Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 231 Planting Fruit Trees

Planet Sarada, the weather is fine.

The blue sky is as flawless as a mirror, and the breeze is blowing, making people feel relaxed and happy.

It has been a while since the Orpheus incident. Since getting a lot of spiritual tree fruits, the overall development of Saiyans has made a further leap.

Thousands of Saiyans are filled with more than a dozen fruits per person. Even the Saiyan warriors with poor qualifications have greatly improved their strength. Now there are no tribesmen with a combat power of less than 1000 among the Saiyans. A child who has finished training in the infant stage can easily surpass 1000 in combat power when he becomes an adult.

Those with excellent talent even directly broke through to 5,000 combat power and 10,000 combat power.

As a result, the number of elite warriors on the Sarada planet has surged in a short period of time. Now the strength of the Sarada planetary defense force alone has surpassed the previous special forces, and the original special forces members are even more powerful, all of them. Go to the super soldier level.

You must know that the standard for super warriors is to reach 100,000 combat power. Although there are not many Saiyans who are really close to this level, over time, a large number of warriors will definitely reach this level.

The magic of the fruit of the spirit tree is that it has no side effects. After all, it is the fruit condensed by the essence of the living planet. While improving its strength, it does not look like a seedling. Of course, a large increase in strength will definitely bring some uncontrolled energy, but as long as it takes a while to get familiar with it, this problem can be quickly overcome.

The power of the Saiyans has grown unprecedentedly, and the happiest are the veteran "old people" such as Herz and Asita who have witnessed the state of Vegeta. Because they have personally experienced the original "weakness", they are now strong , but also has a profound experience.

No matter where he goes now, Hertz has an irresistible smile on his face.

On the contrary, Luo Lan and Syphilia, because their own strengths surpassed other Saiyans by too much, were quite calm about the state of the Sarada planet.

There are tens of thousands of spiritual tree fruits harvested by Orpheus this time. Apart from some of the fruits that were distributed and used later, Luo Lan still has more than 20,000 in stock. I plan to use it, but I plan to keep it for rewarding clansmen who make contributions in the future.

After all, the number of fruits is limited. If you just use it sparingly, it will be used up sooner or later, so it becomes very important to find new sources.

Looking at the five golden fruit seeds in his hand, a smile appeared on Luo Lan's face. After explaining a few words to Herz and the others, he teleported to the sub-god realm with Syphilia and Taisi.

On the god star of the sub-divine world.

Arris of the Vine tribe and her tribe diligently took care of the splendid fairy bean plants, with bright flowers blooming under the emerald green leaves, and some plants bearing plump pods. There was a great harvest.

The arrival of Luo Lan and others soon attracted exclamations from the Veng tribe.

"Lord Luo Lan, Madam Queen!"

The people of the Teng clan respectfully saluted Luo Lan and the others, their eyes filled with eager light.

"Is it still a habit to live in the sub-god world? Just tell me if you need anything." Luo Lan was approachable and asked them about their living conditions with a smile.

Arris replied with a bright smile: "There is nothing missing. The sub-god world is a rare holy place. It is our blessing to be able to live here. My clansmen feel very lucky."


Looking at the bright smiles on the faces of the Vine people, Luo Lan couldn't help nodding in satisfaction, it was a simple and unpretentious race. After inquiring about the growth of the fairy beans, Luo Lan felt even more happy after hearing that there would be another bumper harvest soon.

"Sephilia, take Taisi to see Luo Fei, and I'll plant the spiritual tree first."


Syphilia looked at Luo Lan and nodded, and took Taisi to the place where the nursery cabin was placed.

There are a total of six small planets in the sub-divine world. At first, fairy beans were planted in a small area on the six planets. As a specialized parenting use. After Syphilia and the others left, Luo Lan glanced at the surrounding gods and began to look for a place to plant a spiritual tree.

Spirit trees are originally fruit trees that grow in the God Realm. If they are planted on the gods of the sub-God Realm, there is no need to worry about them sucking up the nutrients of the planet.

In a place far away from the temporary residence of the vine tribe and the fairy bean plantation, Luo Lan used energy to open up a piece of land, then planted a golden spiritual tree seed, and raised a bucket of pool water to water it a little.

Soon, there was a soft click, the soil slightly bulged, and a green seedling sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain. Then it grew rapidly as if it had been hit with hormones. In the blink of an eye, the plants that were slightly curved like bean sprouts began to stand tall and straight, and the stems became thicker and stronger. In no time, they grew into small saplings about half the height of a human being.

Luo Lan looked at it in surprise and nodded, "As expected of a plant in the God Realm, this is the real place for it to grow."

With the current growth of the spirit tree, it only takes a few days to grow into a towering tree, and it probably won't take much time to bear fruit.

Of course, because the special high-dimensional environment of the God Realm restricts the spiritual tree, the spiritual tree in this sub-divine world will not grow out of control like the lower realm. It is already the limit when it grows to a height of about 100 meters. At that time, the spiritual tree will continue to bear more plump fruits, and its nourishing ability is no worse than that of the lower realm.

After planting the first divine tree, Luo Lan kept planting on several other divine stars, and soon all five golden spiritual tree fruits were planted.

Arris was summoned, and Luo Lan instructed her: "Take care of these fruit trees carefully, and collect the fruits when they bear fruit. This is very important."

Luo Lan emphasized seriously.

Arris is a virtuous girl like Lanqi with blue hair. Hearing Luo Lan's serious tone, she immediately nodded seriously.

"Please rest assured, Lord Luo Lan, my clan and I will take good care of the fruit trees."

Luo Lan smiled and stroked the other person's silky green hair. Arris immediately narrowed her eyes like a kitten, showing a comfortable expression. What an innocent girl, Luo Lan sighed in her heart, and then browsed the scenery of Shenxing under the leadership of Arris.

The god stars in the sub-divine world are smaller than ordinary planets, and even the moon is far larger than it.

The size is a little smaller, but because he is in a high-level element, the divine aura contained in it is incomparable to even Jie Wang Xing.

Living here for a long time has a great effect on the improvement of the body. If the Slagu from the lower world has the opportunity to enter the sub-god world, simply living here can greatly extend his lifespan. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to enter the sub-divine world.

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