Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 279 Fusion Technique and Unknown Situation (One)

After temporarily leaving the Spirit Tower, Luo Lan turned to stay between the various martial arts halls on the Star of Medamore. During the period, he listened to many public lectures by martial artists, but he found that compared with Aodaimore, those martial artists, There is still a big gap. Although the concept of martial arts is profound, it is not as refreshing as Audrey Moore.

Audymore is probably a group of people at the ceiling level of the Medamore star.

Walking lightly on the spacious street, people on both sides come and go, but the people from the Metropolis are not too curious about Luo Lan, an outsider, because the Metropolis is an open planet, and people who visit here are not too curious. There are countless people in the universe, and they have long been accustomed to people from other planets haunting them.

Walking to the front of a martial arts hall, and looking at the crowd of people in front of him, Luo Lan stepped forward curiously. After a while, he realized that it was the martial arts hall here to select disciples. These groups of martial arts practitioners were all after hearing the news. , came from various places to participate in the selection.

The method of selecting disciples in the martial arts hall is very simple. As long as you show your best skills in front of the martial arts master, and are valued, you can enter the martial arts hall as a preparatory disciple to study.

Seeing those martial arts practitioners showing their faces in full swing, Luo Lan nodded and stood on the side to watch.

The pursuit of martial arts by the people of Medamore is comparable to that of the planet Sarada.

But the difference is that the ethos of martial arts on Medamore is more about the pursuit of martial arts, while the pursuit of power is more on the side of Sarada, and martial arts is a way to become stronger.

This has something to do with the racial characters on the two planets. Medamore has a peaceful nature, so he pursues spiritual breakthroughs, while Saiyans are irritable and rarely able to calm down. Fighting is their greatest enjoyment. The name of the fighting nation can be seen.

Standing on the edge of the martial arts hall and watching quietly, Luo Lan left with unfulfilled thoughts after the other party finished recruiting the disciples.

In just a while, he saw those martial arts practitioners perform several interesting secret techniques. Although in Luo Lan's eyes, these little secret techniques are very fancy and have no practical effect, but there are also a few ingenious. , has some research value.

Speaking of the secret technique, Luo Lan's heart moved, "Since you are here at Medamore, why do you want to see the fusion technique?"

Meda Moore's fusion technique can fuse two people into one, which can be described as a magic weapon to overcome the enemy and win.

The most famous fusion warriors produced by fusion in the original work are Gotenks, who fused Sun Wutian and Trunks, and Gogeta, which was fused with Monkey King and Vegeta. Warriors who pull the earrings together, there is no specific upper limit for fusion.

But at the same time, it brings a great increase in the difficulty of fusion. When using the Potara earrings, only two people need to wear the earrings on different ears to achieve a fit. However, fusion has various requirements, except for the shameful fusion. In addition to dancing, you also need to use both sides to maintain the same intensity of breath. If there is a slight error, there will be all kinds of crooked melons and cracked dates. Either they are fat like pigs, or they are skinny. Both Gotenks and Gogeta have the wrong form. .

After making up his mind, Luo Lan will learn the fusion technique first, regardless of whether it will be used in the future.

As for who to learn from, Luo Lan thought she could ask Audymore, she should know, so she locked Audymore's position with her breath, and then teleported over.

Audrey was a little surprised by Luo Lan's idea of ​​learning fusion, but in the past six months, the two sides have talked a lot. Lan introduced another martial artist, a middle-aged Medamore star with about 100,000 combat power.

At the middle-aged Meida Moor, Luo Lan quickly learned how to perform fusion techniques, but due to the lack of subjects to practice, the specific effects of fusion techniques are still unknown.

Looking for Broly to practice, he himself can't fully control the energy in his body, and the fusion technique will definitely fail.

Syphilia did meet the requirements, but Luo Lan directly excluded her when she thought about it. Let's not say whether Syphilia is willing to learn that shameful secret technique, just say that the difference between men and women, fusion can Whether it is successful or not, it is still said twice. If it is successful, who knows what kind of evildoer will be merged.

Luo Lan shuddered at the thought of the possibility of being neither male nor female.

Helpless, let's keep this technology in mind for now.

Returning to the spiritual tower, seeing that Broly was still practicing hard, Luo Lan didn't bother him. He sat quietly on the side with his hands on his knees, thinking about the transformation of a Super Saiyan like an old monk. method, until one day he received a contact from Hertz and teleported back to the Sarada planet from the Star of Medamore.

