Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 275 Spirit Tower (Big Chapter)

In a martial arts hall on the Star of Medamore, a sea of ​​martial arts practitioners gathered in an open space that was not particularly large. There were eight martial arts arenas of 60 square meters scattered around the open space.

Surrounded by people, these observing martial artists raised their heads, stretched their necks, and carefully watched the fights on the ring.

From time to time exclamations and shouts were heard.

This is the weekly open martial arts conference of Budokan, which is very popular in the Star of Metal Moore.

In addition to teaching the students in the hall exquisite martial arts, the owner of the martial arts hall regularly arranges the best disciples to perform martial arts on the ring. On the one hand, it is to enhance the disciples' actual combat experience, so that they can discover their usual shortcomings in actual combat so as to correct them.

The reason why Meda Moore can be strong and gain a foothold in the Eastern Galaxy relies on its strong martial arts ethos.

Although there are people who are engaged in different industries on Metal Moore, these people are just like ordinary people on the earth, and they promote the development of civilization bit by bit, but among all professions, the most respected ones are of course Number of martial artists.

It is the martial artist who made Medamore famous in the universe and is not bullied by others. As long as one can become a martial artist, it is a matter of honor and respect.

Under such a value orientation, all the Stars of Medamore are eager to become a martial artist and work hard to become a martial artist. Affected by this, any Medamore people naturally have a special love for martial arts. As long as there is a place to hold a martial arts conference, these martial arts enthusiasts will never miss it. Even if the distance is long, they will overcome all kinds of difficulties. to learn.

Therefore, the martial arts culture of Meda Moore Star is not only brilliant, but also profound.

But in Medamore, it is not easy to become a martial artist. It doesn’t mean that you can be a martial artist if you know some martial arts concepts. You must choose carefully, choose one from a thousand miles, and you must only be in terms of combat power. More than 10,000 combat power, which is a hard indicator.

In addition, you must have a deep martial arts background, and have a profound understanding of martial arts culture and martial arts inheritance.

This stopped a large number of people outside the threshold of martial arts.

Audrey Moore is a senior martial arts master. Since she became an official martial arts master at the age of fifty, she has taken over the family's martial arts hall for a full one hundred and eighty years.

Over the years, Odaimore has relied on her own efforts and her strength has been continuously improved. Under her leadership, the martial arts hall she has taken over has also continued to grow. A large number of talents have emerged in the past century, and now it has become a holy place in the eyes of the Stars of Medamore. .

As long as she taught publicly here, martial arts practitioners from all over the world would flock to listen to her teachings.

In fact, Medamore is not a particularly large planet, and it is only a matter of time for the Medamore people with decent power to travel from one side of the planet to the other.

In the martial arts arena in the open space, eight groups of disciples competed in different arenas at the same time.

A white top, white trousers, a sleeveless jacket with a belt around the waist, a very traditional Meda Moore star dress. Some even only have trousers and jackets, like many of the surrounding Medamores.

Although the disciples of the Aodaimore Martial Arts Hall are still students in name, they are actually strong martial artists. , staying by her side can learn more things, and the disciples are not willing to leave.

Their competition is naturally full of highlights. At the beginning of the martial arts performance, afterimages flashed one after another, and the exquisite fights were staged continuously. The surrounding martial arts practitioners were also attentively, watching them like a fascination, and from time to time, they had a little insight, revealing a sudden realization. expression.

Because the venue is not large enough, many people even need to float in mid-air to watch.


In the crowd, two figures with black hair and yellow skin were particularly conspicuous. They were floating in the air, watching the fight on the ring with ease. One person's eyes were as clear as mirrors, shining with a crystal luster, while the other looked at it, but he didn't. Not so serious.

These two people were just Luo Lan and Broly who had just arrived on the Star of Metal Moore.

"The martial arts mode of the Stars of Medamore is different from the practice method of the planet Sarada, and it is also somewhat different from the original rough and vigorous fighting methods of the Saiyans. It seems to have a unique charm."

Luo Lan watched the battle of the Stars of Medamore on the ring and commented.

"I don't see any characteristics. It can be knocked down with one punch. Why do you have to turn so many corners?" Broly has not received traditional cultivation, and his mind is straight.

Luo Lan said: "That's because your strength is too strong, the fighting strength of the Medamore people below is only less than 100,000, and their movements naturally have no secrets in your eyes, but if they are similar in strength, your kind The fighting style will definitely be crushed."


Broly froze for a moment, but did not speak.

