Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 280 Vegeta and Tabor

When Vegeta came to Bai Lanxing, it was the morning here. The bright sun climbed the hillside and shone on the lake. As the sun continued to rise, the earth began to warm.

Bai Lanxing's day begins again.

The small spaceship landed in an open space, Vegeta stepped out of the spaceship, and glanced at the magnificent mountains and rivers with indifferent eyes, but there was no appreciation in her eyes. Put on a newly prepared energy detector, which is not owned by Frieza's Legion, but purchased by Vegeta on a nearby planet.

After the beeping electronic sound, a series of data appeared in the frame. Most of these signals were single digits, and only a few of them had more than 100 combat power.


A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, Vegeta pressed the detector button expressionlessly to select, and suddenly aimed at one of the signals with a slightly higher energy value, about 140 combat power.

"Tabble is still so useless."

Vegeta's tone was very unpleasant.

The second prince of the dignified star Vegeta has only this pitiful fighting power. It's ridiculous to say it out. No wonder his father wanted to expel him from the star Vegeta, and he didn't even want to keep the basic information. Knowing that, the face of the royal family has been lost.

Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that there were only a few Saiyans left in the universe, he wouldn't even want to see Tabor.

Thinking unhappily in her heart, a gust of wind rose from the bottom of Vegeta's feet, her body flew into the air, and then turned into a flash of light and flew towards the signal source.

Along the way, he passed through many villages of Bailanxing indigenous people. The weak energy made him disdain. If it weren't for the existence of these indigenous people, he would have provided some sources of supplies for Tabor. With Vegeta's heart, he would directly take them destroyed.

With a hula sound, bright light swept across the sky, Vegeta accelerated, and soon came to a mountain range with towering ancient trees, then landed and walked up the rugged path.

At the foot of the mountain, there is an open space of more than 20 square meters that has been manually sorted out.

A young boy was sweating and dancing with his fists and feet. The fluffy wind continued to roll with the boy's movements. Suddenly, the boy jumped up and kicked at the stone more than three meters high in the distance. With a click, The hard stone was shattered by the boy's kick.

"My combat effectiveness should have improved." Tabor panted, soaked in sweat.

"I don't know when the big brother will come, I have been waiting for a whole year."

Tabor sat down and rested for a while, and then stood up to prepare breakfast. At this moment, a cold wind hit, Tabor rolled his eyes, and before he could react, an attack fell on him.


The body flew out like a cannonball, hit the cliff in the distance, slammed violently, a depression appeared on the cliff, and the fine stones fell from the wall along with Tabor.

Tabor pouted and got up from the ground in pain. When he saw the person who attacked him, a surprise appeared on his face: "Brother, you are finally here." Since he met Luo Lan and the others a year ago, Tabor has been in Waiting for Vegeta, this wait is a year.

"Trash, this power is really shameful." Vegeta scolded indifferently.

Tabor was not angry at all, he knew that Vegeta cared about him, but he just couldn't hold back his face.

"Brother, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Vegeta gave a faint "um", "Are you waiting for me? I won't take care of you much, and if you want to leave this planet, don't dream."

"I do want to leave Bai Lanxing..." Tabor scratched his head embarrassedly.

Vegeta said sharply: "Dream, what are you going to do with your power? This white orchid star has low combat power, and you can't rule, so you can only die in vain when you go out."

Tabor was taught by Vegeta, but he didn't feel any disgust in his heart, "Brother, did you know that the planet Sarada hasn't been destroyed yet, I met other Saiyans, and they were willing to take me away ."


Vegeta frowned, "Make it clear, how could there be other Saiyans in the universe, the planet Sarada was destroyed in ancient times, there is no doubt about that." As the royal family of Planet Vegeta , Vegeta knows the history of the Saiyans very well, and he is convinced that the planet Sarada cannot exist.

"It's true, there are Saiyans on Sarada planet. They also gave me a contactor, and if I want to go, they will send someone to pick me up."

"And the liaison? Show it to me."

Vegeta's face changed a bit, thinking of the weird Saiyan he met on the mission planet before. There may be other Saiyans alive in the universe, but if it's irrational like the one he met before, Vegeta Tower, however, did not want Tabor to make contact with them.


Tabor nodded, "I put the contactor in the cave, I'll go get it now."

After finishing speaking, Tabor ran towards the cave in a flash, and quickly found the contactor that Luo Lan gave him from the box beside the quilt.

"Brother, this is it." Tabor handed the contactor to Vegeta.

Vegeta took a look at the contactor, and it looked quite advanced in terms of shape. The whole body was silver and white, like a button. "Tell me what you know clearly, and there can be no omission."


Tabor snorted, and then recounted the situation he met with Luo Lan and Syphilia a year ago, and at the same time described the situation on the Sarada planet, together with the level of the Saiyans on the Sarada planet, straight to the point. Vegeta was taken aback.

Ordinary fighters, elite fighters, special fighters.

It is still divided into 10,000 combat power and 100,000 combat power.

There is a lot to say, but this kind of deceitful statement, except to deceive the boy who doesn't know anything about Taber, do you really think that you will believe it?

Vegeta put her arms around her arms, her face indifferent, a look of disbelief at all.

You must know that Vegeta only had five warriors with a combat power of more than 10,000 at its peak. This has already made Vegeta less provocative. Is the so-called Sarada planet stronger than Vegeta? He, the most outstanding prince, has only 12,000 combat power so far. He doesn't believe that there are other Saiyans who are better than him.

I was even more certain in my heart that the so-called Sarada planet was completely deceiving.

"Tabble, don't be deceived by such low-level lies."

Seeing Vegeta's disbelief, Tabor became anxious, "...they told me that the Sarada planet is now called the 'Syfy Force', and it plays an important role in the Northern Galaxy, and is closely related to Foley. There are also close ties to the Saxon Corps."

"Syfi forces?"

Vegeta was stunned for a moment. The name was a bit familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere. By the way, Napa and Raditz mentioned this name before when they were chatting.

"The Frieza Legion is indeed cooperating with a certain faction, but it is difficult to say whether that Saifi faction is a Saiyan organization."

"It's not easy, I just need to press the contactor to know it?" Tabor hurriedly proved.

"Then try it."

Vegeta's face was sullen, and there was no joy or anger on her hard cheeks.

When Tabor saw it, he thought Vegeta acknowledged the existence of Saifi's forces, and happily pressed the button on the connector. There was a blind tone on the communicator, but no one answered, and Tabor thought no one answered. , a voice sounded from the other side of the coupler.

"Hello, this is the Saifei faction liaison office. Is this Mr. Tabor?"

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