Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 286 Important news of the Galaxy King

"Mr. Luo Lan, we've been waiting for you for a long time. It's great that you can come to the headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol." The Galaxy King greeted Luo Lan warmly after Patrol Mels and Jake left.

The Galaxy King is a strange-looking creature. He has a crown on his octopus-like conical head, and the symbol of the Galaxy Patrol Organization is marked on it. The whole body is pale green, and there is no energy reaction on his body. I don’t know why. Become the leader of the Galactic Patrol Organization.

Regarding the enthusiasm of the Galaxy King, Luo Lan said in a flat tone, "What does the Galaxy King have to do with me?"

"It's about the stability of the entire galaxy."

The Galaxy King looked at Luo Lan with a piercing expression, "In recent years, with the gradual decline of the strength of the Galaxy Patrol organization, too much darkness has gradually grown in the four major galaxies, and some forces that used to only dare to steal have appeared in a grand manner. On the bright side, even the killer group has appeared."

"This was unimaginable in the past. Although the Galaxy Patrol Organization can barely maintain the current situation with the care of the Galaxy Mercenary Organization, we are powerless to deal with some heinous criminals."

The Galaxy King's tone is very helpless. In fact, for most cosmic people, the strength of the Galaxy Patrol is still very strong. For example, when Bardock and Gine sent Sun Wukong away, they did not forget to remind Kakarot. Be careful of the Galaxy Patrol, it can be seen that the deterrent power of the Galaxy Patrol is still very strong for ordinary Saiyans, but for characters as strong as Captain Ginyu and Carrick II, the power of the Galaxy Patrol is not enough.

And it is precisely these people who are the most unstable factors in the galaxy.

Unable to contain them, the stability of the galaxy is impossible to talk about.

"Your Excellency and Queen Saify formed the Saifi faction that is stronger than the entire Northern Galaxy. In terms of overall strength, even the Frieza Legion is slightly inferior. After several years of observation, this king is sure that you are not particularly evil. The organization, so I hope to discuss with your Excellency the stability of the galaxy."

Luo Lan listened quietly without expressing any opinion. He had no interest in the question of whether the Milky Way was stable. After all, his subordinates even had such extreme characters as Witches Lu Lu, and it was impossible to expect them to be stable.

Do you want the Saifi forces to cut off their arms for the so-called stability? impossible things.

"You are dissatisfied with our power and want to restrain our power?" Luo Lan's eyes were cold.

"Your Excellency has misunderstood, I definitely didn't mean it..." The Galaxy King was taken aback and said quickly: "The power of the Saiyans has been passed down since ancient times, and we have a comprehensive understanding of you, although there have also been Beji. When the tower star was in decline, but with the emergence of the Sarada planet, the glory of the ancient Saiyans is gradually recovering, and the current patrol organization can restrain it."

Luo Lan nodded, and the Galaxy King continued: "Frankly speaking, there is a lack of talents within the Galaxy Patrol. We can't help you. It's better to leave the past."

"The Saifi faction only needs to maintain its current neutral position and continue to carry out your business, even if it expands the territory again, it doesn't matter, I just hope that it will not become an extreme force like Frieza Legion, and in return, my Galaxy Patrol Organization can help You provide intelligence support, and if nothing else, the Galactic Patrol's collection of situational investigations is quite efficient."

The voice of the Galaxy King declined a bit, and it was very sad to say that they only had this ability.

"Do you believe us?" Luo Lan suddenly smiled, and understood the intention of the Galaxy King, and exchanged information for the promise of Saifei's forces-guaranteed to not change to an extreme force like Frieza's army.

"This is natural. After all, even the Galaxy Mercenary Organization is cooperating with you. I don't think it's bad for us. We just need to continue to maintain our current position. I don't think this is a difficult thing." Galaxy King said.

"Uh, it's better to be like this... In order to show my sincerity, I will tell you a piece of news that Saifei's forces need."

Luo Lan got serious and looked at the Galaxy King, "What news?"

