Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 284 A Forbidden Place in the Eastern Galaxy (Unity)

"There are so many masters on the planet Sarada!"

Vegeta's heart was trembling, and his eyebrows were already condensed into a line. Bayat's "humility" gave him a great shock. You must know that the more powerful and profound the powerhouse is, the more humble it is. This is powerful. confidence and composure.

Just like Frieza, he always looks suave in front of anyone, but no one can deny his power. If you annoy the other party by stomping your nose in the face because of the other's humility, you will end up with an unbearable price.

Vegeta already believed that the Sarada planet was a really powerful force, at least not worse than Frieza's army, and after Tabor told him what he saw on the virtual platform, Vegeta opened his eyes wide and couldn't speak. Come, look at Sai Fei's vast and boundless territory, his face is full of shock and unwillingness, and his hands are tightly clenched into fists.

Can't compare.

The difference between Vegeta and Sarada is too great.

Whether it is the sphere of influence or the number of strong men under his command, the Sarada planet far exceeds the Vegeta planet.

This is the background of the Saiyan mother planet?

Although he learned that the origin planet of the Saiyans has formed a famous force in the universe, as a Saiyan, he should be honored, but for some reason, Vegeta couldn't help it at this time. Some sour.

Star Vegeta did not conquer a few planets when it was at its peak. Even if it broke the title of Fighting Nation, it was only a fighter under King Kruder and Frieza. It was nothing but brilliance. Later, the entire planet was destroyed by a disaster, and the surviving Saiyans were only single digits.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, the so-called Prince Vegeta is not worth mentioning at all.

This is unacceptable to Vegeta, who has always been arrogant.

"Tabble, do you really want to stay on the planet Sarada?" Vegeta looked at Tabor.

Tabor: "Of course, there are more tribes there!"

"I see."

Hearing Tabor's answer, Vegeta nodded and sat on the ground without speaking.

Tabul is not born to be a warrior. Rather than letting him wander, it is better to find a stable environment for him to live in. The planet Sarada is the origin planet of the Saiyans, and Tabul may be better to live there. On the surface, Vegeta was very indifferent to Tabor, but in fact, he still cared about it, otherwise he would not sneak over to see him every once in a while.

But Vegeta himself will definitely not stay on the planet Sarada. He is used to the killing in Frieza's army, and he can't accept that returning him to that stable environment.

More importantly, the pride in his heart would not allow him to do so. Even if he walked into the darkness step by step, he didn't want to live a life of being dependent on others.


The spaceship continued to move towards the Sarada planet, during which Vegeta's injuries had recovered under the Saiyan's powerful physique. Bayat and others did not provide additional help to Vegeta, and even the existence of the fairy beans was not revealed.

You must know that magical things like fairy beans have always been an important resource inside the Sarada planet and are subject to strict control. Even if the Veng people have carried out large-scale planting on the planet of the gods, the production of fairy beans has greatly increased. However, when the number of monks is small, the number allocated to each Saiyan warrior is not large.

This kind of thing that can save lives at a critical time is not enough for oneself, how can it be used by outsiders.

Vegeta's injury this time can only be regarded as a moderate injury, not even a serious injury, so the improvement in combat effectiveness after the injury is very limited.

Saiyans really greatly improved their combat power after they were in a state of near-death, which was a more serious situation than a serious injury. Only when half a leg has stepped into the underworld, under the stimulation of Saiyan blood, will the potential accumulated in the battle will be greatly released.

On the spaceship, Vegeta's strength is the weakest other than Tabor, and it would be unwise to continue to be rampant when the strength is insufficient. Vegeta obviously understands this truth, so these days he has performed quite well. Low-key, even in the face of Paragas, he chose to forbear.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

The spacecraft has approached the galaxy where the planet Sarada is located.

Whoosh! The spaceship landed on the surface of the planet, and the 15 times the planet's gravity was acting on her body. Vegeta felt a little uncomfortable and quickly endured it. Only Tabor had been lacking in exercise, and her face became pale.

