Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 230 Slagu's Hate (2 in 1)

Outside the atmosphere of Orpheus.

Slagu's fleet lined up and traveled across the vast sea of ​​stars to come here, standing in outer space and looking at the star of Orpheus, because of the excessive intake of the spiritual tree, this originally emerald planet has now become dim and yellow. Like an old man who is dying, his body exudes an old and decadent aura.

If you are lucky, the planet may be reborn in a few hundred years, but if you are not lucky, it will be completely reduced to a dead star from now on.

"Your Majesty, look... that's the mental tree, which is exactly the same as the picture sent back by the detector before."

Slagu's pterosaur subordinate pointed to a huge raised plant on the star of Orpheus. From outer space, the star of Orpheus looked like a bag, and an umbrella-shaped huge plant was attached to the surface of the planet. The extension of its branches presents a semicircle with a diameter of at least hundreds of kilometers.

"That's right, this is the Spirit Tree. It's exactly the same as what I know. Its roots go straight into the star core. Only this kind of powerful roots can absorb the essence of the entire planet!" Slug stared, his cloudy eyes. A dazzling light bloomed, and the breath in the mouth became rapid.

"Quick, land the spaceship."

The fleet gradually approached Orpheus, quickly passing through the thin atmosphere.

Groups of spaceships descended from the sky, accompanied by the sound of air penetrating, the black-pressed spaceships crushed the solid soil and rocks, clack, clack, the ground began to sink under the weight of the spaceship, and after the turbulent movement, Slagu's fleet completely disappeared. Landed on Orpheus.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, and a large group of cosmonauts poured out of the spaceship, led by Slagu.

Standing on the flat ground, Slagu was wearing yellow clothes, a purple helmet on his head, and his slightly old cheeks looked around. The surrounding scenery was nothing to watch, because the essence of the planet had been removed by the spirit tree. Suck it away, and there is even a cloudy and choking smell in the air.

"Your Majesty, there is not much life on this planet, and even the energy detector has not detected any powerful life forms." The subordinate turned on the detector, and only a few hundred points of energy were detected piecemeal.

"Hehe, it's not surprising. Orpheus was originally a low-level planet, and now the essence of the planet has been sucked away by the divine tree. It is normal to not detect high amounts of energy."

Slagu coughed lightly, his voice not as loud as a young man's. He took off his yellow coat, revealing the red and green skin of the Nameks. As a fighting Namek, Slagu is very strong. Even though he is old, he has a lot of muscles on his body. I don't know his age, just looking at his appearance, I thought he was a middle-aged man.

"Go ahead, collect the fruit of the spirit tree with this king. Whoever collects the most will be rewarded!" Slug waved his hand, and the group approached the spirit tree.

The huge and majestic divine tree gradually appeared in front of us. The thick trunks were intertwined, and the wide leaves covered the sky. It was like a giant umbrella. Walking under the trunk of the spiritual tree, it was like entering a dense virgin forest. .

After walking for a while, Slagu frowned slightly.

Not right.

Why can't I see a single fruit?

"Your Majesty!" the subordinate called softly.

"Go ahead, the fruit should grow in the core area of ​​the divine tree." Slagu said calmly.

The huge crown of the spiritual tree fruit is hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and they are only on the periphery.

It is normal to not see the fruit of the spiritual tree.

But gradually, as Slagu and the others continued to deepen, the expected fruit still did not appear, Slagu's face gradually became ugly, and his expression became hideous.

"What's going on? This king can be sure that this is the spirit tree, but why is there no fruit?" He came to look for the fruit of the spirit tree with anticipation. Now the fruit tree has been found, but he has not found the fruit he needs. The Lost Religion Slagu is unacceptable.

"Your Majesty, do you want to go deeper?"


Slagu was silent, and the group continued to move towards the center, and soon came to the vicinity of the huge trunk of the spirit tree, but still not a single fruit was found here.


Not a single fruit!

Slagu couldn't accept it. He was already very old and needed the fruit of the spiritual tree to prolong his life, but the cruel reality hit him hard, and his desire to prolong his life was ruthlessly rejected. Slagu's face became cold, and bursts of restless energy floated on his body, and the terrifying cold wind swept away, forming a shocking energy storm that spread in all directions.

