Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 206 Queen Saifi

"Her dress and appearance... She looks like a Saiyan. When did such a strong person appear among the Saiyans, is she the rumored Queen Saiyan?"

"It's Queen Saifi. During the battle with the Bab Legion, someone took her image."

"It's no wonder that the Babu Legion was destroyed. It turns out that Queen Saifi is so powerful!"

The people on the Galaxy Mercenary side were full of shock, but judging from the current situation, this Queen Syfi seemed to be helping them, and perhaps she also received a commission from the Galaxy Patrol Organization. That's right, as the queen of a large power, there must be some connection with the Galactic Patrol Organization.

Such speculation immediately made the Galaxy mercenaries feel a sense of peace of mind.

"Carrick, is that woman really the Queen of Saiyans?" Nez asked Carrick II uneasily, and Carrick II frowned deeply, "I don't know, I'm talking to the west of the Northern Galaxy. The Saifi faction has not been contacted."

"Oops, with such a powerful force, I am afraid that it is Lord Lu Lu... and not an opponent." Dre sullen and felt a sense of unease.


Syphilia looked on with a cold expression.

Witches Lulu wanted to subdue her words, which made her very unhappy.

At this time, Luo Lan's figure strode to Syphilia's side. Because she didn't become a mimetic, her aura was much weaker than Philia, but compared to other cosmos people, she still looked extremely powerful.

"450,000 combat power!"

Luo Lan's data also blinded many people. Carrick II's heart suddenly trembled, and cold sweat could not help dripping from his forehead.

But at this moment, Witch Lu Lu laughed loudly, and a harsh and cold voice sounded, "Interesting, it turns out that you are the Saifei Queen of the Northern Galaxy, and I heard a long time ago that there is a Saiyan rising from the Northern Galaxy. Queen of Humans, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful, with 1.9 million combat power, enough to become my subordinate."

"It seems that you are still hiding your strength. Could it be that... you will also transform?" Syphilia said.


Witches Lulu was stunned, "Oh, this form of yours turned out to be a kind of transformation, you can gain powerful power by changing the shape of your body, similar to Carrick, what a funny power, how can you get the power from transformation? Your own strength is strong.”

Witches Lu Lu smiled proudly, and the pattern on her forehead shone with a faint purple light.

"Who can't have some trump cards, that's all, let you see the true power of my lord. Since you don't want to be my subordinate, it is also your honor to die under my full strength." Said, the witch Lu Lu When he sneered, the aura on his body suddenly rose, and it more than doubled in a short time.

The overwhelming pressure shrouded the sky, and instantly overwhelmed the momentum of Sefilia. The huge planet shook violently under the energy impact of Syphilia and Lu Lu. Gravity floats.

2.45 million! !

This is the full power of Witches Lu Lu, shocking the world, and also making people feel hopeless.

"It's not a transformation..." With a few words in her mouth, Syphilia saw at a glance that this was the true power of Witches Lulu, and a strong fighting intent suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"That's a kind of energy mastery. The opponent always suppresses the strength of her body, so... everyone thinks she only has one million combat power!" Luo Lan was surprised. Compared with the powerful energy of Lulu Witch, it was The opponent's use of breath surprised him.

This is one of the few cosmic beings that Luo Lan has met who has mastered the free transformation of the energy of their bodies, apart from the Earth God and the Adraat.

"Sephilia, do you want me to help you?"

"Need not."

Sephiria decisively refused. Although Witches Lulu was much stronger than her, this just aroused her desire to fight. Her eyes became serious when she looked at Witches Lulu, and her aura was even more majestic.

Luo Lan smiled lightly, and left the position to Sefilia and Lu Lu. She turned around and came to Carrick II. At this time, Carrick II had already been captured by Syphilia and Lu Lu. The combat power was stunned, and there was no response to Luo Lan's arrival.

"Carrick II, do you have a father named Carrick?" Luo Lan asked.

"how do you know?"

"Earth!" A word was said inexplicably.

"What Earth?" Carrick II looked vigilant.

"You don't know the Earth? Well, it seems that the world of the theatrical version is indeed different from the world of the original." Luo Lan nodded, and looked deeply at Dre and Nez next to Carrick II. These two people are members of the Kevilla mecha team in the theatrical version, but there is no Kevilla in this world, so naturally there is no Kevilla mecha team.

Carrick II didn't know what Luo Lan was talking about. At this time, he already knew that he had to do something. Otherwise, not to mention attacking the headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol Organization, and even they themselves would be smashed here.

"Dre, Nez, shoot with me."


Dre and Nez hurriedly responded. The two also had hundreds of thousands of combat power. If they joined hands to cooperate with Carrick II, even if they had hundreds of thousands of combat power, they might not be their opponents.

However, they still underestimated Luo Lan. Facing the cooperation of Carrick II and others, Luo Lan always kept a smile on his face. His movements were very slow and he looked very clear. When Rick and the others attacked, they were always avoided by him.

With a backhand push, the soft palms lined up on Carrick II's body.


A mouthful of blood gushed out, and Carrick II's face instantly turned pale, and there was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"The strength is a little worse, forget it, just kill you guys!" Luo Lan shook her head. The mission of the Galaxy Patrol was originally taken by Syphilia, but she is now fighting against the witch Lulu. After making a deal, for "ants" like Carrick II, he reluctantly did it for him.

A faint smile flashed across his face, and that smile made Carrick II tremble.

"No, go back!!"

Carrick II suddenly felt that something was wrong, and his pale cheeks were even more bloodless. With a roar, he fled away from Luo Lan with all his strength.

The current situation made him feel like he had faced Frieza in the first place. He was also so powerless, and he was also being played by others. Carrick II hated this feeling of powerlessness very much.

"How could it be so easy to let you go!"

Luo Lan's dark eyes flashed a flash of lightning, and she stretched her arms, the air rolled around her body, and countless small half-inch-long blades hovered around her body. These blades are dense and thin as cicada wings, but they contain terrifying energy inside. It is conceivable what the consequences will be if they are attacked by them.


With a light drink, the tiny rays of light that covered the entire space flew out like arrows.

The scattered energy blades are arranged in an orderly manner, forming an array, and attacking the target with Luo Lan's thoughts! Like a storm of energy shining brightly.

Boom! !

Hit the target.

"Ahhhh!!" With a tragic cry, Carrick II was drowned in the torrent of energy.

Three chapters, making up for yesterday's chapter!

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