"The gravity of Sarada planet is 15 times that of other planets, and Vegeta has 10 times the gravity. You should be able to withstand it." Bayat patted Tabor's shoulder hard.

"Ah!" Tabor stumbled, almost fell, and then quickly activated the gravity bracelet prepared in advance, his face looked better.

"Mr. Bayat, don't be scary, I can't stand it," complained Tabor.

"You should get exercise, not if you can't stand the gravity of the planet."

After Bayat and others took over Tabor and Vegeta, they were ready to hand over the mission. Tabor quickly thanked them politely: "Thank you for calling me over."

"You're welcome, we are also following orders. By the way, you are new here. It is best to register with Miss Naris. She will arrange your next life. There are many training grounds in the residential area of ​​Sarada planet. , Master Sonori's training ground is more suitable for you, go to practice when you have time."

"Thank you for the reminder." Tabor was full of gratitude, and he also learned to integrate into the life of the planet Sarada.

"Goodbye then." Bayat said goodbye with a smile, and then went to hand over this mission with Shayala and other Saiyans.

"Vegeta, do it yourself!"

Paragas glanced coldly at Vegeta before leaving, and flew away with a cold snort. Now he has lost interest in Vegeta. It turns out that their father and son have far surpassed King Vegeta and his son. .


Vegeta looked at the back of Paragas with a dark face, and a burst of anger flew in her chest, vowing to surpass them.

After calming the anger in his chest, feeling the gentleness from the Sarada planet, the cells in the body became active, and even the air seemed to be filled with a sense of familiarity.

"It's actually more suitable for Saiyans to live in than Planet Vegeta. It is said that Sarada planet is the birthplace of Saiyans, and it really lives up to its reputation." Scanning the surroundings with a device different from the Frieza Army energy detector, I only heard the electronic sound of beep beep, and with a rumbling sound, the detection device exceeded the detection range and burned down, and an unpleasant smell spread immediately.

"It's actually beyond the detection range of the detector..."

Vegeta took a deep breath and was able to burn the probe, so it must be extremely powerful energy. Fortunately, after spending a few days with Bayat and other warriors, he has gradually accepted the fact that the planet Sarada is powerful. In addition to being a little disappointed, it did not show difficulty accepting.

"Brother, let's go to register." Tabor said to Vegeta.

"I'll accompany you, but after you've registered, I'll leave here."

"Brother won't you stay with me?" Tabor asked anxiously after hearing this, his face changed a bit.

Vegeta shook her head, with a hint of coldness in her eyes: "I can't stay on Planet Sarada, although Planet Sarada is a planet suitable for Saiyans to live in, but I am the prince of Planet Vegeta, even if Star Vegeta has perished, and the dignity of the royal family cannot be humiliated."

Taburnu moved his lower lip and said disappointedly: "Is it necessary, isn't it bad to live together on the planet Sarada?"

Vegeta snapped: "Enough, you don't understand."

The environment on the planet Sarada is good, but for Vegeta, it is like sitting on pins and needles. He would rather go back to Frieza's army to lead his team than live on the planet Sarada.

Tabor still wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't open his mouth. He understood Vegeta's character, so he could only sigh helplessly.

Then I asked the surrounding Saiyans, Tabul and Vegeta soon came to the headquarters, and they were greeted by a young female Saiyan, her name was Naris, who was from Herz and Asita. The assistant is also a powerful warrior.

When she saw Naris, Vegeta's face sank a little again.


There are so many masters of the goddamn Sarada planet.

With his 12,000 combat power, he couldn't make waves here.

"Tabull, your information has been registered. This is your residence key and battle uniform. In addition, please collect the spaceship, training room and other devices from the Lis tribe as soon as possible..." Naris looked at Tabule with a smile, and Handed over to him the standard equipment that every Saiyan has.

Tabor took it quickly, "Thank you."

Naris: "It's nothing, someone will take you there later."

"I see." Tabor nodded and was about to leave, when Naris suddenly called out to them: "Vegeta, I know you, you don't plan to stay?"

Vegeta turned around: "No need, I can get stronger outside, and I will get stronger."

