Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 212 Frieza's Transformation (2 in 1)

Frieza is a very strong person, but one thing is that he likes to show his strength in front of others, especially watching the other party's process from surprise to despair. This kind of behavior in front of people brings him great enjoyment. Of course, not everyone deserves to be manifested before others.

Frieza does not bother to take action personally for people with too low strength or insufficient status. Only those with a combat power of 10,000 or more, who have a sufficient position in the universe and can be called masters, will Frieza be interested in attacking their self-confidence. Heart.

But now, Frieza wants to show her strength. In addition to attacking those present, she also has to tell Roland that Frieza has enough qualifications to cooperate with him.

"Hohoho, Mr. Shangbo, haven't you seen the true strength of this king? Now, there is a chance to see it, but you can use the detector to see it clearly!" Frieza smiled at Shangbo. Said, after a long absence to show his power, even he himself is looking forward to it.

"This subordinate must wait and see." Chambo's eyes lit up, he had never seen Frieza in other forms and he was full of expectations.

"Hehe, everyone should see it clearly, don't be too surprised."

Frieza chuckled lightly, his eyes swept across Roland and Syphilia, his lips curved slightly, and he began to show his power.

I saw Frieza's hands clenched and fists clasped in front of him, and a low growl came out of his mouth. The strength of his body suddenly began to soar. So the strength is very limited.

Soon, as Frieza's strength increased, the brown battle suit on his body could not withstand the powerful force, and it shattered into small pieces and fell to the ground.

at the same time.

beep beep beep...

The energy detectors in the hands of everyone present sent out a loud chirping, and the energy value displayed on it, representing Frieza’s combat power, began to beat continuously.

53 degrees, 60 degrees, 70 degrees...

Affected by Frieza's power, the entire planet shook violently, and cobweb-like cracks appeared on the ground. The last straw that crushed the camel, the ground cracked, and suddenly the lower limit, the magma spurted out.

"How... how is that possible! Frieza's combat power has risen to 1 million, and... is still rising!"

A galaxy mercenary said with a trembling voice, his face full of stunned, especially the mercenary who had scolded Frieza before, his face was even more pale at this time, and cold sweat could not stop coming out.

Just now Frieza didn't kill him with a single move. He was really lucky. The galaxy mercenary swallowed his saliva and immediately felt scared!

"It's already 1.2 million, and King Frieza actually has such a high combat power!" Looking at it in disbelief, Chambo observed the detector in his hand, looking at the data that kept beating and had no meaning to stop. Everyone gets excited.

Too strong, so this is the power of King Frieza!

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Witches Lulu stared at Frieza, who was constantly releasing her power, her face darkened, and she looked very unhappy. What the hell happened to this universe, and why everyone she met would be transformed. In contrast, she, who had reached 2.45 million combat power by her own strength, became less profitable.


If she could also transform herself, why would she end up with only one head left? The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, her pale pink cheeks revealed a dark aura.

She is so pitiful.


Syphilia tugged at Lu Lu's white hair, her eyes fixed on Frieza, who was still releasing her power.

It's not that she never thought about attacking Frieza while she was in the past, but Luo Lan had told her before that Frieza's transformation was not so much a transformation as a release. Frieza had to compress his power by changing his body shape because his own power was too great. In fact, Frieza's normality is abnormal.

What an enviable situation this is.

If Syphilia attacked Frieza while she was in the past, it would be self-defeating if she could injure the opponent. Suppressing the killing intent in her heart, Syphilia slowly approached Luo Lan's side.

At this time, with a burst of white energy light, Frieza completed her first transformation.

After unlocking the first transformation, Frieza's body became tall and straight, and his height suddenly jumped from a meter to more than two meters. He looked a lot more mature, and the two pointed horns on his head were straight. It became curved and raised upward, like two horns, the shoulders, the top of the head and the arm joints were covered with purple leather, and the muscles all over the body were full of strength.

The appearance is still very young, and there is no feeling that King Kruder is covered with years of vicissitudes.

"1.6 million combat power, three times as much as before! It turns out that this is what King Frieza looks like when he transforms, and it is exactly the same as King Crude."

Chambot's handsome face was full of surprise, his voice trembled slightly, and his eyes were fiery as he looked at Frieza.

Frieza has always been an invincible existence, and he can destroy the planet with a wave of his hand. Didn't the pretentious Saiyans be destroyed by King Frieza? Although there are too many powerful cosmic beings on the planet right now, in Chambo's heart, King Frieza is still as strong as ever.

