Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 187 Luo Lan and Taisi

The next day, early in the morning.

A sharp cry rang out in the room.


Taisi opened her eyes, frowned, and found that her head was aching, and she felt dizzy. Is this a hangover?

Lifting off the sheets, she saw Luo Lan laying beside her small arms and calves. Because she often rests with Luo Lan, Taisi didn't feel anything strange when she saw the current picture.

What the hell happened last night?

Recalling the picture after the birthday party in my mind, a little blurry fragment gradually appeared in my mind. Taisi finally remembered what happened yesterday, but she was an adult after all, so she was mentally prepared for such a thing.

Taisi rolled her eyes at Luo Lan angrily. She was taken advantage of, and she didn't know if she would get pregnant. At this time, Luo Lan said that if she was really pregnant, she would give birth to the child. Anyway, Dr. Breaves and his wife Long-awaited.

Taisi thought seriously, thinking that her parents had no problem with her, and her heart suddenly calmed down.

"Isn't it okay with Sister Syphilia?" Taisi asked again.

"She doesn't care about that."

Luo Lan was very sure that Syphilia didn't care much about other things besides cultivation, which was why he was able to have no worries. Moreover, Syphilia is also very familiar with Tais, as long as she approves it, there will be no problem.

"That's good, Sister Syphilia is easy to get along with." Taisi consciously put her position right. Syphilia's identity is Luo Lan's sister. At home, she still wants Syphilia call the shots.

Because Luo Lan and Taisi were open and honest, they had the most intimate contact, and their chats became more frank after that. Luo Lan also explained to her his relationship with Syphilia.

No wonder, Taisi showed her original expression after hearing this.

He was even more determined in his heart, and he must please Syphilia in the future.

"You have a good rest, I'll ask your servant to prepare some to send over early." Luo Lan got up and dressed quickly, while Taisi curled up, "Help me take out the clothes in the cupboard, I can't move around easily."


Luo Lan smiled and opened Taisi's wardrobe. There were various styles of underwear hanging in it. She carefully selected a few and handed them over, but Taisi drove him out directly, no matter what, she would not let him continue to watch. The way she dresses.

Luo Lan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

After walking out of Taisi's room, she didn't walk very far, and met Mrs. Brives head-on. The young and fashionable Mrs. Brives smiled, obviously knowing what happened last night, and whispered: "Taisi's The body is relatively thin, so you should pay more attention in the future.”

Luo Lan understood, "I will take good care of her."

Mrs. Brives smiled and said, "You work harder, I want to hug my grandson as soon as possible!"

Luo Lan scratched her head in embarrassment and said, "This will wait for me to become an adult. My current appearance is not suitable."

"That's right, you Saiyans must grow up only when you are an adult, so you can only wait for a while." Mrs. Brives was a little disappointed, thinking that she would be able to hold her grandson soon!

Luo Lan thought that her current appearance was really not good. If she was with Taisi, she would be regarded as her younger brother instead. She couldn't always become a mimetic form.

I had to find a way to grow up as soon as possible, and a flash of light flashed in my mind, and I had already thought of a solution.

"It seems that I'm going to the spiritual time house of the temple. I didn't expect that I went to the time house not for cultivation, but to grow up early!"

With a sigh, Luo Lan nodded towards Mrs. Brives and walked towards the kitchen. On the way, I met Bulma again. The girl seemed to know her relationship with Taisi, and her eyes became a little wary. Luo Lan naturally wouldn't mess with a child, just say hello to her. walked over.

Speaking of it, it will be summer in half a year. Twelve years are full. Will Bulma start the journey to find Dragon Balls as depicted in the original book!

Looking forward to it!

With a faint smile on his lips, Luo Lan walked straight towards the kitchen.

Bulma looked depressed, "What the hell is wrong with my sister, she actually likes a little kid, obviously the age difference is so much."

In fact, Luo Lan is one year older than Bulma, but the Saiyan's young appearance makes him look very young. Bulma admits that the other party looks very handsome when he is an adult, but if it is her, She can't stand falling in love with a child.

"Hmph, when I create the Dragon Ball Radar, I will go out during the summer vacation, I must find all the Dragon Balls, and then make a wish to find a Prince Charming."

With such an illusion in his heart, Bulma decisively abandoned the previous depression and walked away with light steps.

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