Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 283 Vegeta's heart trembles

In the face of Paragas' resentment against King Vegeta, Tabor really doesn't know what to say in his own position. Even if King Vegeta is ruthless and arbitrary, he is his father. It should be judged rashly, but Tabor also sympathized with what happened to Paragas.

If another person was exiled for 20 years, when he had the strength to come back, it would probably be like this.

Not to mention that Tabor himself had the experience of being exiled by King Vegeta, but compared to the Palagas father and son, he still has Vegeta to take care of him in secret, and his life is not worry-free.

In fact, Tabor was already very grateful for Paragas being able to save Vegeta's life.

Apologizing to Paragas again, Tabor bent over and returned to Vegeta's side to take care of him.

Paragas couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw it, and then began to close his eyes. To be honest, after having taught Vegeta a lesson this time, seeing the former Prince Vegeta defeated in his own hands, his heart was filled with joy, and most of the resentment of the past 20 years dissipated. also become comfortable.

"Bayat, you guys stay in the cockpit, I'll go to the training room." Paragas stood up after resting for a while.

Bayat: "You really don't want to let go of a little cultivation time."

Paragas laughed: "Compared to you, I'm still far behind. If you don't practice hard, you will be surpassed by your juniors too much."

After all, he was a good warrior when he was on Star Vegeta. As an orthodox Saiyan, the concept of superiority and inferiority is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Because Palagas was relatively late to the martial arts practice of the planet Sarada, there is a big gap between the strength of the special forces fighters such as Bayat, and he will not work hard.

"It's really dissatisfied with the old, now it's the world of young people." Another Saiyan who was on the mission joked.

Paragas was in a good mood, and he was not angry after hearing it: "Don't underestimate me, Shayala, I am in my prime now, and my body cells are still active."

"Then make some contribution to our Saiyan lineage and leave more blood." Shayala said.

"You guys, this is your business..." Paragas scolded with a smile, then waved his hand to open the hatch and headed towards the training room behind the spaceship.

The spacecraft used for the mission is uniformly distributed by the planet Sarada. The spacecraft is divided into three parts as a whole. The front end is the central control room of the spacecraft, and the rear is the training room and living room. Thanks to the advanced technology researched by the Lis family for many years, the Saiyan spacecraft has a very strong power engine. It doesn't take a few days to film the galaxy, so there is no need to install a hibernation system on the spacecraft.

Every time they go on a mission, the soldiers can either spank, laugh, or hide in the training room to practice according to their own preferences, which can effectively use the time on the journey without spending too much energy on the road.

After Paragas left, the other Saiyans continued to chat, mostly about some small things that happened recently, such as how many children a certain soldier gave birth to, or who married whom, Tabor Looking at it, he had never encountered such a short-lived thing among parents, and he was a little dumbfounded for a while. Secret thought: Saiyans from Planet Sarada are not at all difficult to get along with like their elder brother Vegeta.

"That...how long will it take us to get to the planet Sarada?" Tabor asked.

"About seven days."

Bayat took out a goggle-like device, "Take this time to understand the situation of Saifei's forces, don't go to the headquarters to make jokes."

"Oh." Tabor hurriedly took over the device and fiddled with it for a while, "How do I use this?"

"Wear it directly on your head, and the general information is transmitted directly to your brain."

"Okay, I get it now."

Tabor nodded and put the transmission device on his head. His mind suddenly seemed to have entered another world, and then an elf-like creature appeared in front of his eyes and began to introduce him to the situation of Saifei's forces.

"It's amazing." For the first time, Tabor accepted a device like virtual reality, and was full of curiosity for a while.

Bayat and others smiled, and after leaving the two to monitor the operation of the spacecraft, they also put on goggles and quickly immersed themselves in another world.

This kind of equipment similar to virtual reality is of course the latest invention of Dr. Breves and Bulma. The idea is based on the learning machines used by Saiyan children to perform tasks, and of course their whimsy are added. In this virtual world, in addition to learning, you can also simulate battles and evolve various battle situations, which is somewhat similar to consciousness training, but the effect is not as outstanding as consciousness training.

In order to play the effect of this virtual platform more effectively, Bulma and Dr. Brives and the scientists of the Lys tribe are planning to create a larger virtual space that covers the entire sphere of influence.

Once completed, even if you are in the distant earth, you can directly connect with the planet Sarada in the virtual world.


About half a day passed, and Tabor withdrew from the virtual world with a surprised expression on his face.

In the time just now, he thoroughly understood the power of Saifei's power. It was a superpower that was many times stronger than Star Vegeta. The warriors under his command and the star field he ruled made people tremble.

When the whole star map covering all the planets under his control was presented in front of Tabor, he was really taken aback by the vastness of the territory of Saifei's forces.

At a glance, the entire star map is marked with the color of Saifei's forces, and the colors of other forces are also there, but they are divided into several parts. Compared with the posture of Saifei's forces as a whole, which runs through the east and west ends, it is fundamentally different. cannot be compared.

The territory of Saifei's forces is in the shape of a dumbbell as a whole. The west side extends all the way to the West Galaxy, and the east side directly reaches the open area bordering the North Galaxy and the East Galaxy. The slightly thinner part is probably only the part in the middle section that is in contact with the Frieza Legion. Expansion, but because the Saifi faction and Frieza Legion are currently in the stage of cooperation - Frieza Legion itself is not a territory force occupying the planet - in order to avoid suspicion, it specifically did not conquer that area.