"Don't be surprised, Mr. Champeau, this is only a small part of this king's power." Frieza smiled.

"Is this just a fraction of the power?"

"Of course, this king's transformation is more than that."

"Ah!" Chambo was shocked when he heard this.

Frieza smiled proudly and wanted to see Ro Lan's stunned expressions, but unfortunately, Ro Lan didn't seem surprised by this.

Frieza clicked his lips, slightly disappointed.

But also, the strength displayed by the opponent has 4.5 million combat power, so naturally he will not be surprised by his own 1.6 million combat power.

Still need to release the second transformation, Frieza shook his head and thought to himself.

But don't be too surprised.

The form under the second transformation can be described as ugly among Frieza's several forms, and it looks very much like a cosmic race called "Pui" in the universe, which is the least favorite of Frieza. a form of. However, in order to show his strength in front of others, Frieza decided to continue to unleash his power.


There is a depressing smell in the air, and the cold energy is mixed with the air, and there is a feeling of the end of the world.

I saw Frieza's sturdy body bent down slightly, his mouth opened outward, the back of his head extended back to his back, and the white rock shell behind him began to bulge back, growing out like sharp horns. Raised. In the third form, Frieza looks very ugly, and his stature has grown a circle, but his strength has increased several times compared to just now.

The radiant energy spreads with the gust of wind and blows on people's bodies, suddenly falling into an ice cave, giving rise to a trembling feeling.

The people from the Galaxy Mercenary stared in stunned silence, completely speechless, the witch Lu Lu also widened her eyes, and the two purple tear lines under the corners of her eyes became a little distorted because of the shock.

"4.91 million combat power, three times as much as just now..." Witches Lu Lu bit her lips, her blood-colored pupils tightening for a while.

"As expected of King Frieza!!"

Chambo's face was full of enthusiasm, and his voice was full of excitement. If he was a female cosmos person, he might have rushed forward to express his admiration. Frieza's appearance in the third form is not good-looking, but strong power can make up for the defects in appearance. In the universe where the weak eat the weak, strong strength is the foundation of everything, and there are beautiful and lovely people in the universe who are willing to attach themselves to the strong. .

For the cosmos, strength is the most important thing.

Others, whether they are righteous or evil, are narrow-minded, and only for oneself.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure from Frieza, Syphilia's face became ugly. Frieza's power is really not as simple as she imagined!

"How high is Frieza's combat effectiveness?" Syphilia asked.

"Friza has the ability to transform three times, and she has only used it twice now." Luo Lan replied through her mind, but did not say that Frieza's third transformation is the real complete liberation, and her power will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Hearing this, Syphilia was silent for a while, and pressed her hands on Lu Lu's head forcefully. The strong squeeze made Witches Lu Lu dizzy and screamed loudly.

"Hehe, everyone, are you scared by my power?"

The alien-looking Frieza made a sharp voice, hunched over his waist, and was taller.

It was the first time that Luo Lan saw Frieza's transformed form. A terrifying aura swept in. The coercion collided with the energy in Luo Lan's body. The energy spreads out in all directions like a mountain torrent and tsunami.

At this time, except for Luo Lan and Syphilia, who had a combat power exceeding 1 million energy points, they were able to stand and resist the radiant energy.

Outside the Utu Galaxy, the investigators of the Galaxy Patrol looked at the energy displayed on the screen with an incredible look, and was sweating coldly.

In the distant center of the Milky Way, the King of the Galaxy had two prominent eyes and a stiff expression.

"Friza's strength is actually more terrifying than imagined, it's hard to do, it's hard to do it!" The Galaxy King was in a hurry, and several octopus tentacle-like arms were constantly swaying. If Frieza joins forces with Saifi, he has no means of stopping him!

On the other hand, Dr. Carew probed the situation of the Utu galaxy through a miniature aircraft, and he did not know what he was thinking about with a gloomy expression.

Utu galaxy.

The gust of wind swept through and blew up yellow sand. After several rounds of energy shocks, the huge planet had become unrecognizable.

Frieza in the third form laughed, twisted his neck, and suddenly made a series of "crackling" sounds like fried beans.

Everyone around him has long been dumbfounded, and he likes to see others show such expressions the most.