At this time, the pterosaur's subordinates found something, pointed to the corner of the tree and shouted: "Look, king, there seems to be a fruit in that place."


A bright light suddenly flashed in Slagu's eyes, and along the direction pointed by his subordinates, he found a green and yellow fruit under the cover of the leaves. , but there is no doubt that it is the fruit of the spiritual tree.

With a slight finger towards that side, the fruit automatically floated over from under the leaves.

Catching the fruit, Slagu looked at it carefully, opened his mouth to bite it, and with the rustling voice, Slagu's spirit suddenly revved up, and the small amount of energy contained in the fruit nourished his body, and the original old body actually got a little supplement. , the spirit of the head suddenly cheered up a little.

"Hahaha, the fruit of the spirit tree really exists, hurry up, search with all your strength, this king needs more fruit."

Slagu was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered.

Although the small fruit just now did not provide him with much energy, it gave him a rare feeling of youthfulness in his spirit.

Following Slagu's order, the cosmic men under his command immediately acted, and they saw that these cosmic men were constantly walking through the dense foliage, as if searching for pearls in the sea. A half-red, unripe fruit of the spirit tree. These fruits are ugly in appearance and vary in size. The diameter of the small one is not even two centimeters. It looks like a plum, and it looks stunted.

Looking at the dozens of fruits like crooked melons and jujubes in front of him, Slagu did not dislike it at all. He took off the purple helmet on his head, and then picked up the fruits to taste, as if he was tasting the most delicious food in the world. Showing an intoxicated expression.

He ate dozens of inferior fruits in a short time, making him two or three years younger all of a sudden.

"Hehe, as expected of the fruit of the spiritual tree, this king feels that his current state is much better."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, God is helping Your Majesty!"

"Well, continue to search for fruits, don't pull down a single one." Slagu ordered.


A group of subordinates responded in unison.

Slagu showed a smile on his face, and after ordering his subordinates to continue searching for the fruit, he began to wander on the Orpheus star alone. Maybe it was because he was in a good mood. At this time, Slagu felt that everything he saw was very pleasing to the eye.

Even a decayed old tree will eventually grow green shoots again one day!

Slagu is looking forward to the harvest of this trip.

Suddenly, Slagu's face froze.

His eyes saw a pile of artificially piled things under a tree trunk. When he got closer, he saw a pile of fruit stones that had been bitten by people. These fruit stones were more than two centimeters in diameter, which was bigger than the fruit he had eaten before. be big.

That size is particularly eye-catching.

After staring blankly for a while, Slagu's forehead gradually burst into blue veins.


Slagu gritted his teeth and shouted. At this time, he fully understood that the fruit of the spirit tree was not absent, nor was it stunted, but it had already been taken first. What he ate just now was just the crooked melon and cracked jujube that the other party abandoned, but he was still complacent just now.

"Who, who stole the fruit of my spiritual tree!" His voice was full of infinite resentment, and Slagu's expression became hideous.

This is his life-extending fetish!

Stealing the fruit of the spiritual tree is tantamount to stealing his lifespan. This is a blood feud concerning life.

"Navis, you said earlier that the spacecraft's route was disturbed on the way to Orpheus?" Slagu grabbed a chicken-headed spaceman by the neck.

The chicken-headed spaceman said profusely: "Yes, the spacecraft was indeed disturbed, but it was quickly ruled out."

Slagu's eyes were fierce, his face was savage, and he twisted the neck of the chicken-headed universe man.

"Trash, it's because you delayed some time, and the fruit of this king was taken away." Slagu's eyes were splitting, and he exuded a tyrannical breath. He wanted to kill all those who delayed his important affairs.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?"

The pterosaur subordinate asked carefully, as a dragon created by Slagu, he is the most trusted subordinate of Slagu.

Slagu snorted coldly, pointed to the pile of fruit pits on the ground, his eyes were full of hatred, "Look at yourself, I said how could there be only so much fruit in the spiritual tree, it turns out that before us, it was already pre-emptive, But those idiots didn't react early, and the king's important affairs were delayed by them."

The pterosaur took a deep breath, already knowing why the king was angry.

