Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 211 The king is very confident in his strength

"Hey, you are Saiyans, if I'm not wrong, it should be the Saiyans of the planet Sarada!"

Frieza suddenly revealed their identity as Saiyans from the planet Sarada.

After Luo Lan heard this, her face suddenly changed, and she finally understood where the throbbing in her heart came from—it turns out that Frieza already knew their origins! All kinds of thoughts flashed through my heart for a moment, and there was an urge to move away in an instant, but in the end my reason suppressed this thought.

Even if he leaves now, Frieza can follow the trail to find the planet Sarada.

It's more troublesome then.

How to do?

Although he had already considered the risk of the final exposure of the Sarada planet when he established Saifei's power, he didn't expect this day to come so quickly. It would be nice to give him some more time. Time is not enough! Of course, Luo Lan, who already has the ability to teleport, is not particularly afraid of Frieza.

What's more, Frieza's fighting strength is only 530,000 words under normal conditions, and he can't hurt them yet.

Luo Lan adjusted her emotions, looked at Frieza, and asked in an "uncertain" tone, "Are you Frieza of Northern Galaxy?"

"Hehe, it's this king, I didn't expect you all to hear about this king..." Frieza said, turning his eyes to Syphilia, "This is Queen Syphy, what a great power, this king... The terrifying power in you has been detected from afar."

"Your Majesty, her combat power is 1.9 million!" This fashion wave stepped forward and said the combat power detected by Syphilia.

Frieza opened her eyes, nodded slightly, and clapped her hands, "Amazing, she is indeed the queen of the Saiyans from the Sarada planet, and her strength is far from what King Vegeta's trash can match."


Sefilia looked at Frieza coldly, not knowing what medicine the other party was selling in the gourd. It stands to reason that if Frieza was sure that he was a Saiyan, he should act immediately. What is the meaning of such small talk, It would be too cautious to conduct a test.

At this time, Syphilia didn't know that, in Frieza's heart, she had always misunderstood the relationship between Planet Sarada and Planet Vegeta.

In Frieza's understanding, the planet Sarada is the mother race of the Saiyans, while the Saiyans on Vegeta are just ancient rebels.

"Friza, what are you doing in the center of the galaxy when you're not staying in the northern galaxy?"

A galactic mercenary mustered up the courage to ask questions, perhaps because Luo Lan and the others were there, these galactic mercenaries had relied on them, and their courage became much stronger. Although Luo Lan's previous methods of subduing Witches Lu Lu seemed to be a perverted person, at least not a demon like Frieza.

Luo Lan looked at the Galaxy mercenary, a drop of sweat dripped from his heart, and applauded his courage.

Frieza's face turned cold, and she squinted at the mercenaries.

"Where does this king want to go, do you need to take care of it?"

A bleak pressure rolled over, as if a majestic mountain was rolling down, and the terrifying pressure instantly taught the mercenary to back up a few steps, and his face became ugly.

"Stupid, the dignity of the strong cannot be provocative."

Witches Lulu, who had only one head left, glanced at the mercenaries with disdain, who were also full of dark power. Witches Lulu had already seen that Frieza's strength had an astonishing 500,000 combat power value. This kind of powerhouse, how can those mercenaries with a combat power of hundreds of thousands be able to provoke them? Even if she was seriously injured, she would not take them seriously.

"Shut up for me." Syphilia patted Witches Lulu's head.

Witches Lu Lu had a fierce look in her eyes, looked at Luo Lan who was standing beside her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and carefully restrained her arrogance.

She is now a prisoner, not the witch she used to be.

Frieza glanced at the witch Lulu who was being held by Sefilia, and said in surprise: "You are the witch Lulu, it's really sad, if you lose your body, your strength will be greatly weakened, and your body will become mutilated in the future. "

"You don't need to worry about it!" Witches Lu Lu yelled angrily.

"Haha." Frieza chuckled lightly. The small aircraft landed on the ground. Frieza stepped off the aircraft. It wasn't tall, and even a small figure came to Luo Lan and Syphilia.

Lifting his head, the two pointed horns reflected crystal light in the sunlight, the flesh-colored tail slapped the ground, bang bang bang, the solid earth and stone were broken.

"King Frieza... The strength of this male Saiyan has reached 4.5 million combat power!"

Shangbo touched the sweat on his forehead, and stammered to Frieza about Luo Lan's fighting strength. He was extremely nervous after knowing Luo Lan's fighting strength. Whether it was Luo Lan or Syphilia, their combat effectiveness was unimaginably high.

Even if he had full confidence in Frieza's strength, there was no guarantee that Frieza would be able to reach the opponent's strength.

It would be better if there should be no conflict, Chambeau prayed to himself.

Frieza was stunned for a moment, nodded lightly, and looked at the red tail on Luo Lan's waist, a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, "The Saiyan's tail should be brown, why are the two of them red? Could this be the Super Saiyan? It must be, otherwise the mere Saiyans wouldn't have been so powerful."