Luo Lan took a deep breath, stabilized her body, and said "shocked": "Fliza, your strength is not inferior to mine, I am afraid that even if I want to fight with you, I will not be able to win easily!"

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, this is only a small part of this king's power. If this king is willing, he can continue to improve his power, but this king's power is too strong, even I myself can't fully grasp it."

Frieza spoke proudly of her strength, slapped her tail vigorously, and made a thump, thump, thump.

Luo Lan said in disbelief, "I can't believe it."

Saifilia cooperated: "I'm afraid it's the 'Super Saiyan', and it's not your opponent."

Frieza laughed, "If the so-called Super Saiyan has only a few million combat power, it is naturally not the opponent of this king. To be honest, this king has no ill will towards you, your Saifi forces can make up for Frieza's army. There are many shortcomings, I just want to cooperate with you."

To the weak, Frieza can be dismissive, to a master like Champoe, Frieza will show superficial humility, and to face a rare master in the universe like Luo Lan, Frieza will show enough patience. Of course, the premise is that Luo Lan can follow his will. If not, in order to protect his own face, I am afraid it will be a thunderous attack.

Luo Lan seemed to be thinking, thinking about it seriously.

Of course, this expression is not only partly acting for Frieza to see, but also has some serious thinking.

First of all, it is quite unwise to have a head-on conflict with Frieza. Not to mention that I don’t have the ability to defeat Frieza now, even if I do, it doesn’t seem to be good for me. Furthermore, the Saifei faction has just started to cooperate with the Galaxy Mercenary Organization, so it is really not suitable for conflict with others at this time and smashing their own brand.

Frieza watched with a smile, and after showing strength for a while, returned to its normal form.

With her small body standing on the ground, Frieza was at ease with her hands on her back.

He believed that Luo Lan would make a wise choice.

"Mr. Luo Lan, Queen Saifei, this king is quite sincere. As long as our two forces cooperate, the entire Northern Galaxy will be invincible. When the time comes, the army under my command will conquer the planet and put it on auction with you. Whatever you take, your forces will also expand, right? Our cooperation should come naturally."

"Mr. Frieza is right." Luo Lan looked at Syphilia, "What do you think!"

Syphilia understood what Luo Lan meant, and when her own strength was not strong enough, the emptiness and the snake were the best way to deal with it.

"Yes, but clear interests need to be clearly delineated."

Syphilia pretended to think.

Frieza smiled, "Of course, I will let Mr. Champeau go to the Sarada planet to negotiate with you."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, leave everything to me." Shangbo immediately stated his position.

"Then you should come to the planet Sarada, you are only allowed to bring a few of your subordinates." Syphilia's cold eyes swept across Champo, and when Syphilia looked at it, Champo suddenly felt a chill, and his body felt a chill. Chilled.

"Queen Syfi is really careful, don't worry, this king will not interfere with you, so I wish us a happy cooperation in the future." Frieza clapped her hands and smiled gracefully.

"Pleasant to work with."


The Galaxy mercenaries looked at each other and watched Frieza and Luo Lan reach a cooperation. They were sitting on pins and needles in front of the three powerhouses. They could imagine that after the cooperation between the two forces in the future, the Northern Galaxy would change. How many people knew the news in advance? The galactic mercenaries decided to be careful in the future.

There are too many hidden powerhouses in the universe.

"How many of you?"

Luo Lan looked at the more than 100 galaxy mercenaries, and they all sounded good.

"Please allow us to leave, this mission is considered a failure for us, and we have to go back and submit the mission to the Galaxy Mercenary Headquarters." The mercenaries moved out of the Galaxy Mercenary Organization in shock.

Luo Lan said: "Let's go. If you want to join the Saifei faction in the future, I will welcome you at any time."

"Yes, we have seen the power of Saifei's forces."

In the end, under the cold eyes of Luo Lan and Frieza, these galaxy mercenaries felt uncomfortable, but they finally left the Utu galaxy smoothly.

Luo Lan did not force the other party to join his own force, because it was completely unnecessary. At the same time, it was also to organize a face for the Galaxy mercenaries. After all, the Qingteng Star of Saifei's force is also a network of the Galaxy mercenaries, so he would not give the Galaxy mercenaries. The military organization is embarrassed.

And Frieza didn't do anything, but he was completely disdainful. He was an elegant businessman. He negotiated a big deal with Luo Lan and the others, and he was in a good mood.

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