Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 151 The Panic God

Heavenly God and Cat Immortal had ever seen a situation where the energy value exceeded the detector's limit. You know, when they first got the detector, they tested themselves, but the value of "280" appeared.

The cat fairy said in astonishment: "No way, the energy that appears in outer space has reached 24999 combat power?"

Since he has not seen high-intensity energy, the cat fairy has no detailed understanding of the comparison between the combat power value and the specific energy.

The god said bitterly: "It's not 24999 combat power, but the upper limit of this detector is only 24999!"

Immortal Cat's eyes widened, "That is to say... the energy of the other party may be far beyond the measuring range of the probe?" He couldn't believe it: "Luo Lan said that a planet with a combat power of more than 1000 can be called an intermediate planet. , those with more than 5000 are high-level planets, and those beyond the measurement range...how should they be divided?"

Tianshen's scalp was numb, "It's beyond our imagination anyway."

After being silent for a while, the gods suddenly sighed. Luo Lan told them that he would only help them deal with cosmic beings with a combat power of less than 2500. In such a situation, even if Luo Lan came over in person, he would not be able to handle it!

Is the earth really in danger?

Although I knew long ago that the earth would meet alien life sooner or later, I didn't expect it to come so suddenly, so unexpected...and so desperate!

"Try it, maybe they can find a way." Immortal Mao held the attitude of giving it a try.

Tenjin took a deep breath, "I know."

Afterwards, Tianshen pressed the communication button on the detector, but after a while, the detector did not respond at all. Looking at the display on the glasses, the data was still stuck at 24999. Tianshen's expression was a little stiff and complicated.

"What's wrong?"

Tianshendao: "Because of the interference of external energy, the detector was stuck."

The immortal cat looked stunned, "So there is no way?"

"Probably so."

At this time, Bobo suddenly said: "You can go to Dr. Brives. He often travels in and out of outer space in spaceships, and maybe he can contact others."

Bobo's words made the eyes of the gods and cat fairies bright, and now they can only go to Dr. Brives to ask.

In recent years, Dr. Brives has often taken Luo Lan's light-blue disc-shaped spaceship to travel between the planet Sarada and the earth. These gods and cat immortals all know that there is a person on earth who can communicate with Luo Lan. Lan and the others are connected, and they are very happy to meet.

I heard that Luo Lan's power in the universe is also not small.

Hope it can help the earth get through this difficult time! Suddenly, a glimmer of hope arose in the heart of the gods.

"Bobo, please go to the West Capital to find Dr. Brives." God instructed.


Bobo nodded expressionlessly, and soon summoned a flying carpet. After standing up, he flew in the direction of the West Capital.

About ten minutes later, Bobo came back from the capital of the West and brought news from Dr. Brives, "The doctor told us not to worry, he said that there is a 'space island' in the orbit of the moon. Creation, that is the training ground developed by Saifei's forces."

After a pause, Bobo continued: "And that Saifei force is the force established by Luo Lan and his sister."

After listening to Bobo's description, Tianshen and Cat Immortal suddenly felt refreshed, and there was an unbelievable light in their eyes.

"In other words, the earth will not be in danger. That excess energy reaction was caused by Luo Lan's forces?"

"Yes, that's what Dr. Breaves said." Bobo nodded.

Hearing this, the gods and the cat immortals breathed a sigh of relief, and then they were shocked by Luo Lan's power. It was an unfathomable strength. The earth can cooperate with it, no, as long as it is sheltered by it, Then it will be a little safer in the universe. Although Luo Lan looked a bit rude, at least he was reasonable.

"Kailen, the fairy beans in your place are about to mature, so hurry up and harvest them. I have saved a lot in the past few years." Tian Shen moved his lips.

Immortal Cat nodded, "Well, it can be harvested."

Counting some of the ones that Bobo planted together, he has saved seven or eight hundred fairy beans over the years. Although not many, it is the best thing the earth can get right now.


time flies.

Luo Lan sat upright like an old monk in the air dozens of meters above the ground. He has maintained the form of a giant ape for a long time, and through his understanding during this time, he seems to have vaguely groped for the relationship between the giant ape and the human form.

"Luo Lan, have a fight with me." With a soft drink, Syphilia flew to the bridge of Luo Lan's nose. Under the full moon, Syphilia in human form exuded a touch of elegance, even without makeup. A good makeup still makes her look charming.

The dark and bright eyes flashed with a faint red light, and Syphilia's slender figure floated in front of Luo Lan.

"Okay!" Luo Lan, who was in the state of the giant ape, let out a low growl. The loud voice produced a sound wave that vibrated the eardrums, causing pain.

"Then let's get started!"

Syphilia chuckled lightly, looking at each other with piercing eyes, and a white light suddenly lit up on her body.

Due to the full moon, the boiling arrogance is mixed with some dark red giant ape power. During this time, Syphilia's tail has recovered a little, so the power of the giant ape has become more obvious than the previous days.


A mist of water spread out, and Syphilia's figure flickered continuously. The figure was beautiful and graceful, and then it accelerated rapidly, swaying beside Luo Lan like a ghost.

Due to being in a giant ape state, Luo Lan's reaction speed was limited to a certain extent, but his super energy allowed him to attack indiscriminately. He raised his palms above his head, like slapping mosquitoes, and slapped them down.

In an instant, the space boiled, the waves flickered, and the space trembled violently.


The two attacks collided in mid-air.

There was a sound of Huang Zhong Dalu, and a huge shock wave spread out along the collision surface, and then Syphilia was shot and flew out, and a smear of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Syphilia frowned, she was really annoyed, but she was annoyed, and the battle had to continue. Along with the emotional change, a bloody light suddenly flashed in Syphilia's eyes, and the brutal strength actually increased by a large margin, and the arrogance of the whole body began to be mixed with more and more light red lines.

Luo Lan narrowed her eyes, looking at the arrogance on Syphilia's body in surprise.

"This qi seems to be the power of a giant ape. Could it be that Syphilia took the lead in integrating the power of a giant ape?"

Thinking like this, Luo Lan's attack was not slow, a devastating attack. Although Syphilia's strength had greatly increased, he was not his opponent. He was quickly beaten and vomited blood and flew out.

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