Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 143 Four months

Returning to the planet of Sarada, it happened to be at night. The hard-working Vine girl had already put warm water. After letting the Vine girl leave, Luo Lan jokingly invited Sapphire to take a bath together. This time Sapphire had an accident Land did not refuse, which surprised Luo Lan.

It seems that after returning from her practice, Syphilia's attitude towards herself has changed significantly.

Sure enough, Saiyans are all about the strong, especially women like Syphilia.

In the bathroom, Luo Lan was lying in the warm water, pinching Syphilia's fluffy tail in her hand, but Syphilia seemed to be thinking about fighting on the planet of cultivating humans, so she didn't care about Luo Lan. Lan's actions.

This battle dealt a big blow to Syphilia, as if a blow to the head directly knocked her into a daze. It turns out that she, who has always been a self-proclaimed fighting genius, will lose any ability to fight back, but she has always been strong in the past. Luo Lan, who was lower than her, showed great power and defeated the opponent in one fell swoop.

Luo Lan's strength is really different!

With such a sigh in her heart, Syphilia was unwilling to be reduced to a background board like this. She must hurry up her practice and keep up with Luo Lan's footsteps.

As a proud female Saiyan, Syphilia doesn't allow herself to be too far behind.

"Still thinking about the battle just now?" Luo Lan's voice sounded.

"Yeah." Syphilia nodded, "Alta people are too strong, just the spiritual afterimage left over from ancient times makes me feel that I can't surpass it. It seems that there are too many masters in the universe. I can't just be content with my current strength."

"Come on then, I dare not say other Saiyans, but you definitely have the potential to become stronger!"

Luo Lan's eyes were serious and her tone was sincere. Syphilia was deeply moved, and then she picked up the shampoo and smeared some of Luo Lan's hair to help him wash his hair. I am afraid that only Luo Lan can enjoy such service from the Queen of Planet Sarada.

After taking a shower, they rinsed with warm water again, and the two of them dried their bodies and walked out.

Luo Lan was very proud, because with the experience of bathing together today, Syphilia no longer had any resistance to him. The only regret is that my body has not grown up yet, and I have to wait a few more years.

In the living room, the girl from the Vine tribe prepared fresh fruit. After eating a little snack, Syphilia asked Luo Lan to take out the red dragon ball from the planet that cultivated people. Luo Lan nodded and opened it immediately. In a different dimension space, a round orange-red crystal ball with a diameter of one meter rolled to the ground.

Syphilia stroked the red dragon ball and carefully observed the lifelike red dragon inside the dragon ball with her eyes. Compared with the green dragons on Earth, this red dragon is stronger and has more solid muscles.

"I've never seen this kind of dragon ball before. If the dragon inside can be summoned, it might be even more powerful than the earth dragon!" Syphilia guessed.

Luo Lan agreed: "Dragon Ball's ability is largely related to its size. Earth's Dragon Ball is only the size of a fist, so its ability is the weakest. Namek Dragon Ball is slightly larger, so its ability is relatively strong. This red Dragon Ball is about one meter long. The diameter must be stronger than the Namek Dragon Ball."

"But seriously, I've never heard of a dragon ball that directly seals the dragon in a dragon ball."

Whether it is the world of Dragon Ball Super or the world of GT, there are seven Dragon Balls, so Luo Lan doesn't know how to position the huge red Dragon Ball in front of him.

"Save it first, maybe you can use it later."

Syphilia pondered for a moment and said, Luo Lan nodded, and after admiring the dragon ball, she collected it again.

Next, I chatted with Syphilia about a lot of cultivation matters. Luo Lan wanted to divert the topic, talk about the wind and moon, and enjoy the night scene, but Syphilia was quite puzzled. It seemed that apart from cultivation, Not going to talk about it at all.

After chatting for a while, Syphilia quickly threw herself into practice again. She was really a woman who wouldn't waste any time.

Luo Lan shook his head, then sat up and recalled the scene of fighting with the phantom of the Altas, as if thinking about it, there is still a lot of room for improvement in his actions during the battle.

So he entered the consciousness space and transformed into a figure similar to the Alta to re-simulate the previous battle. This time, he used the humanoid state to fight. After adjusting and comprehending again and again, Luo Lan gradually refined his combat experience. This lays a solid foundation for future practice.

At night, in the dead of night.

Luo Lan slept comfortably with her arms around Syphilia again.

If he doesn't consider the environment of Dragon Ball World, which is as deep as the sea, his current life is quite comfortable. But the water in the Dragon Ball world is too deep, not to mention the great gods who are hidden in unknown corners of the four major galaxies, just say that decades later, when the protagonist of the original novel appears, the entire universe will not be so stable.

The ascension of Sun Wukong is almost leapfrog, and they have gone through hundreds of thousands of years of experience of other races or gods in a few decades.

When they showed their protagonists, his combat power was simply not enough to see. He didn't want to be reduced to a background board like Krillin.

In order not to be eliminated by the times, Luo Lan could only speed up his pace and not let himself stop.

In the days that followed, Luo Lan and Syphilia practiced diligently. To be honest, practicing together with a beautiful woman made even very hard training a very pleasant thing. Even if the body has not yet grown, it does not prevent Luo Lan from feasting his eyes. Syphilia sees Luo Lan staring at her all the time, without any expression on her indifferent face, and greets directly with a qigong wave. Luo Lan flexibly avoided, and he was greeted by energy bombs that fell like raindrops.

The two of them were fighting each other like this, and they were practicing the same way.

At the strength of Luo Lan and Syphilia, any attack can cause huge damage, so when they are cultivating, they will stay away from the Sarada planet and find a desolate planet outside. And it turns out that every time they leave, the planet becomes more desolate.

Thanks to the long-term cultivation and spiritual awareness instillation, Syphilia also strengthened her body to the strength that she can temporarily enter the universe with the assistance of Luo Lan.

Therefore, the planets they choose to cultivate are mostly small planets where life cannot survive.

In a flash, four months have passed.

Ebony and others who were originally sent to the border of the North Galaxy and the West Galaxy to trade "Thunderbolt Steel" have also returned, and at the same time they have obtained the Thunderbolt Steel mineral of the entire planet.

Of course, the transaction of Ebony was not all smooth sailing. In the void area where the two galaxies meet, savage forces are intertwined, and some people really drive up prices in the name of the rarity of Thunderbolt. In the end, of course, it was the Chaos who was directly brought over by Ebony. Can annihilate weapons to the ground.

Today, the planet rich in thunderbolt steel has become a planet under the name of Saifei.


Ps: It has been confirmed that it will be launched in the early morning of October 1st. There will be a big outbreak by then. I hope everyone can support it! Collect, recommend tickets, give rewards, go!

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