"What's the matter with me?"

Luo Lan found Hertz directly after returning to the Sarada planet.

Seeing Luo Lan coming back, Hertz's frowning face relaxed a little, and he showed Luo Lan some information, "This is the situation in the Star Territory controlled by Saifei's forces recently."

Luo Lan picked up the document and looked at it for a while, her brows furrowed.

Saifei's forces now control a small half of the Northern Galaxy area. The area is vast and powerful. Only the Frieza Legion in the entire Northern Galaxy can stand against it. It belongs to Sai Fei's forces, but during this time, the territory under Sai Fei's forces is not very safe, and many sites have been attacked by unknown forces.

"How about the loss of the Saiyans?" Luo Lan asked.

Herz: "The Saiyans have nothing to lose. After all, we have a small number of people, and it is impossible to send the tribes out."

The number of Saiyans is still very rare, and most of them are minors. Even if they occupy a large number of territories, the managers are still soldiers recruited from the universe. The main activity areas of Saiyans are several galaxies near the planet Sarada.

Luo Lan nodded: "It's fine if there is no loss. Have you figured out what force did it? Dare to challenge us in the Northern Galaxy, I'm afraid it's a guy who has been hiding for a long time."

Herz is frowning over this matter: "The other party is very cunning, and it has not been investigated yet."

Luo Lan: "Let Wumu and the others send reconnaissance robots to search for clues. They must dig out the opponent. In the future, the defense of remote areas should try to let the combat robots go. Even if they want to send a combat team, they must bring enough seeds to cultivate people."

Hertz froze for a moment and nodded vigorously.

"By the way, we must strengthen the defenses of the planet of Cultivation and Sarada. Don't let things like the last time Slagu happen again." Luo Lan reminded, Hertz nodded vigorously, the last time Slagu invaded The first battle of the Sarada galaxy almost destroyed the entire Sarada galaxy. Although the Sarada galaxy was later restored with Earth’s Dragon Balls, that incident still sounded the alarm for everyone.

"I'll make arrangements." Herz's face was serious.

Seeing Hertz's cautious look, Luo Lan chuckled lightly, and then chatted about the recent events of the Sarada planet. Hertz answered his question with a smile, and then asked about Hertz's time. the situation of children.

"Lanster and Firth serve as guards on Ivy League, and the other two children are also training on Planet Human." Speaking of his own children, Herz laughed.

Hertz's first two children, named Lanster and Firth, are a pair of twins. They are eleven years old this year. The later two children, Aiol and Barry, are also seven and eight years old respectively. It is currently undergoing trials on other planets.

"How is Paragas?" Roland asked Broly's father.

"Still studying in Sonori's teaching class, I have almost mastered the use of breath."

"Is Sonori's child born?"

"Not yet, the gestation cycle of the Nolai people is different from that of the Saiyans, and it will probably take a while." Herz replied.

Luo Lan frowned: "So, the members of the Guards can't fully recover their combat effectiveness. What about Lu Lu, who is allowed to return to the Eastern Galaxy, hasn't she returned yet?"

Herz spread his hands: "I was just about to tell you about this, since Lu Lu took Dalles and others to clear the remnants of Slagu, he has not returned for more than two years. It is said that in the East The Milky Way has been very moisturizing."

Luo Lan: "Her nest is already there, can it be nourished? This guy definitely has a relapse of his nature. It doesn't matter. I will take care of her later."

Without Lu Lu and Dales, and Sonori's pregnancy, the Queen's Guards lost most of their combat power at once. Now that the Saifi forces are attacked by unknown forces, they cannot be left idle.

Hearing what Luo Lan said, Hertz was relieved. He contacted Luo Lan to come back, also for the safety of Saifei's forces.

I had contacted Syphilia before, but the queen was in the midst of cultivating and didn't plan to come back at all.

With such a queen, Herz is also very helpless. He feels like a big housekeeper, dealing with the affairs of the forces back and forth, but fortunately, most of the work is distributed to his subordinates, and he only needs to focus on key issues. After making a choice, I really can't handle it anymore and ask Luo Lan for their opinions.

However, Hertz also understands Syphilia's thoughts. Saiyans, after all, focus on strength. As the two most powerful Saiyan warriors on the Sarada planet, Syphilia can keep up with Luo Lan's footsteps. is the best.

Only strong power can make oneself survive better. If possible, Hertz also hopes to practice without distractions.

