Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 146 Lord Babu

"Master Babu is the only emperor in the extreme west region, with inexhaustible wealth and power, the strength of Lord Babu is the highest in the entire Northern Galaxy, and my family is a scientific research race under the command of Lord Babu. ." The envoy of the Bodo tribe held his head high and proudly introduced the lofty status of the adults behind him.

Syphilia had no interest in listening to the other party preaching this, and waved her hand to interrupt it.

"I don't care what Babu or Babu is behind you. For the behavior of entering the Sarada planet this time, I will spare you for the sake of you being regulars of Ivy League, and leave now!"

The other party's face changed and his voice raised, "Queen Syfi, you must not be disrespectful to Lord Babu, or Lord Babu will get angry, but it's quite terrifying."

Syphilia said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

The surging energy squeezed past, and the cold air suddenly made the other party tremble, but his expression was pleasant and calm, "My Lady Queen has misunderstood, I definitely don't mean any threat, I just convey the meaning of Lord Babu, he hopes to be with you. See you above and discuss the ownership of Qingteng Star."

"How dare you!"

Rumbling, as if a thunderstorm suddenly fell from the clear sky, the temperature of the entire room plummeted, Syphilia's eyes burst into cold light, and the violent power turned into endless pressure to crush it.

"When discussing the ownership of Ivy League, who gave you such courage? Why don't you say such things to the manager of Planet Tanger, do you think my Saifi forces are easier to bully than them?"

Syphilia's eyes were cold, and her white face was as cold as ice.

"I just convey the meaning of Lord Babu. He hopes that you can cede part of the Ivy Star industry... In return, the Saifei forces will be able to obtain the protection of Lord Babu in the future." A saliva.

"It's ridiculous that a person who appeared out of nowhere, dared to provoke Saifei's forces, and even got his shelter!"

"Foolishness, arrogance!"

Syphilia's face was expressionless and her voice was cold.

At this time, even Hertz's face became ugly. Since its establishment, the Saifi faction has repelled countless greedy cosmic forces. This is the first time someone has said that they will be included. Saiyans are never afraid of fighting, and any threat will be returned in a more brutal form.

Herz said: "Go back and tell your Lord Babu, don't try to provoke the Saifi forces, you can't bear the consequences."

"No, he can't go back." Syphilia interrupted Herz's words and released a qigong wave in her hand.

The azure blue qigong wave turned into a beam of light and penetrated, and before the envoy of the Bodo clan could react, his body was directly smashed to ashes by the qigong wave of Syphilia.

Lifting it up coldly, Syphilia said, "Let's get Ebony and the others!"

Hertz looked at the pile of ashes on the ground, nodded expressionlessly, and ordered Ebony to come over.

Soon Ebony came to the main hall where Sephiria was.

"My Lady Queen!" Ebony saluted respectfully.

Syphilia nodded lightly, "The people from the Bodo clan came just now, and they want our Saifi forces to surrender a man named 'Babu', but I have already dealt with it, you tell me about that 'Babu' 'Who is it?"

When Wu Mu heard the term Bodo clan, his blood-red eyes flashed a ray of hatred, and when he heard that Syphilia had killed the Bodo clan, he couldn't help but look surprised, so he told what he knew.

"That Babu is the mysterious powerhouse behind the Bodo clan. No one knows who he is. The reason why the Lis clan was defeated by the Bodo clan more than a thousand years ago was because a man named Babu intervened..."

"Wait, you mean...that person existed more than a thousand years ago?"

"No, the name Babu seems to be the name of the leader of the other party. The Babu a thousand years ago is not the same as the current Babu. Although my family has been enslaved by the Bodo people, they are secretly collecting their information. So I can be sure of that."

Hearing this, Syphilia breathed a sigh of relief. If the other party is really an old monster who has lived for more than a thousand years, then she really has to worry.

"Go on."

"The war between the Lis clan and the Bodo clan was caused by Babu. Later, the people of the Bodo clan relied on Babu's strength to win the war and became the spokesperson for Babu's face. He has been loyal to him for more than a thousand years. According to what I know, Babu is the leader of a mysterious race in the far west of the northern galaxy. Although far away from the central area of ​​the northern galaxy, he harvests other races by colonizing them one by one. The wealth of civilization..."

"Only large commercial planets like the Tanger Planet have not been coveted by them because of the cosmic commercial headquarters behind them."

Syphilia sneered: "He thought that my Syfi power had just risen, so he might just take it easy, hum, this is a wrong idea."

In terms of strength, the Saifei forces behind Qingteng Star are no worse than Tanger Planet.

Thinking about it so far, Syphilia has understood the whole process. It must be the cultivation seeds and all-purpose capsules sold by Qingteng Star that made Lord Babu of Jixi feel jealous and want to jump out and take a share.

There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and Syphilia's eyes became icy and biting, and then the entire Sarada planet was prepared, maybe there will be a fierce battle soon.

"Ebony, lead your clan to speed up the construction of combat robots, as well as super weapons and war fortresses." A cold voice instructed Ebony.

Ebony listened, looked excited, and looked at Syphilia.

"Could it be, Her Lady Queen, that you want to fight the Babu forces..." Thinking that he might be able to avenge the deceased clansmen, Ebony became emotional and his eyes became eager.

"Please rest assured, Her Lady Queen, our family will make every effort to build combat equipment."

"Yeah." Syphilia nodded lightly, and then asked about the progress of the floating space island. The answer was that the space island was about to be completed. After hearing that, Syphilia was very satisfied, and waved Ebony to retreat. go down.

"The battle will start soon!" Herz sighed after Ebony left.

Syphilia smiled lightly, not paying much attention, "Not necessarily when, the other party is hiding in the extreme west of the Northern Galaxy, and we can't travel a long way to deliberately go there, so let's prepare first."

"Yes." Herz thought for a while and couldn't help but smile.


Back at home, Luo Lan was leaning against the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, and when she saw Syphilia came back, she walked over.

"I heard that something made you unhappy today?"

"Your news is quite well-informed." Syphilia glanced at him.

Luo Lan smiled, "Ebony has already reported the matter to me."

Luo Lan's status is quite special among Sai Fei forces. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the leader behind the scenes of Sai Fei's forces. On the surface, Syphilia presides over everything, but in fact, Luo Lan is very clear about everything. If it is placed among other forces, it will definitely lead to a power struggle between the two sides.

But Syphilia didn't care at all, her queen was also pushed up by Luo Lan.

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