Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 185 Birthday Banquet

"Master, is this the legendary paradise?" Arris breathed the air in the sub-god world in surprise. The strong natural aura made these Vine people especially happy.

The sub-god realm is close to the realm of the realm of kings and gods. The natural gas is definitely not comparable to the planets in the lower realm. The girls of the Fuji clan are naturally close to nature, and they think that they have entered heaven.

"It's not heaven, but it's almost the same. You should be the realm of the gods."

Luo Lan shook his head, that heaven is only the place where the heroes of the underworld live, and the natural aura is still more intense in the sub-god world. When these Vine girls heard that their master had brought them to the realm of the gods, they were surprised and at the same time they couldn't help admiring them, and they were full of admiration for their master.

Being watched with admiration by a group of beautiful girls, Luo Lan naturally enjoyed it very much, and pointed to a green plant in the distance and said to Arris and the others, "See the plants over there, your future task is to take care of them. Those fairy beans, water them with divine water every day... These fairy beans are very precious and must be taken care of."

Luo Lan also wanted to tell them how to take care of fairy beans, but thinking that the other party was good at these things, he did not continue.

"I understand, Master." Arris' voice was clear and sweet.

After speaking, he bowed to Luo Lan, and then checked the growth of fairy beans with other Vine girls. These Vine people are naturally good at plant cultivation. Although they are not very strong, it is very important to use the power of machinery to open up fairy beans plantation. No problem. Handing over a few hundred fairy beans to Arris, Luo Lan nodded as she watched her and her clan get busy.

Arris' planting technology is obviously much more advanced than him. They take care of and manage the fairy bean plantation, and the yield must be much higher than what he planted himself.

In an open space, the facilities that Arris and the others needed for their lives were arranged, and some supplies were left. Luo Lan greeted them, and left the sub-god world under their respectful eyes.

Meanwhile, to the east of the Northern Galaxy.

Dr. Ruka took a small aircraft to the sphere of influence of the evil star in the east, and contacted a cosmic man named "Jager".

"These are the samples of powerful beings prepared by Lord II for you, all of which are relatively powerful races in the universe, which are enough for you to study, but I have to say beforehand, Dr. Ruka, you must complete your promise to Lord II as soon as possible, and study the extension of time. The potion of life!"

The cosmic man Jag put dozens of hideous-looking cosmic corpses into universal capsules, and now these blank universal capsule universes are sold all over the Northern Galaxy.

Dr. Ruka carefully put away the capsule, and put it away as close to his beloved as he did, and said heartily, "Don't worry, Mr. Jager, I will make a potion for His Excellency II as soon as possible."

"Well, take it to heart, you can go back quickly, the east area is not stable recently, by the way, I will contact you alone in the future, don't casually expose the relationship with the evil star." Jia Ge said suddenly.

Dr. Ruka was startled and asked, "Did something happen?"

Jiage said: "Recently, the Ginuit team has been harassing the sphere of influence of the evil star. Although it was repelled by Lord II, the conflict between the evil star and Frieza's army has become more and more intense."

Dr. Ruka was taken aback, "The Frieza Army, that's not a small force!"

"It's okay, as long as that Frieza doesn't take action in person, neither the Frieza Army nor the so-called Ginuit team are the opponents of Lord II. You must know that Mr. II's friend, Mr. Dre, also came to the demon star. That gentleman's strength is not inferior to Lord II at all."

Jiager said without worry at all, there was still some disdain between his brows.

To know that the strength of Carrick II and that Mr. Dre is close to 200,000, the mere Ginuit team is naturally not their opponent. I just don't know how strong their leader Frieza is. It is said that the other party's spaceship has already headed towards the evil star, but I think that with the strength of Lord Carrick II, together with Mr. Dre, it should be able to repel Frieza. That's right.

Dr. Ruka didn't know the inside story, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

"In this case, I have to be careful." After thinking about it, Dr. Luka decided to leave this place of right and wrong early.

"If you need any research in the future, you can contact me." Jiager said.

"Of course, we still need your support!"

Dr. Ruka smiled heartily, then said goodbye to the cosmic man Jager, and took his harvest away in the aircraft.

He wants to rush back to his research institute immediately to study these precious life materials. As for the conflict on the side of the evil star, he doesn't want to get involved.

"It seems that the power of the evil star is not very stable. If the Frieza Legion comes out, there may be a war here soon. Can I get some special materials from it? Wait, I'd better You don't have to come out in person..." On the way back, Dr. Luca thought about it, and finally decided to develop an unmanned collector, which was designed to collect the flesh and blood of powerful creatures in the cosmic battlefield.



After returning from the god realm, Luo Lan returned to the space island to continue to assist Syphilia in mastering the mimetic power, and at this time, he received a communication from Dr. Brives.

It turned out that it was Taisi's birthday, and Dr. Brives wanted to hold a birthday party for Taisi. Knowing that Roland and the others were on the space island, he specially invited them to attend.

"You can go by yourself. I want to practice. When you come back, bring me something delicious." Syphilia was not interested in the birthday party, but she did not forget the delicious food on earth.

"Understood." Luo Lan nodded at Syphilia, gently pulled a few strands of hair on the other side's temples over her ear flaps, and teleported away.

At this time, the earth was in winter. When Luo Lan came to the West Capital, he found that the whole place was covered in silver. The high-rise buildings and the sides of the road were covered with a thick layer of white snow. The industrious snow-clearing robot cleared the accumulation along the road. Snow, splattered snowflakes piled up to the sides.

The cold wind was blowing, and a string of ice cubes hung on the door edge of the house.

Luo Lan walked all the way on the spacious streets of the West Capital. Perhaps because the temperature in winter was too low, few pedestrians could be seen on the street, and there were even fewer cars than usual.

He came to Taisi's home in the center of the western capital, and the door was opened by a girl with lilac hair, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a very delicate appearance and shining blue-purple eyes, although there was no Taisi's A mature and pretty temperament, but also a rare beauty.

"Long time no see, Bulma!" Luo Lan greeted with a smile.

Bulma tilted slightly and looked curiously at the handsome guy in front of him.

"who are you?"

"Ah, it's Luo Lan here!" Taisi's crisp and cheerful voice came, and she quickly pulled Luo Lan towards the villa.

"Luo Lan?!"

Bulma shook her head. The last time she met was six or seven years ago. She had long forgotten about Luo Lan, not to mention that Luo Lan appeared as an adult now.

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