The new level suddenly classified all Saiyan warriors into the ranks of "ordinary warriors". At the beginning, it seemed that all warriors were dwarfed, but this was all temporary. Luo Lan estimated that it would take two or three years. In time, a group of "elite warriors" will emerge.

Moreover, this plan to dilute the influence of the early bloodline is also the beginning of a virtuous circle in a sense.

It is undeniable that bloodlines do have distinctions between noble and lowly, but overemphasizing bloodline theory is a very ignorant and conservative superficial understanding that is extremely unfavorable for growth. For Luo Lan, who wants to give Saiyans a "fighting spirit" , such an environment is undoubtedly very negative.

It's like there are some things that can be done, but it can't be said that Luo Lan prefers bloodline to be a part of the whole system that supports the growth of Saiyans, rather than a key factor.

"From a long-term perspective, this level is more suitable for the current situation of Saiyans, so let's implement it like this." Luo Lan said.

Herz said: "Okay, as long as you agree, I will announce the new classification."

Saifilia said: "You also have to strengthen your own training, and leave these things to professional people to do. As a senior warrior in the Vegeta era, don't be too far behind."

Hertz's aptitude is the same as that of Sephiria, and he is a high-level fighter. In recent years, his strength has increased to 30,000 combat power. Although 30,000 combat power is already very powerful for the past, you must know that this is the addition of Sarada. The vitality of the planet is cultivated in the gravity chamber.

In this way, Hertz's growth appears to be quite ordinary.

"I know, I'll assign the work after I'm busy with this matter. Now that the Saifi forces have formed a scale, I don't need to supervise." Herz nodded, his expression very relaxed. Whether it is the growth of the Saiyans on the Sarada planet or the formation of the Saifi forces, he is full of pride.

"By the way, with the gradual growth of Saifei's power, as the queen of the power, do you want to establish a direct guard team? Just like Frieza's Ginuit team, a special team composed of a few people. Team!"

"The Queen's Guard, this can be considered."

Syphilia hadn't responded yet, and Luo Lan became interested.

"Isn't there already a special forces unit?" Syphilia raised her eyebrows.

Herz said: "It's different. Before, whether it was a defense force or a special combat force, it was a team within the Saiyans. Since we have established a cosmic force, we still need a more powerful combat force. And with the As the Saiyans continue to grow, the number of special forces will continue to increase, which requires selecting more elite fighters."

Luo Lan thought for a moment and said, "The establishment of a more elite personal guard will also stimulate the special forces to a certain extent and make them more diligent."

"Alright then, let's build it up." Syphilia's eyes lit up.

From the defense force, to the special operations force, to the personal guard, like a ladder, the selection is made layer by layer, and the number of people above is sparse. When it comes to the Guards, it is actually equivalent to an honorary title, but of course it is not a pure honorary title.

Now that the special forces have passed the assessment just now, the number has reached 15. Each member of the special forces is the most elite warrior among the Saiyans. The special forces will recruit people in the future; and the Guards will be A constant number of people, tentatively set at nine, any race can join, but the combat power must be above 10,000.

Excluding Hertz and Luo Lan, only Sonori, Thorne, and Prey are eligible now.

Anyone can compete for the position of the Guards, and it can be regarded as a motivational goal for the members of the special forces.

After finalizing the matter of the Guards, Hertz talked about the change in the number of Saiyans. In the past few months after returning from Luo Lan, the number of Saiyans has increased by dozens.


Soon, the news that Syphilia was going to establish a Guards team spread among the Syfy forces. After hearing the news, Saiyan warriors and other space warriors were all gearing up to compete.

Because the number of the Queen's Guards is constant at nine, and they are ranked according to their strength, all those who can be selected for the Queen's Guards are all extremely strong, and even the soldiers of the Special Forces are riveting. However, because the strength of the personnel to compete with the Guards must reach more than 10,000 combat power, only three people including Sonori were selected in the end.

"Ahaha, I knew that I could be selected. You must know that in the Saifi forces, my power is absolutely powerful." Sonori laughed and congratulated.

Prey said: "Boss, take it easy. The personnel of the Guards can be replaced. With the growth rate of those Saiyans, maybe they will surpass us at some point."

Sonori waved her hand indifferently, "Small meaning, we are also a fighting nation, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

Thorne: "Sister, you really have to worry. Now the Saiyans are looking at us like tigers staring at their prey, and they seem to tear us apart."

Sonori's red eyes stared, "They dare!"

Bae pouted and muttered: "But what you said makes sense, why do I feel that it would be a pit for us to join the Guards!"

Prey shrugged, "Maybe it's for us to stimulate the Saiyans."

"Uh..." Sonori reacted, and it seemed that this was the case. Originally, she drove her training ground well and harvested a large number of hijins every day. Although joining the Queen's Guards can get a lot of commissions, she is kept in the dark all day long. People stared, it seemed quite bad.

They are like catfish put into a school of sardines, activating the survival ability of those small fish.

Bad, bad, pretty bad!

Sonori started muttering.

On the other hand, all Saiyan warriors really can't stand the fact that there are no Saiyans in the Guards formed by their queen, which is a shame!

Therefore, whether it is a soldier of the defense force or a soldier of the special operations force, they have all worked hard to cultivate, vowing to seize the remaining places in the Guards!

One day, the sun was shining and the sky was blue.

The soft light illuminates the earth, and at the same time dyes the white clouds with a layer of cherry red color full of life. The early morning of Sarada planet is full of vigor, the mountains on both sides are full of green and green, and the forest is full of smoke.

Today, there is a special group of visitors on the planet Sarada, who are dressed in fancy clothes and have pale blue complexions.

It is the Podo clan from the Wozef planet, which was originally homologous to the Lys clan where Ebony is located. After defeating the Lys clan more than a thousand years ago, they were genetically modified and enslaved, and they occupied the entire Wozf planet. , Speaking of which, the two clans are deeply enmity.

"Lord Queen Saifi, I send my regards to Your Excellency on behalf of the Bodo clan."

The Bodos are very similar to the Liss, and they are also a race that is good at scientific and technological research.

Saifilia said indifferently: "Shalada planet is usually not open to the public. Why do you visit the planet of the headquarters of the Saifi faction?"

The envoy of the Bodo clan said: "I am here not to represent my clan this time, but to represent the great Lord Babu."

"Master Babu?"

Syphilia frowned, Herz hurriedly called the database to query the so-called "Barbudan" information, but there was no record of Babu in the database.

Ask for collections, ask for recommended tickets, it has been confirmed that it will be available in the early morning of next October 1st!

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