Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 180 Frieza understands

"It's really interesting." Frieza said nonchalantly, the mere Babu Corps was naturally not in Frieza's eyes. It can be said that in the entire Northern Galaxy, there is nothing that Frieza needs to fear. However, a new force defeats an established force in this way, which has not happened in recent decades.

"King Frieza, regarding that 'Saifei force', there is something to report to my subordinates!"

"Tell me."

"From the news from the west of the Northern Galaxy, the subordinates learned that the Saifei faction was first reorganized from a somewhat well-known cosmic adventure group, but the main body was not that adventure group, but... Saifei. Demigods!" Chambo adjusted the distance between him and Frieza with a serious expression on Jun Lang's face.


Frieza was stunned for a moment, her expression darkened, and she said, "Explain the specific situation, how could that emerging Saifi faction have anything to do with the Saiyans."

Champeau nodded and introduced Frieza what he had learned.

"The Saifi faction officially appeared six years ago. It is headquartered on the Sharada planet. It has many planets such as Qingteng, Cultivation, Wozef, and the far west that it has just occupied. At present, it has jurisdiction over the territory of about approx. There is a third of the western part of the northern galaxy, and their leader is called the 'Queen of Saifi', who is also the queen of the Saiyan family."

"...Because of the omnipotent capsule technology and combat robot technology, the Saifei faction has become a cosmic force in just a few years, and the current development is particularly eye-catching."

After listening to Frieza, she pondered expressionlessly for a moment, and suddenly a coldness appeared on her face, "That is to say, that Queen Saifi actually took only five or six years to create a A large force famous in the universe? It's really amazing."

"Mr. Chambord, do you think those Saiyans are related to the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta? Or, these guys are Saiyans of Planet Vegeta?" Frieza's voice was low, as if asking The tone of voice, the hoarseness in the voice line is like the low voice of the devil.

"The Saiyans of Star Vegeta? To be honest, there is no comparison between the two."

Champeau replied with a calm expression. For him who often stayed by Frieza's side, he was already accustomed to the terrifying aura of Lord Frieza.

"Oh?" Frieza was a little interested.

"Let's not say that the Saiyans from Star Vegeta have all been destroyed by the king, even in terms of strength, the two are far from each other. According to the information obtained from the investigation, the Saiyans belonging to the Saifi faction are from Sala. On the planet, the strength of Saiyans far surpasses that of Planet Vegeta, especially their queen, and even more so than King Vegeta can match, after all, he is someone who can defeat all the masters of the Babu Army!"

"And the subordinates specially investigated the old history of the west, and the conclusion is that the Saiyans on the Sarada planet have existed since ancient times, and their strength is very terrifying. The name of the fighting nation Saiyans started from that time. spread."

"It's just that in ancient times, there seemed to be some civil strife on the Sarada planet. Since then, the entire Sarada planet has completely disappeared from everyone's sight, and it only reappeared in the name of Saifi's forces six years ago."

"In order to investigate the relationship between the two, the subordinates also traced the history of the Saiyans of Vegeta, and unexpectedly discovered that the Saiyans of Vegeta were also outsiders... All of this can be related to The situation of the planet Sarada in the west is right, maybe the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta are the ones who ran away after the civil strife on the planet Sarada!"

Champaud told Frieza the information he had received in a calm tone.

The only explanation for the disappearance and reappearance of the Sarada planet is that the Sarada planet possessed advanced technology that could conceal the planet at that time, otherwise it could not be explained at all, and this coincided with the launch of the universal capsule technology and combat robot technology after the emergence of the Saifi forces. match.

The conclusion drawn from this is that the planet Sarada is a planet with high technology. Because the civil strife of the year was severely hit, it had to choose to block its own existence, and the Saiyan team that caused the civil strife was eventually expelled. , After several detours, the Vegeta Star Saiyan family was formed on the Vegeta Star.

After Frieza listened to it, she thought for a moment that it might be the case.

"So, most of the Saiyans on the Sarada planet are the mother family of the Saiyans from the Vegeta planet, and they are far superior to King Vegeta's group in terms of individual strength, and even retrospectively, the difference between the two is Is there still a huge hatred between them?"

"Oh, this king understands!"

"The so-called 'Super Saiyans' circulating on Planet Vegeta may refer to those Saiyans on Planet Sarada! The purpose of turning it into a legend is to cover up the rebellion of the past, Vegeta. Star Saiyans are that kind of thing!"

"It should be like this." Shangbo nodded in agreement with a graceful manner.

"Hehe, the Babu people of the Babu Legion have also heard from their father. Their strength is not inferior to Captain Ginyu and the others. Saifei's forces can destroy them, and their strength is extremely strong."

Frieza said lightly, but he is full of disdain for the Babu Army. If Frieza is willing, he can instantly sweep the entire Northern Galaxy with his strength, but it is not necessary. Frieza's control of the Frieza Army is not to establish a territory. Power, he traded with various rich people in the universe, and took the lead in destroying the planet, just to enjoy the grief and despair that those races showed when they faced death.

The fun of the invincible is not something that vulgar little people can experience.

"King Frieza, do you want to take precautions against Saifi's forces, after all, the matter of Star Vegeta..." Chambo reminded cautiously.

"Hehe, that's not necessary, let's pay more attention to Saifei's forces, the omnipotent capsules and human seeds are good things. Speaking of which, the Vegeta star Saiyan was destroyed in the hands of this king, it seems to be a substitute for Salad. The Saiyan who reached the planet let out a sigh. If it is determined that the Saiyan over there is not a member of Planet Vegeta, then there is a possibility of cooperation."

"Your Majesty wants to cooperate with Saifei's forces?" Shangbo was a little surprised.

"Remember, we are businessmen. As long as the Saifi forces are knowledgeable, why can't we cooperate!" Frieza laughed, his expression very relaxed.

"My subordinate understands."

After listening to Frieza's words, Champo was a little surprised, looked at Frieza's indifferent face, and nodded calmly.

"Tsk tsk, Syfi forces!" Frieza repeated the name with interest.

King Crud told Frieza that in the entire universe, only the god of destruction Beerus and Majin Buu need to be careful. When he destroyed Planet Vegeta, on the one hand, he was instructed by the god of destruction Beerus. On the other hand, he was also displeased with the myths circulating among the Saiyans. The invincible warrior Super Saiyans sounded particularly harsh in Frieza's ears. The rebellious Saiyans were always so stubborn and always stubborn. One day there will be a rebellion, so just destroy the Saiyans.

As for the fear of the appearance of Super Saiyans, there is no such thing.

And the so-called Super Saiyans probably refer to those Saiyans on the planet Sarada.

Frieza is a businessman and an elegant gentleman. He has not yet clashed with the Saifi forces, so everything is possible. He hopes that the Saiyans of the planet Sarada will be wiser than King Vegeta and the others!

"By the way, don't tell Vegeta and the others about this, hehe, another Saiyan family, it's really interesting." Frieza's purple lips were slightly upturned, revealing a cruel smile.

Chambo also laughed, "When Vegeta finds out that there is a real Saiyan queen in the future, I wonder how he will feel as a prince?"

"Well, let's prepare the spaceship. This king will first see who Carrick II is who made Captain Ginyu run into the wall several times."

"Okay, King Frieza!"

Chapter 18

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