Northern Milky Way.

After a period of news transmission, the news about the strong rise of Saifei's forces finally spread throughout the entire Northern Galaxy.

This news was like throwing a stone towards the calm lake, and the waves that aroused immediately affected the surrounding area. There were already many wealthy people who wanted to further strengthen cooperation with the Saifei forces. In this universe, strong strength means that cooperation can be stable for a long time and at the same time obey the rules. Such a trading partner is very rare.

And the forces that had been incompatible with Sai Fei's forces also clipped their tails at this time, showing temporary goodwill.

The Lanna star Alboa is very happy, because his investment in Saifi's forces is correct.

The wind arises at the end of Qingping, and the waves form between the waves. Any race has the hope of rising. Seizing the right time is the criterion for the survival of the Lanna people. The original choice is undoubtedly wise now. The rise of the Filipino forces has given Alboa a solid backing.

For this reason, as soon as he got the news, the cosmos-level billionaire led his caravan to visit Qingteng Star to seek closer cooperation. Of course, Alboa was quickly greeted by Sonori and the Lys, who had rebuilt their race.

"Gu Weisha, the Saifei force has become a big force in the universe in a blink of an eye, and its strength is no less than the force behind the Tanger planet."

Standing on the high-rise building of Qingteng Star, overlooking the busy and orderly planet, Aiboa is very grateful for the decision.

"Who would have thought that they would be able to annex the entire Babu Corps? I heard that during the big battle, there were experts with astonishing hundreds of thousands of combat powers in the Babu Corps! Hundreds of thousands of combat powers, actually... Saifei's forces have been defeated." Gu Weisha still couldn't hide his surprise when he spoke, how powerful the Babu Legion was, the weak Lanna people couldn't even imagine how powerful they were.

"Bab Legion, that's also an old-fashioned army!"

Alboa's face was flushed, and the whiskers on her cheeks were swaying. There is a bodyguard company in his name, and there are naturally no shortage of experts around him, so he is more aware of the power of the Babu Legion. That is a force that has stood in the extreme west for thousands of years, and its strength is no trivial matter.

When Sai Fei's forces fought against the Babu Army, he really sweated for Luo Lan and the others, but he didn't expect the final outcome.

Of course, the stronger Saifei's power is, the more he can be guaranteed to cooperate with them. Aiboa is very pleasantly surprised.

The Saifi faction, which had annexed the entire Far West, not only rapidly expanded to one-third of the entire western part of the Northern Galaxy, but also multiplied the number of fighters under his command. It is said that after the news spread, it is unknown how many people and warriors wandering in the universe are ready to join in.

Counting the powerful combat forces hidden within the Saifei faction, a large cosmic force is rising.

Meanwhile, on a hidden planet.

Dr. Ruka devoted himself to researching the technology of super soldiers, but due to the lack of sufficient experimental materials, Dr. Ruka's progress was not very smooth.

"I need more powerful materials, but I'm afraid I can't get the materials I want with my ability!" Dr. Ruka is a genius doctor. His research achievements in biological research are far better than the original Bodo scientists, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Even if Dr. Ruka is highly skilled, biological research is not so easy.

The bloody eyes looked at the communicator on the side, and Dr. Ruka struggled for a while: Do you want to join that force? No, we are just taking what we need and working together temporarily.

Dr. Ruka finally picked up the communicator to get in touch with the other party, "Hey, Mr. Jager, is Your Excellency II there? I'm Ruka of the Bodo clan..."

"Master II is meeting his good friend Mr. Dre, okay, I understand, I will convey your message for you." The person named "Jager" on the other side of the communicator was talking to Dr. Ruka , the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

Putting down the contactor, Dr. Ruka sat on the stool in the laboratory for a long time, and a sneer gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, the cosmic man named "Jage" also kept his promise. After his boss "Second" finished the meeting with another adult, he pushed open the door and walked in, turning Dr. Ruka's meaning. to give II.

"Lord II, Dr. Luka of the Bodo clan needs high-intensity experimental materials, and in return, he is willing to develop life-extending potions for the adults."

"Scientist of the Bodo clan, hehe, let him try it. Anyway, there is always a shortage of such materials on the battlefield. Recently, the Ginuit team has invaded our territory again. I have already joined forces with my friend Mr. Dre, and I will give it to you when the time comes. The other party was caught off guard. In the past few years, I have been annoyed by them." The short-statured Lord II had a gloomy face, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Ah, if Mr. Dre is willing to take action, then the Ginuit team will definitely be finished." Jager said in surprise.

"It's just a mere Ginuit team. It's nothing to worry about. I'm afraid of Frieza behind the scenes. King Kruder once dominated the central part of the Northern Galaxy. ."

"Master II, there is no need to worry, you are the ruler of our demon star. It has only been a few years since Frieza took over the Krud Legion, and his strength must not be comparable to that of the adults."

"Hehe, I hope so." The little Lord II laughed in a low voice, and the cloak on his body raised waves of microwaves.


Frieza Legion, headquarters planet.

Dengdengdeng, Chambo hurriedly walked into Frieza's great hall with hurried steps.

"King Frieza, there is news from the Ginuit team on the front line."

"What did you say over there?" Frieza lowered the altitude in the aircraft.

Since Dodoria's death, Chambeau has become the person next to Frieza, second only to Belle Bleu and Keikono. Even if a group of cosmosmen were selected from the legion and entered the headquarters, their status was not as good as that of Chambeau. so high.

"Captain Ginyu encountered difficulties when conquering the eastern planet." Chambo told the truth truthfully.

Frieza squinted the blood-red demon eyes, nodded and said, "The planets to the east have been attacking for several years, and you can see that they are hard bones at a glance. Where did you fall?"

Shangbo said: "It's the demon star. The special team led by Captain Ginyu raided the demon star, but I didn't expect that the leader and subordinates of the other party were very powerful masters. The members of the Ginute team were injured, and Captain Ginyu was also killed. repel."

"Hehe, that's what Captain Ginyu said six years ago... II?"

"Yes, the other party's name is Carrick II. He is the ruler of the evil star and is extremely powerful."

"I told Captain Ginyu a long time ago. If you encounter difficulties, you can tell this king. This time the captain sent a message, and this time the king wanted to do it himself?" Frieza touched her chin, her cold face showing A smile of interest. Champeau said, "Yes, that's what Captain Ginyu meant."

"Okay, let someone prepare the spaceship. This king has not been out for a long time. This time, I will go to the east of the Northern Galaxy to take a look."

"As ordered!" Shang Bo had a smile on his handsome face.

"By the way, the spaceships in the legion are now using that thing called the omnipotent capsule, right? That's really a good thing. I heard that it was a technology invented by a force called 'Saifei' in the far west of the Northern Galaxy? "Fliza is more interested in the final product of the Universal Capsule.

"Yes, I heard that they have just defeated the ancient Babu Legion and have been upgraded to a great power in the universe."

Chapter 17

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