Naris smiled, "We'll have to wait and see."


Vegeta was suddenly unhappy, but he couldn't lose his temper on the Sarada planet. He came to his residence with Tabor and found that it was a relatively luxurious villa, surrounded by green grass, spreading branches and buds, and the environment was quite pleasant. , pushed open the door of the house, and there were special servants and robots inside.

"Lord Tabor, welcome home, I'm your squire Yalshi." A green-haired Vine girl stood at the door in a professional uniform. Her green hair was so soft and there was a green lens between her eyebrows. .

"Uh... hello!"

Tabor liked this kind of environment very much, because the first time he saw such a beautiful girl, his face could not help but get hot.

Vegeta was also stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the Sarada planet treats the tribe so well, and there are attendants who take care of life.

This is not bad, at least Tabor can live in peace here.

Vegeta thought to herself, then entered the room under the leadership of Yersi, and visited all the facilities in the villa. When she saw the spacious and vast training ground made of alloy in the backyard, she couldn't help but nodded. , Although the Saiyan life here is luxurious, the training has not been pulled down at all.

While enjoying life, be strict with yourself, no wonder the Saiyans of the planet Sarada can be so powerful.


Vegeta only stayed on the planet Sarada for one day. After getting a general understanding of the situation on the planet Sarada, he left the planet Sarada under the arrangement of Naris.

"Brother, do you really want to leave?" Tabor said farewell with some reluctance.

"Knowingly asking."

"This is the coupler that Yersi picked up for me, and it also takes into account the functions of the detector. Brother, you can take it, and you can often contact us in the future." Tabor handed a detector to Vegeta, and Vegeta received it. After passing the detector, it turned into a capsule and received it in his arms.

Now that the universal capsule is very popular in the universe, even Frieza's army often uses such a device.

"Live here well, I hope you can become stronger when I see you next time... Forget it, I can't give you much hope." Vegeta looked down on Tabor a little, and then boarded the spaceship to leave, " Just send me to Dolox, where my subordinates go on missions."


The person in charge of driving the spaceship was a spaceman under Saifi's forces, and after hearing Vegeta's words, he started the spaceship.

As the spaceship engine started, a streamer pierced the sky and flowed down a messy wake. Vegeta sat in the cockpit and looked at the farther and farther planet Sarada through the glass. A bright light flashed.

"Planet Sarada, one day I will surpass all the Saiyans on it!"

Vegeta swears to herself that she must exercise more after returning, telling them that she is the best warrior among the Saiyans.


Eastern Galaxy, a star field known as the Devil's Nest.

This star field is a taboo area in the Eastern Galaxy. Many cosmic powers will choose to detour when they pass through here. The reason for chasing it is because this is the domain of the evil witch Lu Lu.

The witch Lu Lu is cruel by nature, and the planet destroyed in her hands is unknown. Although I don't know why the witch Lu Lu disappeared in the past, but just when everyone thought that she could be peaceful for a while, the witch Lu Lu came back. , but also brought a bunch of more murderous guys.

In the past two years, the power of the Devil's Nest has grown stronger and stronger, and has annexed several surrounding galaxies one after another. Especially in the recent wars, people around the Devil's Nest Star Territory are panicked, for fear that the next moment their own planet will be ruined.

But no one thought that it was such a person who made the nearby galaxies feel frightened. At this time, he was in his own palace, and he was kind to a handsome young man, even a little flattering.

"Lord Luo Lan, why did you come to me all of a sudden, no, I don't have time to prepare!" Lu Lu had a smile on her face, a look of flattery.

Luo Lan sat in the seat that originally belonged to Lu Lu, and out of the corner of her eyes, she squinted at the sly witch: "I'll give you a lot of time, Lu Lu, and Darles... originally belonged to Slagu's territory. I've been conquered long ago. It's been pretty cool for two years, you don't even know how to go back?"

"Lord Luo Lan, there is a reason for this."

"Why, tell me?"

Lu Lu smiled awkwardly, turned her face to Darles, turned his face towards him, Darles turned pale and looked helpless.

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