Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 266 The battle between the golden pupils

Rumbling, countless thunderbolts fell from the sky.

After the battle of Wampa Star began, the environment that was originally unsuitable for human survival became worse, and it seemed to become a hell on earth.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The pale green arrogance is boiling, Broly's expression is distorted, and his handsome face has become terrifying. The current Broly is just a young adult. Although he can't match the super red Saiyan like the original book, his strength is also Rare in the world.

Broly, who was dominated by the chaotic power, saw Luo Lan and was immediately attracted by the same kind of breath on his body. The breath on his body became more unstable, and he shook his head and roared and rushed over regardless.

Staring at Broly who was rushing towards him, Luo Lan was ready. Facing an opponent who could grow in battle, the best way was not to give him a chance to grow.

Therefore, Luo Lan did not intend to delay the time, and planned to use the means of thunder to quickly end the battle.

"Fortunately, my combat power is 10 million higher than Broly, otherwise it will be troublesome."

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, Luo Lan's expression became serious, and suddenly a shocking momentum rose from the ground, like a sharp sword splitting the air, and the sky suddenly cracked.

"bring it on!"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, Luo Lan took the initiative to attack, and his body suddenly became blurred, and the distance with Broly was shortened quickly.

boom! !

The two collided in mid-air, a dazzling light stinging everyone's eyes, and the surging power suddenly rolled up the air. The entire impacted space was like a hammer hitting a mirror, with crystal cracks criss-crossed.


The space froze for a while, and the two of them both stepped back.

Luo Lan stepped back dozens of steps in surprise before barely stopping. Looking at Broly who was constantly going mad, there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes. Broly's physical fitness is extremely strong, and his 50 million combat power can actually resist his own 60 million attack, but it is a pity that the real battle cannot be won by brute force.

Although there is also a saying that strength can break through all methods, but that is in the case of disparity in strength, when the real strength is similar, arrogant attacks are not desirable, but will make people seize the flaws.

Luo Lan's body is a little worse than Broly's, but after strengthening his vitality, it's almost the same. In addition, his combat power is higher than Broly's. It shouldn't be much difficult to win this battle. It depends on how long it takes to win. . The longer it dragged on, the more variables there would be for Luo Lan, and it would be bad if Broly broke through in the battle.

"Broly, let me see your power!!"

The loud voice echoed in the air, Luo Lan threw his arm vigorously, and the arrogance on his body was burning.

Broly didn't have much sense, but when he saw Luo Lan's provocative behavior, he became even more mad, his body flickered, and he came to Luo Lan immediately.

The two began to fight again, and they flashed at the same time, and the movements were so fast that it was difficult to discern with the naked eye.

Bang, the two fists collided, and the real power was transmitted to their respective bodies. In addition to a plane bursting out where the two fists collided, the surrounding air also boiled, and the wind swept through in an instant, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye was The rings spread out, covering the entire Wampa star like a giant storm.

"Peng!" "Peng!" "Peng!"...

Wampa star was screaming constantly, the terrifying aura stirred the whole atmosphere, the aftermath of the attack spread to all over the world in an instant, clattering, countless peaks and mountains broke, the polar glaciers slipped lava, the roof ridges became canyons, and the tidal flats became wasteland. .

After the fight, Luo Lan realized that he underestimated Broly!

This guy seems to be mentally insane, but his learning ability has always existed. He felt the opponent's growth just a few times.

"Hurry up and knock him out."

"Shockwave all day!"

"Vientiane Fist!!"

Under the blessing of the secret technique, Luo Lan's attack became more powerful, and Broly, not to be outdone, opened his mouth wide in the face of the attack, and the rich energy spread in his mouth, just like the roar of a giant ape.


The light green energy ball spewed out and collided with Luo Lan's qigong wave.


Click, click! An unknown voice sounded.

After a moment of stagnation, the planes where the energy collided seemed to have suffered irreparable damage.

Suddenly, the air above his head fluctuated slightly.

Broly shook his head, but saw a dark figure appearing in the sky above him. It was Luo Lan. He was immersed in the reddish light, his hands were filled with terrifying energy, and a halo of light was bright. Bai Dazzling, then clasped his fists with both hands, and struck down violently.


The speed is so fast that it is too late to dodge.


Luo Lan's heavy blow hit Broly's body. Even with his strong physique, he felt dizzy at the moment. At the moment he was hit, the energy directly passed through his body and reconvened behind him, resulting in a A huge shock wave rushed down, forming a ring of cyclones visible to the naked eye.


"It's...it's terrifying."

Seeing the damage caused by the battle between Luo Lan and Broly, Paragas' face turned pale, and his feet seemed to be cast with cement. Although he had exhausted all his strength, he was still unable to move half a point.

Syphilia tugged her hair to block the oncoming storm, her beautiful eyes flashing red, "Wampa Star won't last long, maybe it will disintegrate soon."

"Then what should I do?" Paragas was completely panicked.

"Enter the space island. It is a fortress made of thunder steel. Even the power of planet destruction cannot destroy it."

Thunderbolt is the strongest material in the universe, strong enough to withstand the impact of planetary destruction. In fact, the destruction of the planet's explosion is not very dangerous. As long as there are tens of millions of combat power, it is enough to withstand the impact of the planet's destruction. The real danger is the vacuum environment after the planet's destruction.

After all, there are not many life forms in the universe that can survive in the cosmic environment like Frieza.

When Paragas heard Sephardia say that the space island could withstand the explosion of the planet's destruction, he immediately ran towards the space island as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw, but saw that Sephardia hadn't left.

"Your Majesty, won't you enter the fort?"

Syphilia was full of anger, and said proudly: "The vacuum environment does not affect my survival."

"Ah, as expected of Her Lady Queen..."

For Syphilia, Paragas is completely convinced. Under the leadership of such a queen, how can the Saiyan family not rise? That short-sighted King Vegeta is not even qualified to carry shoes for Queen Syfi .

Syphilia looked at Paragas indifferently and hid in the space island, and her eyes turned to Luo Lan, she knew that the battle there was about to end.


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