Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 251 Bulma leaves the earth


The electronic door opened automatically. After entering the room, Luo Lan sat on the sofa and enjoyed the care of the girl from the Vine clan.

The hand of the Fuji girl is very soft, and it is particularly comfortable to press on the shoulder.

After a while, Taisi walked in and saw Luo Lan's corrupt appearance, her slender eyebrows raised slightly like willow leaves, and sat next to him, letting the Vine girl press her twice.

"Hmm~" A comfortable voice came out of her mouth, and Taisi leaned on the sofa very comfortably.

"How long will it take for Sister Syphilia to come back?" Taisi picked up a pocket fruit and put it in Luo Lan's mouth while enjoying the service of the Vine girl.

"It will take a while. Slagu's forces are relatively remote, and it is not easy to conquer them all. You know that Syphilia is here to take revenge this time, and she will not come back if she is not happy." The fruit that comes over, chew it carefully. This fruit is rich in Qingteng star and tastes very good.

"You can't provoke Sister Sephiria, there must be many planets destroyed by her."

Taisi shook her head. Now that she talks about destroying the planet, she is not as panicked as before. After staying in Saifei's forces for a long time, many things have become accustomed to it.

"By the way, Bulma said she wanted to visit another planet. Do you want to agree to her?"

Taisi tilted her head and looked at Luo Lan, Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, thinking of that girl Bulma, it is said that after Sun Wukong climbed to Kalinta to practice recently, he felt very bored and wanted to visit his brother-in-law. Walk around on the grounds.

Luo Lan said: "Let her come over. The people in the defense force will take good care of her and will not let her have any trouble."

Taisi: "I'm afraid she will cause trouble."

"Then it's up to you to accompany her. Now Saifei's power is like an impregnable wall. Especially after defeating Slagu, no one dares to provoke us. There is no need to worry about safety. With Bulma's ingenuity, it is best to be able to serve the planet Sarada. Invent some cutting-edge black technology."

Taisi rolled her eyes at Luo Lan, but thinking of Bulman's quirky personality, she didn't know what tricks she would come up with when she arrived on an alien planet.

Her younger sister has a very similar character to her, and it is rare to be able to stay on Earth for so long without coming out.

"Then I'll notify Bulma and let her come over by her father's spaceship," Taisi said.

Luo Lan has no objection. Bulma's genius is no less than that of Dr. Brives. Let her experience alien technology, and maybe she will be able to invent something even more amazing.

A few days later, Bulma entered the planet Sarada wearing a space suit. This was her first time out of the earth. She was new to everything outside.

Looking at the silver-white corridor over the planet Sarada, Bulma put her hand on her forehead, raised her hair and exclaimed in admiration.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect your brother-in-law to be very powerful."

Taisi proudly said: "Half of the Northern Galaxy is the power of Luo Lan."

Luo Lan said: "Accurately speaking, it is Syphilia's, she is the queen."

Bulma rolled her eyes: "It's all the same, isn't the power of Sister Syphilia her brother-in-law's?" She winked at Luo Lan, her brother-in-law is so powerful, shouldn't she give her something good... like Some ships or a planet or something.

She had long heard that the richest men in the universe have their own private planets, which is a very common thing.

I heard that someone was going to send her sister to a holiday planet before!

With a bang, Taisi looked at Bulma's restless look, and hit him with a burst of chestnuts. Bulma rubbed the place where she was beaten and cried out in grievance.

Next, I took Bulma to see the Ebony of the Lis family. Like Dr. Breves, Bulma also had a good conversation with Ebony, and soon asked for a research room from Ebony, and then happily went inside. After doing research, within a few days, Bulma invented a watch that can make people arbitrarily large or small. Pushing the button in the watch, Bulma suddenly shrank to more than ten centimeters, and it looked like a figure. .

"Can you make some useful inventions?"

Looking at Bulma who climbed onto her angrily, Taisi gently picked up her collar. After turning into a minifigure, Bulma also lost weight.

Returning to the size of an ordinary person, Bulma pouted: "I think that's the only way to be interesting. Serious research is not interesting at all."

"Whatever you want, by the way, don't take off the gravity bracelet on the planet Sarada, otherwise the gravity here will definitely crush you." The gravity of the planet Sarada is 15 times that of the earth, so he took off his hand rashly. Ring, is definitely a dangerous thing.

Bulma nodded with an "oh", Taisi looked at her indifferently, didn't know how much she had heard, and thought about sending her to Qingteng Star for her safety, where the gravity is lower than the earth, It is a veritable weak planet, and it is safer to stay there.

Bulma had long been interested in the trade planet Qingteng Star, knowing that Taisi was going to send her there, of course she agreed with both hands.

Taisi sighed and decided to send her there in person. After arriving at Qingteng Star, she was accompanied by a special escort robot to protect Bulma. She knows her sister's character too well. She has been fearless since she was a child, and she doesn't know what danger is at all, just like she was as lawless as a child.

Sometimes in retrospect, Taisi felt that her previous behavior was too outrageous.


When Taisi sent Bulma to Qingteng Star, Luo Lan continued to do her own practice on the planet Sarada. In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed, and Syphilia, who had fought a lot outside, was finally in the dust. came back.

This conquest really vented the resentment in Syphilia's heart. When Luo Lan saw her, she found that her power had improved again, probably because of the fact that she died once, and all the accumulation in her body was released. , In just two months, Syphilia's combat power has leaped into several stages.

If you don't count the transformation state, her normal combat power is almost no less than that of Luo Lan.

"It's quite useful to die once." Luo Lan looked at Syphilia carefully, wearing a capable combat uniform on her body. Because of the novel style, it well outlined the other party's graceful figure and looked full of youthful temperament. .

"I don't want to have this experience at all," Syphilia said.

Luo Lan said: "You died once before. I want to use Dragon Balls to give you a chance to resurrect again. Unfortunately, the Dragon Balls of Earth can't give people a second resurrection. Now that you are back, I want you to go to a place with me."

"Where?" Syphilia asked demurely.

"Namek, where the Dragon Balls are more powerful."

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