Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 265 The Terrifying Broly

As soon as Broly's new state appeared, an irresistible terrifying aura immediately erupted between heaven and earth. Facing such an aura, Syphilia's face became very dignified, she opened her arms to resist, but the terrifying aura Wave after wave swept in, layer upon layer like a tsunami.

Syphilia was stared at by Broly's golden eyes, and her heart was cold for no reason.

Broly's golden eyes are similar to Luo Lan's golden eyes, and they also have the effect of greatly improving combat effectiveness. The only difference is probably that Luo Lan's strength is acquired through self-cultivation, the tail is red, and the strength is gentler. And Broly's tail has been pulled out by Paragas, and the long-suppressed power has been released, and the degree of madness is immeasurable.

already on the brink of runaway.

"Damn, he actually transforms into Luo Lan's golden pupil!" Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, Syphilia pursed her lips, and glanced around from the corner of her eyes.

Broly's energy intensity has been increased to 50 million. Syphilia's normal combat power is higher than Broly's, but only 30 million combat power in the red pupil state. Facing a violent guy like Broly, he can't help but feel powerless.


Broly raised his head and roared, his golden eyes looked at Syphilia, and a tyrannical light flashed past.


Broly suddenly flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Syphilia's side, opened his hands, two balls of light flashed, and a small energy ball quickly struck.

"Blast Meteor!"

The golden energy ball was thrown violently, and the surface was covered with a pale green color. The turbulent beam of light penetrated the air and suddenly became larger as it approached, expanding into a huge energy ball with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Seeing Broly's attack, Syphilia hurriedly turned sideways to dodge, just dodged her body, turned her head subconsciously, and saw an orange-red flash rising on the horizon, a turbulent wave, and the dry wasteland instantly turned into lava. Flowing hell.

At this time, Broly had disappeared from sight.

"not good!"

Crying in her heart, a coolness hit her cheeks, and Broly's burly body had come to her side at some point.

Syphilia hurriedly arched up and blocked her arms.


Broly's violent power hit Syphilia directly, and the violent vibration stirred her internal organs. Syphilia coughed dryly, her face turned pale instantly, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and her body fell.

In the state of red eyes, she is far from the opponent of Broly with golden eyes.

On the edge of the space island, Luo Lan saw that Syphilia was smashed into the ground by Broly, his face changed, and he asked Paragas, "Has this state of Broly appeared before."

Paragas: "There were once or twice, but then it wasn't as strong as it is now."

"Nonsense, Broly's current combat power has reached 50 million combat power. If he was so strong before, Wampa Star would no longer exist."


Paragas looked in disbelief, and his heart throbbed violently.

When he heard that Wampa Star might be destroyed, his heart began to panic. Before, Syphilia's 30 million combat power had already made him panic, and now Broly's power has suddenly risen to 50 million, especially when it is still out of control. Give him the feeling that the sky is falling.

One hand involuntarily held the remote control of the metal device, ready to make Broly faint as before.

Luo Lan glanced at him, a sneer appeared on his face, Broly in the golden pupil state could not be controlled by the remote control.

Sure enough, when Paragas pressed the button, although the metal device on Broly's neck was discharged, it couldn't calm him down at all. On the contrary, Broly became more violent due to the stimulation of the strong current.

"Roar!!!" Broly roared, tyrannical energy wrapped around him.

"I can't just leave it alone." A sharp light flashed in Luo Lan's eyes.

Broly's fighting ability can be described as amazing. Luo Lan was afraid that if Broly continued to go crazy, he would break through the limitations of his golden pupil state and become even more uncontrollable. Although it was said that without strong mental stimulation, it was unlikely that Broly would break through into a golden-haired Super Saiyan, but nothing was absolute, and Luo Lan didn't want such a thing to happen.

He likes to take everything in his own hands, and it is more at ease here.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in his heart for a moment, Luo Lan knew that he had to take action at this time, and saw his blurry figure step forward, coming to Broly like a teleportation.

Raising his head, a reddish flash flickered on his body, and his dark eyes instantly turned golden.

Golden pupil state, 60 million combat power!

A solid amount of energy pressed onto Broly, diverting his attention away from Syphilia. Seeing Luo Lan who was similar in shape to himself, Broly let out a low growl and charged towards the opponent.

"Syphilia, leave it to me here, you can take a rest."

"it is good."

Syphilia's body was a little embarrassed. The lavender battle suit on her body was cracked in the collision just now. When she heard Luo Lan's voice transmission, her pale face showed a trace of fatigue, she nodded and teleported to the space near the island. Then he ate the fairy bean and observed the situation on Luo Lan's side.

Dust and smoke wafted in the dusky sky.

Luo Lan and Broly were opposed to each other, one red and one green light were constantly squeezing, the air trembled, the surrounding air pressure dropped again and again, the sky was gloomy, and it looked like the end of the world was coming.

Rumbling, as if when the thunderstorm came, countless thunder and lightning fell from the sky and hit the ground.

Huge pressure instantly enveloped the world.

Feeling the huge pressure from the atmosphere, Paragas kept sweating on his forehead. Even if he couldn't sense the terrifying aura that filled the sky, as a soldier's intuition, the sense of danger existed. At this time, Paragas had a kind of fear in the face of death, feeling that the whole world was about to end.

"Sai... Queen Saifi, will they be okay?"

Paragas called Sephiria the queen, and the terrifying coercion was about to break his spirits.

Crimson pupils glanced at Paragas, and Syphilia's attention was all on Roland in the distance.

"With Luo Lan, you don't have to worry. Although Broly's strength is terrifying, his biggest weakness is that his fighting skills are extremely poor. Under the same golden pupil state, Luo Lan must be stronger than him." But Syphilia's eyes were full of worry.

Luo Lan's fighting power is higher than Broly's, but in the fight just now, she also experienced Broly's horror. That guy is a lunatic who exists for fighting. In just a few minutes, he can fight. It's obvious to feel his growth.

From a rusty and humble beginning to a little mastery of combat skills, Broly's growth is terrifying.

If Luo Lan can't get rid of Broly in a short time, Syphilia is worried that the other party will overtake.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Paragas didn't know what the situation was, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard the words of a master like Syphilia.

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