief, "I was about to take them away when I felt that the breath of that Alta man disappeared, how did you defeat him? his?"

Bright eyes stared at Luo Lan, and the beautiful face made Luo Lan have the urge to pinch lightly.

"I don't know. After I practiced the tricks I saw from the God-making Star, the Alta suddenly stopped resisting." Luo Lan shook her head.

Syphilia was surprised: "Is there such a thing?"

Immediately, he glanced at the vast land that was devastated beyond recognition, and frowned slightly, with his pale eyebrows, "Has that red dragon ball been put away by you?"

"Yes." Luo Lan nodded.

"If someone discovers any ancient ruins in the future, don't let them touch them. We are lucky this time. If the ruins I discovered a few years ago were not the temples on the island, but here, maybe my life would be lost. Guaranteed."

Syphilia nodded seriously, "This planet that cultivates people is indeed a bit weird, but I think the one just now is the most dangerous one, after all, that's where they hide their ethnic treasures, and other places even exist. The danger will never exceed here."

Luo Lan said: "That's what I said."

Immediately, Syphilia ordered Thorne to pay attention to the ruins on the planet.

And after this experience, Thorne nodded hurriedly. He was really frightened by the terrifying phantom before. Who would have thought that on this humble planet of cultivating people, there was such a thing hidden Shocking powerhouse? More than 900,000 combat power!

How many such masters can the entire Northern Galaxy find? !

Immediately, Thorne looked at Luo Lan with amazed eyes!

It was this young Saiyan who defeated the scalp-numbing powerful enemy! The eyes that looked at Syphilia were also full of respect. Although Syphilia's performance in the battle was not as bright as Luo Lan's, his terrifying strength still made him look up.

With these two powerful leaders, the Saifei faction has a bright future!

Even the Frieza Legion entrenched on the other side of the Northern Galaxy is nothing! !

Everyone was floating in the air, and Luo Lan suddenly said to the Lizian scientists in the crowd: "This continent is destroyed, you try to restore the ecology here as much as possible, and you must not publicize what happened here. It's all rotten in my heart."

"As ordered!"

"Yes, Master!"

The Saiyan warriors and the Lyrics all responded loudly.

After this battle, the powerful images of Luo Lan and Syphilia were more deeply rooted in their hearts, which was an unexpected gain.

Luo Lan nodded lightly, glanced at Syphilia, and was about to leave Planet of Cultivation with her. The experience this time was a bit weird, and he needed to go back and sort it out.

Syphilia glanced at everyone majestically, and then disappeared alongside Luo Lan on the planet of cultivating people.

After Luo Lan and Syphilia left, Thorne and everyone looked at the whole vast and broken land seriously. They were all shocked by the majestic collapse scene, and there was only infinite worship in their hearts. and exclamations.

It has been confirmed that it will be launched in the early morning of October 1st, and there will be a big outbreak at that time. I hope everyone can support it! Collect, recommend tickets, give rewards, go!

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