After staying at Hertz's house for a while, Luo Lan teleported to the outer space research room, and found that Bulma was discussing a research problem with Dr. Brives.

After a period of absence, Bulma has become more eloquent, and the childishness of her youth has disappeared.

In the past few years, Dr. Brives and Bulma have jointly developed many new machines. Both of them are genius-level scientists. After receiving the influence of alien technology, their research and development capabilities are even stronger. , Thanks to their efforts, the overall level of the battle robots of the Sarada planet has been raised to another level.

After asking Bulma and the others about Taisi's whereabouts, Luo Lan knew that Taisi had actually gone to the headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol to collect materials.

Luo Lan, who heard the news, felt speechless.

"It was Gak from the Galactic Patrol who invited my sister over." Bulma blinked.


Luo Lan raised his eyebrows, he already knew very well what the Galaxy Patrol organization was thinking.

It must be that the people from the Galaxy Patrol Organization knew about their relationship with Taisi, and then wanted to find a breakthrough in Taisi, and use the policy of saving the country to get connected with themselves. It seems that the development of Saifei's forces in recent years has made the Galaxy Patrol organization restless.

Luo Lan sneered in her heart, but she wasn't worried about Taisi's safety. After all, the Galactic Patrol Organization was still an organization representing justice, and with the relationship with Jake, she would never do anything out of the ordinary.

Maybe he will find a chance to go to the Galactic Patrol Organization!

"Brother-in-law, Wukong is practicing in the temple now. He must not have thought that I have left the earth."

"Sun Wukong ascended to the temple?"

Bulma: "Yeah, after the last martial arts meeting, I went to Kalin Tower, and then entered the temple with Kiki. Although from the data, it seems that the gods of the earth are not very good, but it should be enough to point out Wukong. , he also invited me to go to the Martial Arts Club next time, how about I bring him to Planet Sarada?"

Bulma has frequently traveled back and forth between the earth and the planet Sarada in recent years, and has gained a clearer understanding of things in the universe. The force of the earth is really weak. For the growth of his good friend, it is necessary to let him see a wider range of world.

After all, the planet Sarada is the planet of the Saiyans.

"Whatever you want." Luo Lan said indifferently.

Compared with the original book, Monkey King grew up several years earlier. He should have defeated the Great Demon King Piccolo to enter the temple after participating in the 22nd World No. 1 Martial Arts Club. Now, because of his own influence, Sun Wukong is in Sun Wukong. Fan has received a few more years of education, and his cognition has matured a lot. Not to mention, he even entered the temple several years earlier.

But speaking of which, Sun Wukong, who has ascended to the temple, has already learned what he should learn, and there is nothing wrong with going out of the earth.

Luo Lan looked at Bulma with a teasing face: "You care so much about Sun Wukong, don't you like him?"

Bulma quibble: "How is it possible, I don't like children."

"It's hard to say. Your sister thought the same thing before. Later, she didn't marry Luo Lan. Besides, Goku is only one year younger than you. Saiyans are all small until they reach adulthood." Dr. Breaves left. Come over, after hearing the conversation between Luo Lan and Bulma, he half-joked.

"You don't joke around."

Bulma was stunned for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking, she roared and ran away in a hurry.

Seeing Bulma's embarrassed look, Luo Lan thought unexpectedly: She doesn't really have such thoughts in her heart.

Such a thought flashed by, and Luo Lan laughed.

Then, under the leadership of Dr. Brives, they watched their inventions during this period of time, and then teleported to the realm of the gods to check the status of their son Luo Fei, and saw the little guy soaked in the nutrient solution brewed from the fruit of the spiritual tree. Holding the bubbles, seeing him coming, and dancing happily, Luo Lan smiled happily.

After that, he teleported to the East Galaxy to find Lu Lu and the others.

Those guys asked them to clean up Slagu's territory, and they actually wandered outside for the next two years, especially Lulu and Dales, who were really lawless.


Just when Luo Lan went to the Eastern Galaxy again, it was on the other side of the starry sky.

White Orchid.

On the planet where Tabor lives, a small spaceship gradually approached the planet after a long voyage. In the distant high sky, a tiny light spot quickly cut through the sky. through the planet's atmosphere.

After a while, the spaceship landed, and a young man with spiky hair and a combat uniform came out of it.

This young man was Vegeta who left the team alone and changed into another spaceship after the mission started.


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