Otherwise, with the mobilization ability of Saifei's forces, it would be no problem to win that star field.


"The Sai Fei faction is an overlord of the Northern Galaxy."

Tabor knew it, and then a strong sense of pride rose. This is the power of Saiyans, and he will soon be one of them. Compared with the area that Star Vegeta once occupied, it is almost negligible.

"Too powerful, Queen Syfi is too powerful."

Tabor's face was excited, and he could not wait to go to the Saiyan's home planet to see it immediately.

At this moment, Vegeta, who had been in a coma for a long time, finally woke up, and got up from the ground in embarrassment. Vegeta shook his head, and the severe pain from his whole body made his face twist.

"Where am I?"

"Brother, you're awake..." Tabor came to Vegeta in surprise and helped him up.

"Tabble, what is this place?"

"We're on a ship heading to Sarada, and in a few days we'll be on the Saiyan home planet."

"Salada Planet... Mother Planet?!"

After a brief absence, Vegeta recalled the previous events, and the images before her coma gradually emerged in her mind.

He was defeated by a Saiyan.


The prince of the dignified Saiyan, the self-proclaimed super genius, was actually defeated by an unknown Saiyan. Vegeta's face turned pale, his hands were clenched into fists, and his fingernails would break his skin.

"Yeah, after the planet Sarada, we will still have a chance to meet Queen Saifi. Brother, let me tell you, the Saifi force established by Queen Saifi is very powerful..." Tabor did not notice that Vegeta Yue His face became more and more gloomy, and he said excitedly.

Vegeta suddenly shouted: "Tabble, don't forget that you are the royal family of Star Vegeta."

"What's the matter, brother." Tabor didn't know why.

The stronger the Saiyan family, shouldn't they be happier, the so-called royal family, he has been expelled long ago.

"Vegeta, your temper is not small, this is not good, in front of the Sarada planet Saiyan, it is best to put away your arrogance. According to historical records, the Vegeta star Saiyan also came from the Sarada planet first. , your so-called royal family is not as noble as you imagined."

Bayat was also an exiled Saiyan in his early years, so he didn't like the Vegeta royal family.

Vegeta frowned: "Who are you?"

"Salada Planet Special Forces Warrior Bayat!" Bayat said proudly.

"Brother, the members of the special forces are very powerful."

Afraid that Vegeta would suffer, Tabor quickly explained: "On the planet Sarada, the warriors with a combat power of more than 10,000 can be called elite warriors, and this is only to meet the requirements of joining the defense force. The special forces are among the Saiyan elites. The elites are few in number, and each of them is a super fighter."

"Stronger than the middle-aged man before?"

Tabor: "Well, although Uncle Paragas is also an elite soldier, he only joined the defense force. This Mr. Bayat is a senior member of the special forces, and his strength is close to that of a special soldier..."

Super soldier?

Vegeta thought to himself, and suddenly remembered that Tabor had told him that the standard for the division of special fighters seemed to be 100,000 combat power.

Suddenly raised his head, his face was full of wonder.

The young Saiyan in front of me actually has nearly 100,000 combat power?

But there is no need for Tabor to lie to himself. The Saiyan who played against him before has also proved that he is indeed strong, and he is not his opponent. The Saiyan in front of him is stronger than that person, doesn't that mean that he is also stronger than that person? yourself? Thinking of this, Vegeta's face suddenly became more and more gloomy, and he couldn't help emitting bursts of cold air.

At the same age, the opponent has nearly 100,000 combat power, while he is still hovering at more than 10,000.

What is the appearance of your own genius?

Could it be that the blood of the royal family of Star Vegeta can't compare to an elite Saiyan from the planet Sarada?

"What's your fighting power?"


"92,000?" Vegeta was shocked.

"It's no big deal. My strength is at the top of Sarada Planet." Bayat looked humble.

"There's something stronger?" Vegeta couldn't accept it.

Bayat said proudly: "Of course, although the number of Saiyans on our Sarada planet is not large, there are quite a few powerful warriors. According to statistics from a year ago, the number of elite warriors is about 600, and there are 15 special warriors. Mainly members of the Sarada planetary defense force, special forces, and not including the more powerful Queen's Guard."

"Although the Queen's Guard is not entirely composed of Saiyans, it is also an organization under the Saifi forces, and there are millions of combat powers."

"One million? Isn't that stronger than Team Ginuit, no, Frieza..." Vegeta's face darkened, her heart was bitter, and she was full of strong unwillingness.

Speaking of Frieza, Bayat frowned: "It's far from him."

But Bayat's words turned into "humility" in Vegeta's ears. Yes, Saifei's forces must be stronger than Frieza, otherwise, with Frieza's ferocity, why would he cooperate with Saifei's forces.

Vegeta knows very well that the vast territory brings fierce competition. There must be many forces coveting the territory of the Saifi forces. The competition of the cosmic forces has always been cold, and there is no mercy at all. The Saifi forces can Standing majestically depends on absolute strength.

And these are all achievements under the leadership of Queen Saifei and Lord Luo Lan. It is conceivable that the two adults have been powerful.

Million-level warriors, more than 600 elite warriors, these are beyond Vegeta's imagination.

At this moment, Vegeta was a little lost, and began to be curious about the two founders of the Saifi faction.

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