
Hearing Witches Lulu's words, Carrick II sneered and strode to the front of the Galaxy Mercenaries, despite the fact that there were more than 100 people on the other side, but Carrick II didn't take it to heart at all.

"Dre, Nez... Kill these annoying ants, don't waste time on these wastes, Lord Lu Lu is still waiting to go to the center of the galaxy!"


"The Galactic Patrol's side is the dinner. These people are just appetizers." Dre and Nez sneered with disdain. Although there were only twenty people on their side, all of them were experts, even on the opposite side. There are many masters with a combat power of more than 100,000, but they are not valued by them.


With a low voice, Carrick II and others were surrounded by ferocious energy, and dozens of energies soared to the ground.

Clap la la... Suddenly a strong wind blows, and the hot and dry air is even more unstable.

But seeing dozens of bright lights flashing in the field of vision, it has disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Pom Pom Pom!


The battle between the Galaxy mercenaries and Carrick II started, and the range of thousands of miles seemed to freeze at once. Various explosions and whistling sounds continued to sound, and mushroom clouds that broke through the sky continued to rise on the planet.

In fact, the combat power of hundreds of thousands is not weak at all. If it weren't for the extremely huge and solid planet they fought, the bombardment of energy alone could completely shatter the planet.

Only the rustling of the wind could be heard, and the ground suddenly cracked with deep cracks.

"Just this little power? The famous Galaxy Mercenaries are nothing but the same."

When the battle between the two sides was fierce, Witch Lu Lu watched with a sneer. Her body slowly floated in the air, surrounded by all kinds of strong energies, but when approaching Witch Lu Lu, these energies As if annihilated, disappeared without a trace.

For her, whose strength has reached more than one million, the battle between Carrick II and those galactic mercenaries is like a child's slapstick, which is really lacking.

But if you don't participate in it, it will be too lack of presence.

So, the scarlet tongue licked her lower lip, and Sorceress Lu Lu glanced at the land that became even more vast, aiming at a mercenary who was fighting, and then slowly stretched out her fingers, a cluster of tiny flashes beating on the fingertips .

"Death!" said a word indifferently.

A sharp ray shot out from Witches Lu Lu's fingertips, instantly penetrating the space, "puchi", and penetrated the mercenary's body. With an explosion, the galactic mercenary was dead.


The other Galaxy mercenary shouted loudly, looked at his dead companion with split eyes, swept his gaze to the Lulu Demoness in mid-air, shouted angrily, and rushed towards Lulu Demoness.

A cold and stern light flashed by, and Witches Lu Lu turned a blind eye to the attack of the galaxy mercenary, and slowly stretched out her hand and clenched the opponent's fist.

With a crisp sound, the Galaxy Mercenary's attack came to an abrupt end.

"Your strength is too weak."

"How dare you challenge me with this little power!"

Shaking her head regretfully, Witches Lu Lu smiled cruelly, her other hand stretched out to stick to the opponent's body, the surging energy shone, and then released the energy in the horrified and panicked eyes of the other party.

With a bang, it smashed it into powder.

"No, witch Lu Lu is too powerful, don't fight alone!"

On the Galaxy Mercenary side, after Witches Lu Lu revealed some strengths, all of them suddenly changed color. After some thought, all the Galaxy Mercenaries began to gather.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of Lord Lu Lu, he killed a few masters so easily."

"Now the group of Galaxy mercenaries should panic."

Carrick II has released all his power, his short body has turned into a tall dark green body, and the rich energy almost changes the color of the world, but this is so, in front of the million-level power of Witches Lulu, his A little bit of power still seems to be playing around.


"That pink-skinned woman is a little interesting, and she's quite strong."

On a hill, Sefilia's beautiful figure was leaning against a rock wall, watching the battle between the Galaxy mercenaries and Carrick II and others indifferently.

"1.06 million combat power is really rare."

Luo Lan roughly felt the energy of Witches Lu Lu, and there was a hint of surprise on her face.

If they hadn't mastered the ape-like transformations, they wouldn't have been a match for the female cosmos.

This is very rare. One must know that beings with more than 100,000 combat powers are rare in the universe. Each of them is a big boss of one side, and it is easy to not show up. But now, on a planet in the Wutu galaxy alone, There were actually dozens of them.

In fact, it has been a while since Syphilia and Luo Lan came to this planet. When Carrick II and the others made their move, they kept watching, but because the other party's strength was too low, it never aroused their interest. It wasn't until Witches Lulu took action that Syphilia's enthusiasm grew.

"Luo Lan, let me deal with that woman, don't interfere!" Syphilia said indifferently.

Luo Lan shrugged and said that she would not interfere in Syphilia's battle. It was Syphilia's intention to take over the mission of the Galaxy Patrol Organization, so Luo Lan naturally wouldn't dampen her interest.

Seeing Luo Lan give up the strongest person to herself, Syphilia nodded happily, then her face changed slightly, her body turned into a streamer, and she swooped towards Witch Lu Lu.


Feeling a powerful energy approaching, Witches Lu Lu stopped what she was doing, and when she looked at it, she found that it was a female human with black hair and a beautiful face.

"Are you a galactic mercenary too? You look better than those trash." Witches Lulu looked at Sefilia calmly. The detector flickered a few times, showing the opponent's combat effectiveness.

38 degrees!

380,000 combat power!

"It actually has 380,000 combat power, and it is indeed more powerful than those wastes. For the sake of being a woman, as long as you are willing to surrender to me, I can spare your life." Lulu witch's bloody eyes looked at Sai Feili Asia.

Syphilia snorted coldly, a red light flashed in her eyes, and the majestic energy surged, instantly turning into a mimetic form.

The body was burning with blood-red arrogance, the black hair fluttered in the wind, and a blood-red tail was wrapped around the slender waist, the whole person was indescribably domineering.

And with the transformation, her combat power has also increased by five times!

The 1.9 million combat power shocked the whole world, the air became solidified, and a cold gust of wind blew past, sweeping the earth, everyone's chest seemed to be pressed against a mountain, and their breathing became heavy.

"It's terrible, what does it feel like!"

"Who the hell is that?!"

At this point, both the Galactic mercenaries and the people from Carrick II stopped fighting after Syphilia's transformation.

Some mercenaries from the Northern Galaxy are wearing energy detectors produced by Syphy forces. At this moment, the lenses show Syphilia's combat power, 190 degrees! The terrifying value directly shocked people, and they were speechless for a while.

After a while, someone shouted loudly:

"1.9 million combat power?!"

The astonishing fighting power stunned everyone on both sides.

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