Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 252 Descending to Namek

"You're talking about the Namek Dragon Ball that Hertz borrowed before?"

Sefilia looked at Luo Lan seriously. When Luo Lan talked about the more powerful Dragon Balls on Namek, Syphilia thought of something that happened a long time ago.

At that time, they had just escaped from Planet Vegeta, and they were still living on a planet named Frye. At that time, after hearing the news of Namek Dragon Ball, Herz went to Namek to resurrect his wife despite the danger. Sita, he finally realized it.

Syphilia remembers that Namek's Dragon Ball can grant three wishes.

"Namek Dragon Ball is second only to Super Dragon Ball in the ability to realize wishes, and it can definitely give you the ability to resurrect, and the Great Elder of Namek has the ability to unlock the potential of the human body, and his potential development has no side effects at all, which is equivalent to It saves time in practice.”

"Is there such a thing?" Syphilia was more interested.

"Yes, that is the ability of the Great Elder, but I don't know if it will work for someone as powerful as us."

"Whether it works or not, try it anyway!"

Syphilia's eyes lit up after hearing this. As a Saiyan warrior who is keen on fighting, she has an inexplicable pursuit of improving her strength.

Luo Lan nodded, smiled slightly, and opened her arms towards Syphilia.

"bring it on!"

"Yeah." Syphilia hummed softly and leaned her body over naturally. For going to Namek, the teleportation mastered by Syphilia was useless, only Luo Lan mastered the ability to locate the planet. Only by teleporting can you take her there.

Gently hugging the opponent's waist, the beauty was embracing nephrite in her arms, Luo Lan narrowed her eyes and smiled, pinpointing the position of Namek, and her teleportation ability was activated immediately.

I saw a bright flash of "咻" light up, and the silhouettes of Luo Lan and Syphilia disappeared on the planet Sarada.


There are currently three known ways to unlock potential in Dragon Ball World, one is the super divine water of the earth, the other is the super power of the Great Elder of Namek, and the third is the old Kaiwang God in Kaiwang God Realm. divine power. The three methods have similar effects and can stimulate human potential, but they are fundamentally different.

To put it bluntly, Chaoshenshui is a kind of poison. It is the simplest and most rude way to stimulate potential by means of dying. The natural strength of resistance has greatly increased in the past, but if it cannot be resisted, go directly to see Hades and try to use this method. There are a lot of people who develop potential, but in all likelihood, they all fall into the toxicity of the supernatural water.

The only rare exception is probably the one with Monkey King in the original book.

Compared with the development potential of super divine water on earth, the potential development of the Great Elder of Namek is much safer. Because it is to awaken the potential in the body and release the power that was originally accumulated in the body, there is basically no personal safety problem. The only uncertainty is whether the ability of the elder has a strength limit to the strength of the developer itself.

As for the third type, the divine power of the Old Realm King God, it is undoubtedly the most outstanding.

If the potential development of the Great Elder of Namek is to wake up the sleeping power in the body of the developer, then the divine power of the old Kaiwang God is to directly raise the physical limit of the human body and break the shackles of life forcefully, because it is the Kaiwang God who is in charge of creation. Take action, so you don't have to worry about hidden dangers.

Of the three methods, Luo Lan is of course more inclined to let the old realm gods develop. It's just that the level of the old Jiewangshen is too high, and it is really difficult for Luo Lan to touch it now, and as the top deity in a single universe, how can Jiewangshen casually develop potential for people, especially if he is like Luo Lan is so indistinguishable between good and evil, and a person who is half-footed in evil, it is not bad to destroy him without taking action.

Besides, the old Realm King God is still sealed in the Realm King Divine Sword, and it is impossible to count on him.

After much deliberation, only the Great Elder Namek still has some hope.



A green planet located in a remote corner of the northern Milky Way, Namek is the fourth planet of the 27th main galaxy of the Vega constellation. After a major climate catastrophe, the environment of the entire planet has not recovered yet. Compared with other life planets, Namek is undoubtedly very desolate and lacks resources.

Looking around, there are sparkling freshwater lakes everywhere, and there is a large water area almost every tens of kilometers. There is relatively little land, and they are all covered with blue grass.

The Nameks are a race that can survive as long as they rely on sunlight and water, and the scarce resources for others are enough to feed them.

Legend has it that Namek before the climate cataclysm also had prosperous technology, but all of this disappeared completely with a cataclysm. Only a few people survived the cataclysm. The elders of Namek and the gods of the earth, And Slagu who died in Luo Lan's hands were the survivors of that cataclysm.

Now that Namek is prospering again, all the people above are Nameks born by the elders through their own abilities.

A sunny day, the warm sun constantly emits light and heat, bringing infinite vitality to the entire planet. Because Namek is in a three-sun galaxy, there are no nights and there are only 130 days in a year.

On a grassland, Luo Lan teleported to Namek with Sephiria.

Looking at the endless blue grassland, breathing in the fresh air that fills the air, Syphilia's delicate face showed a hint of comfort. Looking around, she suddenly felt that Namek was very desolate. This kind of desolation does not mean Namek. There are deserts everywhere, on the contrary, there are many water sources on Namek, and the green area is definitely very good.

Its desolation lies in the scarcity of species. At first glance, except for grasslands and sporadic strange spherical plants, Namek can hardly see other vegetation, and it cannot form a complete biological chain.

In this natural condition, apart from the self-supporting Nameks, it is impossible for any other race to survive.

The breath swept across the entire Namek, and only felt a few hundred weak breaths.

"There are very few people on Namek."

Syphilia sighed, and then aimed at a place in the north where the energy response was relatively strong, "Hey, there is a qi in this direction with a combat power of about 30,000, which is a good strength."

"That's the Namekian warrior who guards the Great Elder."

Luo Lan sensed that the strength of the Nameks on this planet is generally not very strong. Except for the guardians of a few villages with a combat strength of three or four thousand, the remaining Nameks have strengths ranging from a few hundred to a thousand. . The one with the strongest aura was Neilu, the guardian of the Great Elder.

As a rare fighting-type Namekian on Namek, Neru's strength during Frieza's invasion was as high as 42,000 combat power. Now it is 12 years earlier than Frieza's invasion, and Neru's combat power has not reached its peak. , but almost 33,000 combat power.

"Let's go, aim at this breath to find the Great Elder, let's go there now."

"it is good."

Syphilia nodded, locked the breath, and activated the teleportation directly.

call out!

When the two reappeared, they had already arrived at a plateau located in the northern part of Namek, and there were line after line of fault zones around them.

On the top of a mountain, there is a white building, which is where the elders live.

The residence of the Great Elder is much larger than the average Namekian house. The building is divided into two floors. The upper floor is the room of the Great Elder, and the bottom is the residence of the Namekian warriors who are responsible for guarding the Great Elder. The buildings of the Namekians are very strange, surrounded by white bone spurs, the style is primitive and ancient.

The same style also appears on the ships of the Nameks.

"There is the residence of the Great Elder, let's go down."

Luo Lan pointed to the building below, flashed down, and came directly to the huge white building.

When Luo Lan and Syphilia came to the residence of the great elder, the door of the white building suddenly opened, and a green-skinned Namek walked out from inside.

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