Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 186 Drunkenness

"Luo Lan, you look so handsome now, have you grown up?" Taisi took Luo Lan's arm and walked into the courtyard of the villa with him like a bird.

"Not yet, this is my transformed state, temporarily becoming an adult."

Luo Lan is much taller than Taisi, and it looks like he is holding Taisi. Taisi knows the characteristics of Saiyans, and it must be that Luo Lan has cultivated some strange shape, which is pleasant to the ear. The voice said: "I just said that you are not an adult, how can you grow up all of a sudden."

"By the way, quickly change back to the way it was."

"Why?" Luo Lan asked in confusion.

Taisi's lips moved slightly, and she whispered in Luo Lan's ear: "It's not Bulma yet, that girl is a bit nympho, I can't let her see how handsome you are."

Luo Lan said: "Are you afraid that I will be taken away by Bulma?"

Taisi solemnly warned, "You can't beat her anyway!"

"All right."

Luo Lan didn't make Taisi embarrassed, and directly lifted the mimicry. The originally handsome and straight body immediately changed back to that of a child. When Taisi saw it, she nodded in satisfaction, "This looks much more pleasing to the eye, Bulma. Definitely not interested in children."

If Bulma was really allowed to join the competition, Taisi really had to worry that Luo Lan would be taken away by her, knowing that the young Bulma completely crushed her in terms of age and IQ.

In terms of age, Bulma is only one year younger than Luo Lan, which can be said to be a perfect match, but she is a full ten years older, although the women of the Brives family have always had a youthful appearance, plus the years of life as a god star. It also completely changed her quality, but Taisi still felt a little guilty in her heart.

Not to mention the IQ aspect. From the color of their hair, you can see who they are like. Bulma completely inherited the talent of Dr. Brives, while Taisi herself is very similar to her mother Brives. Mrs. Si, the so-so temperament is almost the same.

"You are quite careful." Luo Lan looked at Taisi with some amusing.

"Of course, I'm already very old. If I don't find someone else, I won't be able to marry." Taisi was a little depressed. Of course Luo Lan knew that as the daughter of the richest man, Taisi would not worry about getting married, but She wants to find someone she likes instead of marrying herself off casually.

"Your parents told you to follow me a long time ago."

"That's just joking, you were just a child before." Taisi shook her head, remembering that when she led Luo Lan home for the first time, Dr. Brives joked that Luo Lan was his little boyfriend , It's really funny, how old was Luo Lan at the time!

But looking at it now, it's pretty good.

Looking at Luo Lan's still immature face, recalling the appearance of the other party when he had just become an adult, there was a ripple in his eyes, and an inaudible voice said, "How about my sister marrying you in the future?"

"Okay, I think you've been waiting for more than ten years." Luo Lan's hearing could naturally hear Taisi's whispers clearly, and a teasing smile appeared on her cheeks.

Taisi's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she quibble: "Nothing, don't think too much."

When Taisi was extremely embarrassed, Dr. Brives and Mrs. Brives came over, and their appearance took Taisi a chance to breathe. After saying sorry to everyone, he ran away alone.

"What's wrong with Tais?" Dr. Brives asked curiously.

"Probably shy."

Luo Lan was filled with a genial smile, and her warm voice was like a gentle spring breeze that warms the heart. Dr. Brives listened and looked at Mrs. Brives with a tacit smile. If Taisi could follow In Luo Lan's words, even if there is no name, it is still very good.

"Miss Syphilia didn't come with you!"

"She's busy cultivating. Just bring her something delicious when she goes back."

Dr. Brives also knew a lot about Miss Syphilia, nodded and said, "I'll let someone prepare the food."

"Don't stand here, let's go to the banquet, because it is Taisi's private banquet, so not many people come. They are all Taisi's classmates and friends..." Mrs. Brives introduced, Due to Luo Lan's special status, the Brives family regarded him as a family member and sat on the main seat with Taisi.