Broly's battle is so direct that he won't hide his actions at all, it's just reckless. If it is an opponent whose strength is far inferior to his, naturally there is no way to take him, but if it is an opponent with similar strength or a small gap, Broly's undisguised fighting intention will easily suffer.

It can also be seen in the original work that Broly would only go on a rampage in battle, using brute force to crush his opponents. If he speaks nicely, he is called breaking the force with one force, and if he speaks a force for ten times, if he speaks badly, he is savage and ignorant. No technology at all.

Luo Lan brought Broly to Medamore, not only to improve his mental state, but also to change his fighting mode.

The martial arts of Medamore are well-known far and wide in the Eastern Galaxy, and there are countless people from the universe who come to study here. The people of Medamore know the importance of communication, so they never cherish their martial arts. According to rumors, they are very welcome to outsiders, and they are keen to communicate. They take the opportunity to integrate hundreds of schools, absorb nutrients from other martial arts, and gradually improve themselves.

Although this kind of thinking may attract the prying eyes of people with intentions, the thinking is quite advanced in nature.

When Sun Wukong was in the underworld, he learned the "fusion technique" from a Medamore star.

The martial arts performance below continued. Luo Lan, possessing the mysteries of Earth martial arts and vitality, could see the truth of the martial arts below with just a few glances, so he swept his gaze to a female Medamore who was sitting on the high platform.

The strength of the female Medamore is the most powerful among all the people here, and there is a mysterious spiritual force shrouded in her body, making her feel mysterious.

When Luo Lan observed her, the other party seemed to sense something. The light blue eyes looked towards the sky, and a spiritual force spread into the sky.

"Actually discovered my spiritual power, this Medamore star is a bit interesting."

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Luo Lan increased his mental strength.

A whirlwind suddenly blew up in the void for no reason.

"My friend, I feel a strong and energetic power from you. I am not your opponent. Let's sit down and communicate." A demure and generous voice came over.

"It's an honor." Luo Lan replied with a smile.

"Then please come with me."

Audymore observed the sky, and his eyes fell on Luo Lan and the others very early.

When he noticed Luo Lan, Aodaimore frowned slightly, and he couldn't help being shocked by the mysterious aura of the other party. He turned to look at Broly beside him, and a violent force rushed towards his face, like a mountain overturned. Demol's face tightened and he felt a heavy pressure.

So strong!

Where did such a scary guy come from?

Audymore hesitated, wondering how the arrival of the other party would affect the Star of Medamore.

Just when Audreymoore was a little uneasy, Luo Lan replied with a smile. Hearing that the other party was willing to communicate with him, Aodaimore nodded, explained to the disciples beside him, and left the open-air martial arts field in a teleportation.

The mountain behind the martial arts hall is a place where the forests are green and the trees are beautiful, and the birds are singing in the mountains.

Audreymore suddenly appeared there in a flash.

A moment later, the figures of Luo Lan and Broly also appeared. Seeing the way Luo Lan appeared, Audrey opened his eyes in surprise, and said in surprise, "Transfer?!"

From the perspective of form alone, there is basically no difference between the transfer technique of the Stars of Medamore and the teleportation of the Stars of Adlat, but in fact, one relies on space for positioning, and the other relies on breath to lock, and the essence is different. of.

Luo Lan heard Audymore's whisper, smiled and didn't speak.

The skill he just displayed was no longer a simple transfer technique, but was constructed based on the original space transfer technique by integrating the teleportation of the Adlat star.

"My name is Aodaimore, a martial artist from the Star of Medamore."

Audrey Moore looked at Luo Lan and the others seriously, "The two guests who have come from afar, I don't know what you are doing this time. If it is to exchange martial arts, I am very happy to communicate with you."

"Luo Lan, from the Saifei faction of the Northern Galaxy. The one next to him is called Broly. This time, he really came to exchange martial arts. Hearing the name of the star of Meda Moore, I came to pay a special visit."

"As long as it is communication, it is naturally welcome."

Audrey Moor was relieved by Luo Lan's answer. She saw early on that Luo Lan and the others were not easy. If there was a conflict, even if the forbidden technique of the Stars of Medamore was used, they might not be the opponent's opponent and could avoid it. Conflict is of course the best.

As for the name of Sai Fei's faction, Audrey Moor had never heard of it because he was in the Eastern Galaxy.

Luo Lan nodded, and looked at the other party calmly.

Audrey Moore should be considered a relatively beautiful star of Medamore, with cyan hair and cyan eyes. Her long-term practice has made her very well-proportioned. In addition to the white top and light blue jacket, the whole person looks very young. It would not make people think that she is already two hundred and thirty years old.