To be fair, just a few million combat power is not in Frieza's eyes at all. As long as he wants to, he can unlock the power of his body at any time to reach tens of millions of combat power, and if he uses all his strength, he can even soar to astonishing 120 million. The value of , but it is not necessary, his usual strength is enough, and the 120 million full-power state is quite a lot of pressure on the body.

"Hello, the two powerhouses of the Sarada planet."

Frieza held out her hand in a very kind manner.

Luo Lan frowned, seeing that Frieza didn't seem to be looking for trouble, he hesitated to shake hands with Frieza.

Frieza said: "Don't worry about my malicious intentions, this king has always been very polite to the strong, and besides, this king is a businessman, and the Qingteng star under the Saifei force is the leading business planet in the west of the Northern Galaxy. what!"

"By the way, was there a civil war in the ancient times of the Sarada planet, and the Sarada planet 'disappeared' into the universe?"

"That's right." Luo Lan said.

"Sure enough, speaking of this king's subordinates used to have a Saiyan team, but it is not enough to compare with the Saiyans of the Saifi forces. If this king is not wrong, the Vegeta Star Race The demi-humans are the main culprits of the civil strife on your side, but don’t worry, those Saiyans disappeared from this universe twelve years ago because of a meteor disaster.” As he spoke, Frieza’s face was filled with regret and sharpness. His eyes watched Luo Lan's expression.

"The Saiyans of Planet Vegeta really left after the civil strife."

Luo Lan nodded. The Saiyans of Planet Vegeta had turned around several times in the universe after the destruction of the ancient Sarada planet, and finally settled on Planet Vegeta.

Frieza observed Luo Lan's expression and saw that the other party's expression was calm, not feeling sad because of the genocide of the Vegeta Star Saiyans, and even confirmed his guess in his heart.

The Saiyans of the planet Sarada should be the source of the Saiyan family, while the Saiyans of the Vegeta planet are just ancient rebels.

No way, the history of the west of the Northern Galaxy matches the history of Planet Vegeta very well. It was later recovered with Dragon Balls, and he would never have imagined that the "weak" Saiyans he knew would actually emerge two masters with an energy value of more than one million in just a few years.

"Your current state should be the Super Saiyans circulated in the Saiyan clan... The power is amazing."

"It's different from ordinary Saiyans."

Luo Lan smiled lightly. He had realized that Frieza's cognition was wrong, so he simply acquiesced.

This will also reduce the connection between the Saiyans of the Sarada planet and the Saiyans of the Vegeta planet.

Afterwards, the two of them talked very happily, and each had their own thoughts in their hearts. When Frieza knew that the so-called Super Saiyan only had a fighting power of several million, his heart was full of disdain. There is no expectation and fear, but the surface is full of smiles, showing a look of admiration.

Luo Lan, Xu and Wei Snake, tested Frieza's purpose bit by bit.

When he knew that Frieza was chasing Carrick II, he secretly thought that Carrick II had bad luck. Even if he didn't die in his own hands, he would die in Frieza's hands sooner or later.

"Mr. Luo Lan, Queen Saifei, although your Qingteng Star is already a large business planet, but there is no planet transaction on it, it is incomplete without such an attractive business..."

"So what?" Luo Lan asked calmly.

"This king has enough planets under his command. Most of these planets are unowned. This king hopes to establish cooperation with you and open the business of selling planets."

Frieza pursed his lips and showed a smile. Unlike the Saifi forces that occupy territories, Frieza's Frieza Legion, apart from occupying a few important supply planets, did not bother to occupy planets at all. All of the planets were sold to rich merchants in the universe. Frieza’s army put it bluntly, it’s just a tool for Frieza to enjoy the fun of killing. He trades with the richest people in the universe and takes the lead in destroying the planet, just to enjoy the grief and despair that those races show when they face death.

Therefore, he has no interest in the planets of Saifei's forces, but is very interested in the various products sold by Qingteng Star.

Luo Lan frowned and looked at Syphilia, as if thinking about the gains and losses.

Cooperating with Frieza's army is the way to resolve the conflict with Frieza, and you don't have to worry about when Frieza will attack, but... Frieza is moody, don't look at his subordinates politely, Acting like a gentleman, in fact, he is very bloody and cruel in his bones.

The reason why he didn't show that cruelty is because the other party hasn't caught his attention enough, and showing his tolerance to the weak is actually a kind of sad pity, and he doesn't take the other party seriously at all.

Seeing that Luo Lan didn't reply to him for a long time, Frieza's eyes rolled, and the joints were immediately connected. Put yourself in his shoes and think about it. If someone wants to cooperate with him and doesn't show enough strength, he will definitely be looked down upon.

Frieza grinned and slapped his tail on the ground, "Mr. Luo Lan, but I don't like this king's strength? To tell you the truth, this king's power is far more than that! Why don't I show this king to you? , then our cooperation will naturally come naturally.”

Frieza is quite confident about his strength.

Luo Lan glanced at Frieza in amazement, what is this guy doing to himself?

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