Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 274 Medamore Star

"There's nothing wrong with breaking through later." Luo Lan looked lazy.

Syphilia rolled his eyes at him, "I'm not as open-minded as you are. My red pupil state has only a 10-fold increase in strength. If you can't become a Super Saiyan, your strength will be difficult to shawl with you."

"You don't need to pursue the state of Super Saiyan too much. The transformation of Super Saiyan is just a mode of power improvement, just like the state of mimic ape and golden pupil. The Super Saiyan in the early stage was affected too much by emotions. I also hope that when the water is full, it will overflow and break through naturally.”

Luo Lan's positioning of Super Saiyan is very clear. It is a transformation mode that improves combat power. There is no need to give it too much meaning.

Especially in the later stage, Hu Li's fancy transformation state emerges one after another, but the effect may not be very good.

Have you ever seen the God of Destruction transform, have you ever seen an angel need to transform? They are not needed, even if they are experts from other universes, they use their normal strength as a measure of strength.

In essence, that is the state of returning to basics.

Because of this kind of cognition, Luo Lan's heart actually paid more attention to the power of the body. Of course, the improvement of strength requires a gradual process. Before the strength reaches a certain strength, the ability to transform can be regarded as a means of self-protection. Otherwise, the safety of life will be threatened, so what about the subsequent breakthrough.

Naturally, Syphilia couldn't understand what Luo Lan was thinking, and a pair of bright eyes stared at him.

Luo Lan smiled, and looked up and down on Syphilia's body, her skin as white as snow was extraordinarily delicate, "Speaking of which, Taisi has already given birth to a son for me, when will you have one? "

"It's too troublesome to have a baby, and it will also affect my strength improvement. I think it's good to maintain the current state."

Syphilia shook her head, it didn't matter to her whether the child was a child or not.

"You can't think about cultivation all day long, and you also need the joys of life to adjust." Luo Lan laughed, and simply hugged her with big hands, ready to talk to her about the joys of life, Syphilia struggled for a while , jumped off the bed directly, then took a shower and dragged Luo Lan off the bed.

"Training with me, I must break through the Super Saiyan."


Luo Lan stared at Syphilia in a stunned manner and shook her head. At this time, he was not thinking about cultivation, but if Syphilia insisted on doing this, then it would be up to her. It's not easy to communicate life with Syphilia.


"Broley, I will officially start training you from today." Calling Broly out alone, Luo Lan said solemnly.

"Yeah." Broly nodded.

"The concept of qi must have been understood by you on the planet Sarada these days."

Broly nodded again and said honestly, "I probably know, but I don't know how to practice."

"Your situation is mainly a force beyond your control and no mental force to match, it's like a truck with a limited capacity that is not only overloaded, but also driving downhill, which is a little bit more If you are not careful, the car will crash, so the first step in the practice is to reduce the load on your body, and then replace you with a more powerful engine."

"In short, slow down your power boost and increase your mental strength."

"Of course, this is all temporary. The current slowdown is for better improvement in the future. When you can control the strength of your body, this stage of cultivation will come to an end. Originally, Adrat was the most suitable for Qi. Cultivation. However, for beginners, the secret techniques of Adrat are too advanced, but they are not suitable for you."

"I chose a few other places for this. The first stop is the Metamore star in the Eastern Galaxy."

Broly's face was calm, like a good student listening quietly. Even though Luo Lan mentioned Metal Moore, he didn't have any unexpected expressions on his face, because he didn't even know what Metal Moore was. kind of planet.

The Star of Medamore is located in the Eastern Galaxy, and its mysterious degree is comparable to that of Namek and Adrat in the Dragon Ball world, and it has magical martial arts on it. Like the magic of Namek and the mysteries of Adrat, the magical martial arts of Medamore has a mysterious heritage.

In the original book, Sun Wukong's teleportation was learned from the planet Adlat, and the fusion technique was learned from the hands of a Medamore star when he was in the underworld.

On this day, in order to solve Broly's mental problems, Luo Lan and Broly came to the mysterious planet of the Eastern Galaxy together.

On this trip, Syphilia did not go together, but went to the Adrat Star alone.

There's something she needs to master there.

Eastern Milky Way, Metal Moore Star.

The sky is like a wash, and the dust is spotless.

The moment they set foot on this not-so-big solid planet, there was a gust of cold wind blowing towards them. The location where Luo Lan and the others landed was located at the polar region of the Star of Medamore.

"Brother Luo Lan, where are we going now?" Although Broly is the same age as Luo Lan, Broly prefers to call him eldest brother because of his life experience.

Luo Lan looked into the distance, and the powerful auras on Medamore were all in his eyes. This is a high-level planet. There are several energies with a combat power of more than 10,000, and the strongest even has a strength of close to one million. .

Suddenly, a powerful energy caught Luo Lan's attention, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly with a smile.

"We're heading south, where there's a strong qi."

As Luo Lan walked away in search of the breath, Broly nodded, followed by flying away. The polar temperature of Medamore is about minus 30 degrees, but this low temperature is very powerful for the body. For Luo Lan of energy, it is not worth mentioning at all.

call out! call out!

The two illusory figures quickly swept across the sky, with the violent sound of breaking the sound barrier, and the fierce cyclone rolled into two long wakes. In the blink of an eye, the two had left the polar region and appeared in a plain with lush vegetation.

"The people here don't seem to be very strong."

Broly's burly body floated in mid-air, and the purple battle suit reflected brilliant light in the sunlight.

"Don't measure them by your standards. In fact, their strength is not bad at all." Luo Lan observed the Metamores. The combat power of ordinary Metamores can generally reach 3000, which is higher than the previous Vegeta's. Saiyans don't give up.

Of course, what Luo Lan valued was not their fighting power, but their unique martial arts. A planet as weak as the earth could give birth to a splendid martial arts culture, not to mention the mysterious Metamores.

"Follow me, if you want to learn their martial arts, you must first integrate into them."

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