What attracts attention is that her combat power is close to one million, and this level of power is already very powerful in the universe.

There are very few powerful female fighters in the universe. Apart from Syphilia and Lulu, Audymore is the third woman he has seen with a combat power of over one million.

"Miss Audymore, I wonder if Medamore has special martial arts to strengthen the spiritual aspect? My companion lacks mental control due to physical reasons."

"Spiritual martial arts..."

Audrey pondered for a while and shook his head: "This is not true, spiritual cultivation involves the soul, and even our research on this aspect is very limited.

"However, there is a tower suitable for spiritual exercise on the Star of Medamore. The tower has a very effective tempering function for spiritual will. You and your friends can try it out."

"Can you take us there to take a look?" Luo Lan asked.

Audreymore said: "Of course there is no problem, please come with me."

As she said that Audreymore flew into the sky, a light blue light enveloped her body. Luo Lan saw it and followed her with Broly. Audreymoore looked at Luo curiously while flying. Lan, "Mr. Luo Lan seems to have a very wonderful energy control method. I don't know if he can communicate with me. I am willing to exchange my secret technique with you."


Luo Lan smiled heartily.

Although the cultivation of breath is mysterious, people in the universe, such as Arad and Namek, have similar skills. The reason why Audymore is curious about the cultivation of breath is not that she does not hide the Qi in her body, but that she is a martial artist. Curious about unfamiliar martial arts.

To be honest, the martial arts of the Metamorans are much more magical than the martial arts of Earth.

Next, Luo Lan briefly explained the concept of breath. Audymore closed his eyes and thought about it. A cyan streamer flashed by, and the energy in his body suddenly changed into a breath mode.

"This method of cultivation is a bit close to the natural power of the Nameks."

Audreymoore felt the energy in his body for a while.

"Really similar."

Luo Lan nodded, the gods of the earth are the Nameks, and most of the popular martial arts on the earth today are ancient martial arts combined with the practice of the Nameks.

Several people flew for a while, and since the Star of Metal Moore was not very big, they quickly arrived at the destination at the speed of a few people. The three landed on a plateau, surrounded by greenery, but compared to low-altitude areas, the green vegetation was significantly less.

After walking for a few minutes, a towering pyramid-shaped building appeared in everyone's sight.

Audrey Moore pointed to the pyramid and said, "That is the spiritual tower, which is used by our family to temper the will."

Luo Lan took a look and found that there were several tents scattered around. In addition to the blue-haired Medamore star, there were also some strange-looking cosmic people.

"And aliens?"

"Metamore Star never refuses visitors from outside the planet. As long as they are willing to exchange martial arts, we will welcome them." Audrey Moor had a smile on his face.

Luo Lan nodded. The fact that Metal Moore Star can become famous in the Eastern Galaxy is not only powerful, but also related to their determination to forge ahead. As long as there are no natural and man-made disasters, such a nation will only become stronger and stronger.

"That tower doesn't look very big, how many people can it hold?" Broly counted with his hands, and soon ten fingers were not enough.

"The interior of the spiritual tower has its own space. As long as people who are not in the same batch will be automatically assigned to different space areas, even if the tower is not big, it can open up 300 spaces inside." Proud road.

"Ah, so powerful." Broly's eyes widened.

Luo Lan was shocked. In this way, the interior of the spiritual tower is like the spiritual time house of the earth, it is also a different dimension space, but compared with the spiritual time house, it lacks the function of time acceleration, but increases the will. 's training.

"You two, come in with me."

Audrey Moore invited Luo Lan and Broly to enter the spiritual tower. Luo Lan was a bold and talented person. He chuckled lightly and did not worry about the other party's malicious intentions. He nodded towards Broly and walked straight towards the spiritual tower. go.


As if penetrating a transparent layer of water, the three came to an empty white world, where the air pressure is very high, the environment is very hot, the white space is empty, and the ground depicts various abstract and complex descriptions. The lines, these lines are disgusting to see for a long time, and make you feel irritable.

"This feeling is very uncomfortable." Luo Lan secretly said.

Suddenly feeling a burst of violent energy around him, Luo Lan glanced at Broly. Sure enough, he saw that his face was a little distorted, as if he was about to explode, and scolded: "Calm down, don't look at those lines."

Broly closed his eyes immediately, and the chaotic aura on his body suddenly calmed down.

Audrey Moore said: "The requirements for mental will are extremely high here. People with weak mental strength are prone to illusions after staying for a long time. If we go to a farther place, there will be fewer lines there."


Ps: Thank you for the 10,000 starting point reward of "Pippi Shrimp Montenegro old demon"!

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