"The other party's reaction speed is extremely fast, and it should not be an ordinary person. Moreover, we did not scan any aircraft on the way here. It can be seen that the other party's technology is also very developed." Wing Loong said.

Slagu calmed down, nodded and said, "The other party must not be an ordinary person."

"A comprehensive search means that the entire Northern Galaxy will be overturned, and this king will also find the person who stole this king's fruit. If he is not torn into tens of thousands of pieces, it will be hard to dispel the hatred in my heart."

Slagu's tone suddenly became full of murderous intent.

In the entire Northern Galaxy, there are not many famous forces. Except for the former Kruder Legion and the current Frieza Legion, which makes him a little jealous, the other forces are really not in his eyes. The power of , really has the ability to disrupt the situation in the Northern Galaxy.

"But Bei Yinhe has changed a lot in the past few years..." Pterodactyl's subordinates were a little worried, but when they saw Slagu's deep eyes, they suddenly felt a chill, and the rest of the words were swallowed hard.

He knew that the king was really annoyed.

If the person who stole the fruit of the spirit tree is not found out, the matter will not be over.

"Collect all the information around Orpheus. I want to know the movements of all the spaceships near Orpheus during this time. Even if there is a little clue, don't let it go easily. This king wants to kill."

The loss of the high-quality spiritual tree fruit has cut off Slagu's hope of prolonging his life to a certain extent. Now he just wants to kill people.


Dr. Ruka's research star.

Dr. Luka of the Bodo tribe is immersed in the research of super soldiers. Since he saw the battle between Sephiria and Lulu in the Utu galaxy through the detector some time ago, he knows that the enemy is strong and he has been immersed in super soldiers. in research.

In the spacious laboratory, all kinds of strange creatures are kept in the ellipsoidal alloy cages. These creatures come from Jag, a subordinate of Carrick II. It is a pity that after the transaction was completed, the evil star forces It was wiped out of the universe by Frieza, otherwise he could get more resources.


The scouts scattered all over the universe to collect powerful lifeforms sent a message, which was the picture of Darles living on the planet of Orpheus.

Dr. Ruka touched his chin and took a computer to analyze the strength of the opponent. Saiyans with a combat power of 300,000 are very rare, but compared with the leader of the planet Sarada he hated, the strength of the opponent is still not enough.

"Well, the weak spot of this Saiyan should be the tail, and the fruit he eats seems to provide plenty of energy... notable."

All the discoveries were recorded and used as data for dealing with Saiyans in the future, but as the picture progressed, huge fruit trees continued to grow, and a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared in the picture. Seeing the faces of those people, Dr. Ruka's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

Queen Syfi and Saiyan named Luo Lan!

Dr. Ruka's face became gloomy and his chest kept heaving, but he was still unable to defeat the Saiyans on the planet Sarada, so he needed to continue to accumulate strength.

The screen continued to fast-forward, and the detective seemed to be disturbed by some strange fluctuations and lost its signal. When the signal recovered, another group of strangers entered Orpheus. Dr. Luca's face became serious, and the detective aimed at the green star headed by the star. Skin spaceman to scout.

However, the data obtained surprised Dr. Ruka.

That green-skinned spaceman named Slagu had an extremely terrifying amount of energy that surpassed those of the people on the planet Sarada that he hated.

"The hope of revenge is here, the man named Slagu seems to be eager to prolong his life... If I can use him, maybe I can solve the Saiyans of the planet Sarada!" Dr. Ruka couldn't wait any longer. , he put down the computer in his hand and walked deeper into the research room.

"Click!" The electronic gate opened.

Dr. Ruka took the elevator to the ground floor of the laboratory, which was also an open field.

The transparent cabins filled with green solution are connected to the control machine, and the motor is humming. If you look closely, you will find that the green transparent cabins are full of people curling their bodies. These people are Luka. The super fighters made by doctors include beasts, dragons, and monsters with nondescript appearances.

There are even some figures with black hair and yellow skin, which are replicas of Saiyans.

Sneering aside the replicas of the Saiyans, Luka quickly walked to the corner of the laboratory, opened the heavy insurance and took out a red reagent.

"The longevity potion originally developed for Carrick II is now going to work. I hope that cosmos man named 'Slagu' can cooperate with me."

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