Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 150 Full Moon Cultivation

As the space island moored into the orbit around the moon, a smear of white and flawless moonlight shone through the protective cover, ordering someone to dispel the light blue luster on the surface of the protective cover, and the flawless full moon like a jade plate hung high in the deep space.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

His heart was beating violently, and the blood all over his body accelerated.

Luo Lan looked at the full moon in the sky, the Saiyan bloodline suddenly induced mutation, and the body quickly grew to more than 20 meters high.

Wow... The terrifying air wave spread out, and Luo Lan's combat power after the giant ape transformation reached 850,000.

Ebony and the others were horrified by the endless violent power, and the hand holding the detector kept shaking.

"It's terrifying, the master's power has reached an astonishing 85-degree energy!"

Ebony's amazement was not over yet, and another shocking energy rose up. Although it couldn't compare with Luo Lan's aura, it also reached 150,000 combat power!

Syphilia has also become a giant ape. Since she is normally 84000, she has not entered the perfect giant ape state. Even if she becomes a giant ape, her energy will only be less than doubled. However, the individual of Sephiria is ten meters taller than Luo Lan. The huge body of more than 30 meters looks like a hill, and the vast and brutal aura emanating from it is equally frightening. Pounding.

In the face of two shocking forces, Wu Mu felt that it became difficult to breathe, and quickly isolated the two powerful auras outside with protective clothing.

"Ebony, the test on the space island is over, you go back to Planet Sarada first." A loud and majestic voice came, and Luo Lan looked at them with blood-red eyes.

"As ordered!"

Looking at the huge giant ape in front of him, Ebony replied with a trembling voice.

Although he knew that the huge giant ape was his master, Wu Mu still couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart. , but still gives a very strong shock.

After hearing Luo Lan's order, Ebony nodded hastily.


Ebony and the accompanying scientists took the spacecraft on the space island to leave the space island. And after Ebony and the others left, Luo Lan sat down on the training ground and looked at Syphilia, who was even bigger than him.

"You can start practicing."

"Yeah." Syphilia nodded, condensed a sharp energy blade in her hand, and chopped it down at the middle of her tail. Since the Saiyan's tail can grow again at any time, Syphilia doesn't feel sorry for it at all.

With a plop, half of the huge tail fell to the ground, and Syphilia's body swayed, and her body suddenly became bigger and smaller, as if she was about to exit the giant ape state.

Luo Lan carefully observed Sephiria's form, and there was a hint of thinking in her blood-colored eyes.

He needs to observe the changes in Sephiria, and then figure out the mystery of the giant humanoid ape.

It's a pity that Syphilia didn't stay in this state for long, she only heard her snort, and her body shrank to a human shape. With only the bottom half of her tail left, Syphilia frowned, and her beautiful eyes stared at the full moon in the sky. Suddenly, there seemed to be a giant ape roaring in her heart, as if she was about to break through the limitations of her body. became brutal again.

Constantly staring at the full moon like a jade plate, the depths of Syphilia's pupils gradually lit up with blood-red light.

Seeing this, Luo Lan's eyes lit up and shouted to Syphilia: "Yes, that's it, keep an eye on the moon, continue to maintain this state, and use your will to control the power in your body."

Syphilia nodded towards Luo Lan. She already had the talent of a high-level warrior and her understanding was not bad, and she quickly understood what Luo Lan meant.

So he sat down, raised his head and looked at the full moon, the crystal shimmer gradually lit up on the surface of the fair skin.

If Syphilia can accommodate the power of the giant ape in a human form, then not only can her strength improve by leaps and bounds, but she may also be able to overcome some of the weaknesses of the giant ape with ingenuity. Although it can't compare to Luo Lan's perfect giant ape form, at least it won't "decline" like before.

Seeing that Syphilia was gradually entering a state of cultivation, Luo Lan nodded, and then her figure flashed away, away from Syphilia, and came to the other side of the space island.

Looking at the full moon in the sky, Luo Lan also cut off part of his own tail in the same way, but he only cut off a third, allowing the giant ape form to dominate. Because of the constant simulation of consciousness cultivation, Luo Lan knew that this state would allow him to better grasp the power of the giant ape.

puff... puff...

Luo Lan repeatedly thought about the differences between the giant ape form and the human form, trying to find the difference and build a bridge connecting the two states. But it turned out that this process was not easy. Luo Lan pondered for a long time, but still did not gain much, but Luo Lan was not discouraged, he knew it was a long process.

He was ready for a long attack.

Silently pondering, the giant ape that Luo Lan transformed into floated in the air, the silvery-white moonlight shone on his huge body, and the brown hair seemed to be covered with a layer of star dust. Looking at his truncated tail, the hair seemed to burst, and there seemed to be a stream of energy flowing there.


Just when Luo Lan and Syphilia were concentrating on their cultivation, trying to grasp the state of the giant humanoid ape. On the earth, under the influence of the terrifying energy transmitted from space, the top group of people on the earth have fallen into a huge panic.

Kalin Tower, ellipsoid-shaped tower top.

The immortal cat stationed on the wooden staff with a solemn expression, and stared at the distant place in the sky with a pair of eyes, "Where does the breath come from, it is too terrifying, that restless and crazy energy always gives people a sense of unease. I feel that this time the earth may be in big trouble.”

Thinking of what Luo Lan had mentioned to them a few years ago about the cosmic beings, the cat fairy tensed in his heart.

Could it be that some cosmic person entered the solar system?

This is no small thing! !

Immortal Cat's expression immediately became tense. According to what Luo Lan said at the beginning, the planets in the universe are divided into low-level planets, middle-level planets, and high-level planets, and the earth is just a very inconspicuous low-level planet in the corner of the Northern Milky Way. ...

Thinking of this, Immortal Cat couldn't sit still anymore. With a wave of his cane, he attracted a golden cloud from the sky, then jumped on the cloud and flew towards the temple above Kaelin Tower. As long as people who have been approved by the temple or the gods, no matter what tool they take, they can board the temple no matter where they are by plane.


When the cat fairy came to the temple, they found that Tianshen and Bobo were already waiting for it with solemn expressions.

"Kailen, those two terrifying auras are staying near the moon, and I don't know when they will enter the earth!" The old god's face was full of melancholy, and the old face became even more old.

"Yeah, if it really enters the earth, no one can resist it." The cat immortal narrowed his eyes.

The God of Heaven sighed and asked Bo Bo to take a lens-type detector from the secret room, which was the communicator that Luo Lan left to them.

It's just that when they started the detector, the value on the lens instantly jumped to the maximum range of 24999, and then it stuck. Fortunately, this kind of detector is relatively new, and there is no burning phenomenon like the Frieza Army detector.

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