"Regarding the information about the recent attacks on the planets under Saifei's forces, I think Your Excellency Luo Lan is willing to get the truth."

"Tell me."

"Yeah." The Galaxy King nodded, the green tentacle swiped in mid-air, and a virtual picture appeared in the empty space. Above was the star map of the Northern Galaxy. Color-coded, with red highlights at individual edges.

"These red marks are where the Saifi forces are currently attacked, and the murderers who attacked them..."

The picture suddenly changed, and figures in strange battle suits appeared in the picture. Those people had black hair, yellow skin, and brown tails around their waists. Along with them were some ugly and peculiar-looking people. Cosmic people, all of them have dull eyes, dull eyes, and lifeless bodies.

"Saiyan?" Luo Lan's eyes suddenly burst into light.

"It is indeed a Saiyan. To be precise, it is a modified version of a Saiyan, a fighting life created by the genes of a Saiyan."

Looking closely, these Saiyans are indeed different from normal Saiyans.

When Luo Lan heard the Galaxy King's words, his face became more and more gloomy, and a terrifying aura like an ancient beast burst out, and the powerful aura swept out vigorously, and disappeared soon after a while.

"Who did it, how dare you make a fuss about Saiyan genes!" Luo Lan calmed down, anger brewing in his chest. In fact, Luo Lan didn't care too much about whether the other party made a fuss about the Saiyan's genes, but through the phenomenon to see through the essence, the other party first made a fuss with the Saiyan's genes, and then provoked the Saifi forces. The purpose is to Very interesting.

There is no doubt that this is the enemy, and what he has done has actually touched Luo Lan's bottom line.

The Galaxy King wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and was really frightened by Luo Lan's aura, "We are also investigating the specific characters, but according to previous clues, we have basically locked the other party..." The tentacles moved the picture of the void, A bluish image appeared.

"Bodo clan?!"

Seeing the image in the void, Luo Lan tightened her eyes and her voice was a little low.

The Lis clan and the Bodo clan are very similar in appearance. This is because the two clans were originally one clan a long time ago. The Lis clan became slaves because they failed in the battle, and were eventually conquered by Luo Lan and became one of the scientific research races of the Saifi forces. One, and the Nabodu tribe was also annihilated in the later war between the Saifi forces and the Babu Army.

"There are still fish that slip through the net."

"It is the people of the Bodo clan. According to the data compiled by the patrol organization in recent years, it is found that there is a Bodo clan scientist who often appears around the Saifei forces. This person has been in contact with the evil star force of Carrick II and also with Slagu. After contact and careful investigation, we found out that he is the chief scientist of the Bodo clan - Dr. Luka."

"Dr. Ruka..."

Luo Lan repeated the name in her mouth, and her icy voice was full of coldness. This Dr. Luka seemed to be a bit level, but as an enemy, Luo Lan had already been included in the must-kill list. In the universe, this kind of scientifically qualified person is the most not to be taken lightly!

"Do you know where he is?"

"The other party is very cunning. The elite of the patrol police organization has investigated many strongholds, but he has not been found yet." King Galaxy said.

Luo Lan glanced at the Galaxy King and nodded lightly: "This news is enough."

"I have received your sincerity. Regarding the position of Saifei's forces, I can assure you that it will never become a slaughtering force like Frieza's army. For the rest, I can't make promises. After all, Saifei's forces are also a force , it is impossible not to have disputes.”

"Understandably, these are enough." The Galaxy King breathed a sigh of relief.

"King of the Galaxy, if there is nothing else, I will leave. The Saifei faction still has many things waiting for me to deal with."

"Mr. Luo Lan, please do it yourself." The Galaxy King said politely.

"Yeah." Luo Lan nodded after hearing the Galaxy King's words, then turned and left the room where the Galaxy King was.

After Luo Lan left, the Galaxy King was silent for a while, with a smile on his face. It was a considerable gain to be able to reach an agreement with Saifei forces today, and he didn't expect anything else.

But to be honest, this Saiyan named Luo Lan is really scary. I'm sweating all over my body... Galaxy King thought silently in his heart.

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