Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 213 Frieza's Misunderstanding Deepens

After the Galaxy mercenaries left, Luo Lan felt that there was no need for him to stay in the Utu Galaxy. This time, he came out to stop Carrick II, and the harvest was good. It was a temporary agreement with the Frieza Legion. As for how the agreement will be implemented and how long it will last, Luo Lan himself does not know.

Before his own wings were strong enough, in the face of a cosmos-level master like Frieza, Luo Lan felt that he still needed to maintain the surface peace.

Since Frieza now mistakenly believes that he is a Super Saiyan, let him continue to misunderstand. Of course, Luo Lan will not take the initiative to explain to him. , so that the existence of the Sarada planet has been justified, otherwise the Saifi forces will be hurt by his attention.

Because of their teleportation ability, Luo Lan and Syphilia can stay away from dangerous places at any time, but the planet under Syfie's forces can't do it. If they really want to conflict with Frieza's army, the cost is absolutely huge.

This is all determined by strength. In the universe, with strong strength, no matter what you do, you will be confident. On the contrary, you will be restricted everywhere and cannot open your hands and feet.

Just like the Lanna people, the richest race in the universe, their financial resources must be among the best in the universe, and there are a large number of bodyguards around them, but if there are any super experts who take their fancy to their wealth, the only people who want to wait for them are to be slaughtered by others. The fate of , even if there is a cosmic business headquarters behind it that can mediate, it will inevitably be tied.

Luo Lan is eager to improve her strength, not to mention reaching a particularly superb level, but at least she must have enough confidence when facing Frieza.

"Mr. Luo Lan, this king sees that your spaceship seems to have been damaged in the previous battle. Would you like this king to take you for a ride? If you send a signal now, it may take a long time for your subordinates to open the spaceship." Frieza asked politely.

For collaborators, Frieza has always been very friendly, just like facing those rich people in business, he doesn't put on an air of superiority at all.

Luo Lan said: "Don't bother Mr. Frieza, we naturally have a way to get out of here."

"If that's the case, then the king will have to leave first." Frieza chuckled, and his short body returned to his aircraft.

"Hehe, maybe I'll leave the Utu system earlier than Mr. Frieza."

"Oh?" Frieza was a little interested.

Luo Lan smiled lightly, wrapped her arms around Syphilia's waist, then prepared to initiate teleportation, turned to Frieza and said, "We left first. Regarding the details of the cooperation, Mr. Chambo, who is beside you, can go to Sarada planet, we are always waiting."

After speaking, he launched a teleportation in front of Frieza, and saw a blur of light flashing past, Luo Lan and Syphilia, together with the head of the witch Lulu, disappeared under the eyes of the public.

Frieza's expression changed, showing a hint of surprise, and she was very interested in Luo Lan's ability.

"It disappeared..." Frieza whispered to herself.

Shang Bo hurriedly took out the detector to search, and found no energy response from Luo Lan and the others within the scope of the detector's exploration, and could not hide the surprised look in his eyes, "There is no such thing in the Wutu galaxy or even in the surrounding galaxies. Discover their energy."

"I'm afraid it is some kind of special ability. It is worthy of being a Super Saiyan. All kinds of strange abilities are hard to guard against, and the strength is far from the Saiyans of Vegeta. If you want to deal with them, you must first Kill them in an instant, otherwise it will be very troublesome to let them leave." Frieza said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty really intends to cooperate with Saifei's forces?"

"Of course, the Saifei faction is now an overlord in the west of the Northern Galaxy. Even the Galaxy Mercenary Organization has sent personnel to set up a site on the Qingteng Star. What reason does this king have not to cooperate with them? Hehe, even if it is Super Saiyans are only so strong, if this king unleashes all his power, he can kill them in an instant, but they are just some slightly stronger ants, nothing to worry about."

Friisaro was a little disdainful and very confident, especially after seeing the so-called "Super Saiyan" power shown by Roland, he didn't put the power of Super Saiyan in his eyes.

It's that teleportation ability is a little tricky.

Luo Lan displayed this ability in front of Frieza, and was also telling Frieza that she had a way to leave calmly in danger and not to hit him, and it was obvious that Frieza saw it too.

"King Frieza is really strong," Champoel complimented.

"Hohoho, Mr. Chambo, please take a trip to the Sarada planet. After all, I have agreed to cooperate with others, and the people who come forward must have some weight."

Chambo immediately straightened his body and bent down slightly, "Don't worry, King Frieza, your subordinates will definitely get things done."


Frieza nodded calmly, glanced at the earth covered with deep ravines, and a stern smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Super Saiyan, it's really just a boring legend. It's really surprising and disappointing." Shaking his head, Frieza controlled the aircraft and returned to the disc spaceship.

Chambo froze for a moment, with a wild smile on his face, and followed.

After everyone entered the spaceship, the huge disc spaceship put away twenty-four sturdy steel tongs, and quickly lifted into the air. When it was more than 10,000 meters away from the ground, the acceleration engine quickly started, " "Hey", it turned into a white light and penetrated the atmosphere.

Soon disappeared into the vast sea of ​​stars.

Looking at the Utu galaxy that was getting farther and farther away, the gradually blurred Utu galaxy, the corners of Frieza's mouth were upturned, and a calm and indifferent smile appeared on her stern face.

It is true that the combat power of more than 4 million is already very powerful in the universe, but in the eyes of a master like Frieza, it is an ant that can be pinched to death, but when it is not necessary, the existence of Saifei's forces is not superfluous. Yes, at least he is very interested in expanding his business to the west of the Northern Galaxy.

On the other side, Southern Galaxy, Space Island.

With a faint flash of light, there was a slight ripple in the void, and two beautiful figures stepped out of the void. The two were handsome and handsome, and they were Luo Lan and Saiferi who had left the center of the galaxy. Asia.


Luo Lan exhaled a long breath, and a piece of sweat oozes out from behind him unconsciously. Regardless of the way he was chatting and laughing with Frieza just now, he was actually under a lot of pressure.

"Friza's strength is really powerful!" Luo Lan smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, with nearly 5 million combat power, it is definitely not an easy thing to surpass him." Syphilia felt the same way.

"By the way, you said before that Frieza has the ability to transform three times. Seeing that every time he improved before, he tripled the original level. Does that mean that after completing the third transformation, his power can reach 15 million? about?"

Luo Lan shook his head, stared at Syphilia and said, "Fliza's transformation is not actually a transformation in the usual sense, but rather the liberation of power."

"Friza's third power liberation will release all the power. Frieza's power in the ultimate form will have at least 60 million combat power. If it is fully erupted, the combat power will be closer to the terrifying 120 million. The only thing to be fortunate is that, Frieza is not very familiar with his own power mastery, so he rarely shows his ultimate power!"

60 million!

120 million? !

After Syphilia heard this, she was stunned.

Is this the power that a living body can achieve? In contrast, their fighting strength of millions is not even a fraction of the opponent's?

Suddenly, Syphilia felt a huge pressure.

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