Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 204 Interception

A few stars away from the center of the Milky Way, there is a vast and deep cosmic starry sky.

Utu galaxy.

A super-massive star constantly emits light and heat, and ejects clumps of massive coronal matter, but due to the vastness of the universe, these rays of light are like fireflies twinkling in the dark night in the deep sea of ​​stars. Appears weak.

Not far from the big star, a dark spaceship drifted in the starry sky near the star, and was bound by the gravitational force of the central massive star together with the surrounding dozens of planets, while slowly flying around the star.

Suddenly, a short burst of light flashed by, and some spaceships quickly entered the Utu galaxy, and the silent galaxy suddenly became lively.

The owners of these spaceships come from all over the universe, and they are all galactic mercenaries from different galaxies who have accepted the task of the Galactic Patrol Organization.

Those who have the guts to take on the mission of the Galaxy Patrol are decent in terms of strength, but the timid ones don’t dare to join in the fun. Looking over, more than 100 spaceships are floating in space, and then more than 100 Galaxy mercenaries from the spaceship. Among them, there are many fighters with a combat power of more than 100,000.

"Carrick II's spaceship is about to enter the Utu galaxy, everyone is ready."

The cold voice rang in the ears, and the Galaxy mercenaries communicated through the liaison.

More than a hundred galactic mercenaries were all ready. They were fully armed and put on more sturdy combat uniforms. At the same time, the spaceships spread all over the Utu Galaxy, releasing space nets towards the empty starry sky. I saw that the crystal mesh structure shone a few times, and an invisible phantom object gradually disappeared into the void, and the entire space became distorted in an instant.

This kind of space net is an indispensable equipment in starship battles, which can effectively block the navigation of the spacecraft.

It's the favorite thing for those interstellar robbers.

"This task is not difficult. It is said that Carrick II and the others have gathered a lot of people, but there are also many experts on our side."

"Be careful. Witches Lulu is also in their team. If it weren't for her, the Galaxy Patrol Organization wouldn't have to rush to issue a mission."

When it comes to the Lulu witch, the faces of all the galactic mercenaries become solemn. The legendary witch with a fighting power of more than one million is known for her ferocious methods. There are countless cosmic powerhouses who died in her hands. Although these galactic mercenaries are self-proclaimed powerful, they are among the best in their own galaxy, but When facing the witch Lulu, she still showed caution.

"Everyone, after the other party's spaceship appears, everyone will join forces to force them to a planet not far away. This time the mission is a joint operation, and we must work together."

The strength of the enemy put pressure on everyone, and these mercenaries nodded.


"Their spaceship is here!"

At this moment, a tall galactic mercenary shouted. As soon as the voice fell, a fleet of ten spaceships appeared in the distant starry sky. These spaceships had different shapes, and their surfaces were covered with a thick red halo, which looked particularly hazy.

And with the appearance of that group of spaceships, waves of terrifying energy also passed over. The energy detectors in the hands of the Galaxy mercenaries made a "beep beep beep" sound, and the cold air of the forest came, touching everyone's nerves. .

"What terrifying energy!"

A galactic mercenary looked at the data on the probe and couldn't help gasping for air.

"Get ready, the battle has begun, and all the spaceships will start the space network immediately!"

With the order of the powerful warriors, the spaceships wandering around the Utu galaxy immediately activated the space net they had set up before, and with the activation of the space net, the area within several AU became thick, and all the When the alien spaceship entered the space network, it seemed to be entangled by countless ropes, and the speed of flight suddenly slowed down.

Seeing the opportunity, these galactic mercenaries flew up and attacked the group of spaceships where Carrick II and the others were.

"Attack with full force and drive them to a nearby planet!"

After all, fighting in the universe is not suitable for everyone. In this world, there are not as many cosmic people who can survive in a vacuum environment, so the final battlefield is still on the planet.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

The mercenaries released powerful energy, and the gushing energy roared out like a star burst, and then saw countless beams of light twisted together, intertwined into a more terrifying energy shock, roaring towards Carrick II along a straight trajectory. fleet away.

For a time, the entire starry sky was boiling.

The terrifying energy is like a group of beautifully blooming fireworks, and the brilliant and bright light lights up in the universe, and its light almost covers the large stars in the core of the Utu galaxy.

Boom! !

The spacecraft exploded one by one, the spacecraft that Carrick II and others were riding on detected a high amount of energy reaction, and the alarm sounded in the spacecraft.

"No, we encountered an ambush." ​​The spaceman in the spaceship panicked.

"The people of the Galaxy Patrol are really prepared, but they don't know who they will face next!"

Nez and Dre sneered, as if they were stronger than they would be threatened by the explosion of the mere spaceship.

"Those patrolmen aren't particularly stupid! Give up the spaceship, presumably the surrounding space has been locked." On the seat, the white-haired witch Lu Lu stood up, with a mocking smile on her glamorous cheeks, and two lines of purple tears. The lines are particularly eye-catching, and there is also a disturbing atmosphere.


"Listen to Lord Lu Lu."

Carrick II and the others looked at each other and sneered, wrapped in an energy shield and left the spaceship.

Cosmic people who are as powerful as Carrick II naturally have strong self-confidence. As for the other party's ambush halfway, they have long expected, so they are not afraid, and they are not afraid at all!

On a massive planet in the inner Utu galaxy.

After experiencing some entanglement in the starry sky, the 120 masters of the Galaxy Mercenary Organization joined forces and finally forced Carrick II and others to this planet. In fact, it is not accurate to say "persecution", because everything is the behavior of Carrick II themselves, and they also chose a planet as a battlefield.

A light green planet.

The temperature here is about forty degrees, and the air is filled with dim sand and dust. Because of the lack of moisture, the strong wind blowing has a feeling of dryness and heat.

The Galaxy mercenaries stood opposite Carrick II and the others, and the two rows of thick air walls crushed each other, causing the entire planet to tremble. The moment they met face to face, the two sides felt the pressure from each other, especially the Galactic Mercenaries, when they faced Carrick II and the others, their faces became very dignified.

"One hundred and twenty people, there are quite a few courageous people in the universe."

The voice was icy and biting, and the hot wind made Witches Lu Lu flash a bit of annoyance, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, "Carrick, Dre, kill them as soon as possible."

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