Most of the guests who came to the birthday party were Taisi's classmates and friends, as well as some work assistants. Seeing Luo Lan sitting next to Taisi, they didn't look very big, so they thought it was Taisi. Si's brother.

It's just that Taisi seems to have only one younger sister and no younger brother. Could it be that the Brives couple gave birth in recent years?

"Hey, you are the handsome guy just now, why are you getting smaller again?" Bulma asked suspiciously.

Luo Lan replied: "This is my original appearance."

"Oh, that's not interesting, I thought I could meet a handsome guy!" Bulma lost interest all of a sudden, "Do you know any handsome guy, introduce me to some?"

Bulma's nympho is a bit inherited from Mrs. Brives, but fortunately Taisi still has her duty. Looking at Bulma's immature face, she secretly slandered in her heart, Luo Lan said, "I don't know any handsome guy. , you're just in middle school, don't think about looking for handsome guys all day long."

"Che, you look much younger than me. I really don't know what my sister likes about you." Seeing that Luo Lan didn't introduce her to the handsome guy, and wanted to discipline her, Bulma immediately raised her mouth in annoyance and picked up the A glass of juice goes away.

"That girl Bulma is getting more and more outrageous. She often shouts that she wants to travel outside." Taisi handed over a wine glass, and when she spoke of Bulma, there was a hint of helplessness on her face.

Luo Lan said: "How dare you talk about her, didn't you run around outside when you were her age? How did I meet you at that time?"

"That's different, I'm going to get the material!" Taisi's face was crimson. I don't know if it was because of drinking or because of other reasons, Luo Lan said: "You sisters are about the same."

"It's still different." Taisi sat beside Luo Lan, leaned slightly and handed Luo Lan a piece of fruit, "Tell you, my novel is a big sell, and now it's in the third volume, soon The fourth volume is about to be released."

"That's the "Myth of the Galaxy"? How did it get to the third volume?"

Taisi had almost finished the first six volumes of the twelve volumes of "Myth of the Galaxy" when she was building the gods. Even if the details needed to be polished, it was impossible to publish it so slowly.

"This is the meaning of the publisher. One book for half a year is just enough for the market to digest. It will take six years for my book to be released. I am already writing another series." Speaking of the achievements of his novels, Ta Yisi's face was flushed, and her delicate cheeks seemed to be stained with a bright red.

He drank the drink in one gulp, and the spicy drink made Taisi cough continuously.

"Drink less!"

"It's okay, I'm a good drinker." Taisi laughed softly, and soon began to be confused.

After the birthday party, Taisi was already as drunk as mud, and she was constantly emitting the smell of alcohol.

"Luo Lan, Taisi will be taken care of by you. Take good care of her." Mrs. Brives sent Luo Lan and the others upstairs, and went back to see the guests off by herself.

Luo Lan nodded, her body also turned into an adult state, and then supported Taisi back to the room.


Taisi started to vomit after being drunk, and the messy vomit stained her dress, "My head hurts, why is the ground tilted."

"You're drunk." Luo Lan hugged Taisi.

Her hands were naturally wrapped around Luo Lan's neck, and Taisi's eyes were blurred, "No, I'm not drunk... Uh, my body is so uncomfortable, my whole body is light, I'm going to use hot water to clean my head, Luo Lan, let's take a shower together. !"

"Hurry up and hold me."

Taisi was drunk and said nonsense that even she didn't know. The whole person slowly fell asleep. Luo Lan glanced at her calm lotus posture, shook her head, and carried her into the bathroom. The warm water slid across her body, and Taisi's consciousness became slightly clearer.

"As an eldest lady, it is too dignified to be so drunk. Fortunately, you are at home. If you have been picked up outside."

"Hey, it doesn't matter what you say. In fact, my sister wants to marry you."

"That's what you said."

The speed of his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a bit. Looking at Taisi's beautiful face, Luo Lan no longer hesitated at this time. He picked up the towel to quickly dry the water droplets on the two of them, and then directly hugged Taisi. came to the bedroom.

The lights were not turned off, and Luo Lan sat beside her.


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