Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 281 Paragas' Revenge

"Yes, it is."

"My Lady Queen has explained to you, are you going to move to the planet Sarada now?"

Tabor glanced at Vegeta, saw him with a cold look, and replied, "Yes, when will you send someone over?"

"Please wait, our spacecraft will arrive on your planet in seven days, and you can prepare."

After a few more questions and answers, Tabor hung up the contactor, "Brother, their people will arrive in seven days."

"I heard."

Vegeta's cold face showed a bit of indifference, and his eyes were full of cold light, "I'll wait here, but I want to see if it's someone from the Saifi faction, listen to the other party, there is a planet on Sarada. Queen?"

"Well, it's Queen Sephiria. She's very powerful. Brother, let me go to Planet Sarada with me. There are many tribes there."


Seeing Tabor's excited look, Vegeta suddenly raised her eyebrows. You are also the prince of Star Vegeta, why are you so unpromising.

Queen Syphilia!

It sounds similar, but if he wants to admit that there is another Saiyan planet in the universe, Vegeta is unwilling to admit it. Because according to the origin of history, the Saiyans of Vegeta also came from the planet Sarada at the earliest. If you really want to pay attention, the side of Sarada is more like a retrospective, and Vegeta is just a side branch.

Vegeta has always been proud of his reputation as a genius prince, and suddenly told him that there is a royal family that is more retrospective than him, and Vegeta is unacceptable.

But he didn't know that the Saiyans on the planet Sarada were actually from Planet Vegeta.


Just like that, seven days of dull days passed.

On this day, a light suddenly flashed over Bai Lanxing, and then a new-looking spaceship landed. Vegeta and Tabor had been waiting for a long time, and when they saw the spaceship approaching, they immediately headed for the place where the spaceship landed. .

"It's really seven days, and the performance of the other party's spacecraft is far beyond imagination."

Vegeta watched for a while, and then took out the detector to test it. The frame immediately showed the opponent's energy. There were seven signals in total, all of which looked good, and the weakest had a combat power of 2000.

However, this combat power is not in his eyes at all.

When the spaceship stopped, with a "click", the hatch opened, and seven Saiyans with upturned hair stepped out of the spaceship.

Vegeta saw the seven figures, especially when he noticed the tail behind him, his face changed, it was really a Saiyan... And unlike the irrational Saiyans he had met before, Vegeta glanced at him See that the other party is a serious soldier.

"Is it true that the planet Sarada has not been destroyed..." Vegeta said in disbelief.

"You are Tabor, the child that King Vegeta banished?" A middle-aged Saiyan came to Tabor's side with a swoosh, and Vegeta couldn't help but change his face at such a fast speed.

"Yes." Tabor answered honestly.

"Hahaha, that guy from King Vegeta is really cruel, he doesn't even spare his own child... He exiled Broly back then, but he once thought that his son has no fighting talent!" The middle-aged Saiyan Laughing loudly, a chilling aura suddenly emerged from his body.

"This uncle... do you know my father?"

"Hmph, of course, my name is Paragas, and I was once a warrior of Star Vegeta, but because your father, King Vegeta, was afraid of my son Broly's talent, he forcibly exiled him. The hatred can be said to be inexorable." Paragas sneered, the vigorous killing intent suddenly erupted, and the terrifying momentum suddenly enveloped Tabor.

Tabor felt like falling into the abyss for a moment, and was completely speechless.

Paragas has been training on the planet Sarada for a year, and his strength has long since risen to more than 10,000 combat power.

"I..." Tabor's face turned pale.

"Bastard, don't hurt Tabor!" Vegeta roared, and a strong force suddenly erupted.

Paragas' eyes lit up and looked at Vegeta with deep cold eyes: "Vegeta, you look exactly like your father!"

Then the figure flashed, and Paragas stepped forward to Vegeta's side, and waved his fist with a grin.

With a bang, the fist just hit Vegeta's face, and a huge force came from the heart of the fist. Vegeta only felt a heart-piercing pain, and his body flew out uncontrollably and fell to the ground. After sliding back on the ground, a deep ravine was drawn on the ground.

"What?" Vegeta was horrified, only to feel that the sight of Paragas' indifferent face appeared again.

"I miss you father and son for a long time. If it wasn't for the luck that I met Lord Luo Lan and the Queen in Wampa, Broly and I might have been trapped on that desolate planet, all because of your father and son. For the sake of it." He clenched his fists hard, and a cruel smile climbed up his cheeks.

Paragas attacked Vegeta fiercely.

Years of resentment erupted together.

Bang, Vegeta was knocked out again.


There was a bloody smell in his mouth, and a blood rushed out of his mouth. Vegeta looked at the man in front of him in disbelief. He didn't know who Paragas was, but the strength of the other party really surprised him.

You must know that his current strength is already stronger than that of his father, King Vegeta. Even before the destruction of Planet Vegeta, there are no Saiyans who can compete with him, but now, he is so easily injured?

"Damn, I can't even see how he shot. Didn't the detector show that his combat power was only over 2,000?"

Vegeta's complexion became ashen, and the cold air all over his body condensed a thin layer of ice crystals on the battle suit like frost. At this time, he knew that the data displayed by the detector was completely unbelievable. His combat power was as high as 12,000, and even he couldn't respond. The opponent's strength was at least 15,000.

Looking at the other six Saiyans standing still, I had to admit that I couldn't see through them either. If those six people also have the strength of the Saiyan in front of them, then the Saifi power is too terrible!

"I am the prince of the Saiyans, how can I be defeated so easily!" Vegeta shouted arrogantly.

Paragas sneered: "Prince of Saiyans? That is the past tense, Vegeta has been destroyed, and now only the planet Sarada is the authentic Saiyan planet in the universe, Queen Syfi is more honorable than you. ."

"Prince, do you only have this fighting power..."


Vegeta's eyes burst into cold light, and she gathered strength to attack Paragas, but Paragas dodged very lightly, and then counterattacked, and Vegeta was sent flying again.

Tabor was stunned at all this, seeing his brother being bullied by the Saiyan he called, and he didn't know what it was like.

He knew very well what kind of character his brother was. Such a blow would definitely make him furious. Sure enough, Vegeta was really angry, but he didn't expect that his brother was not the opponent of the middle-aged Saiyan.

"Brother, and that gentleman, please stop fighting."

Tabor reacted and shouted anxiously, but the angry Vegeta and Paragas were so easy to stop, the fiery battle continued, Vegeta rushed up again and again, but were all caught by Paragas Si blocked it with his fist.

"This gentleman..." Tabor had to turn to several other Saiyans for help.

"Don't worry, Paragas is just venting his anger, he won't kill your brother." Bayat is a member of the special forces team, it should be said that the seven Saiyans who came to Bailan this time are in addition to Except for Paragas, they are all members of the special team, and their combat power is the best among the Saiyans.

"Uh..." Tabor was speechless for a moment, and his face was even more anxious.

"It's a tit for tat. Back then, your father treated them cruelly, and now he only takes back a little interest. I tell you, fortunately, it wasn't Broly, the son of Paragas, who did it. Otherwise, move your finger, your brother. It may turn into a puddle of flesh. You should be glad that you are also the son of exile, and Paragas does not hate you that much."

"How powerful is his son?"

Tabor felt a chill down his spine. His brother's fighting power was above 10,000. If he could beat him with a single touch of his fingers, how powerful would it be.

"It's much more powerful than you think. There should be millions or tens of millions of combat power." Another Saiyan said blankly.


P s: Thank you for the 10,000 starting point reward of "Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken"!

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