After walking out of the Galaxy King's room, Luo Lan went to Taisi's place and told him what the Galaxy King told him. Taisi looked at him worriedly after listening.

"Is it dangerous for that guy named Dr. Ruka to stay outside?"

"It's not dangerous. As a scientist, the Podo called Luka is not very strong. As long as it is easy to find him, it is more difficult for those Saiyan replicators. Well, there is a galaxy patrol organization. The information provided, I think it should not be difficult to find those replicators."

"That's quite troublesome." Taisi raised her blue eyes.

Luo Lan scratched lightly on Taisi's cheek: "I will leave this kind of thing to the cosmosmen under Sai Fei's forces. Incidentally, I can test the efficiency of Saifei's soldiers."

As the leader of a faction, Luo Lan would not do everything by himself. Otherwise, why would he train so many soldiers and form a force to make himself a little easier? With the powerful strengths of Luo Lan and Syphilia, as long as they show up at the critical moment, they can act as the needle of the sea.

Hearing Luo Lan's words, a smile appeared on Taisi's face, and she leaned beside him like a bird.

"Then you stay with me for a while. In the past two years, you and Sister Syphilia have been busy cultivating, and we have even met less frequently. According to my father, there is a very powerful expert on the planet Sarada?"

"His name is Broly, and he's great."

"Where's Sister Syphilia, who is still cultivating on the planet Adlat?"

"Yes, sometimes I can't contact her." Luo Lan replied.

"I don't know what you are going to do to become so strong, you are already very powerful." Taisi said.

"It's not enough, this world is all about you chasing me. If you're not careful, you may fall behind." Luo Lan shook her head, not daring to relax at all. The power level of the Dragon Ball world is very divided, the weak are very weak, and the strong are very strong. A person like him who can exert 100 million combat power under the full outburst can be said to be powerful, but the power is also very limited.

Cyborg, Sharu, Dapra, Majin Buu, all extremely powerful characters will appear in just a few decades, as well as the more powerful God of Destruction Beerus and Angels.

He has always been under pressure for the future plot, who is quite familiar with it, but he dare not relax. Take Broly as an example, with Broly's performance in the original work, if he doesn't work hard, he can easily be surpassed.

There is also Sun Wukong on the earth. Don't look at the fact that he is as weak as an ant now, but he will also emerge suddenly in the future, and his strength will rise.

The water in the Dragon Ball world is very deep, not to mention the angels and the great priests who are too powerful to describe, but in the seventh universe, the seemingly very weak Dongjie Wang Shen, although he has always behaved in a submissive manner, giving people a kind of It feels like the mud can't support the wall, but in fact it has the strength close to the full power of a Super Saiyan, and now Luo Lan can't stop even a single move in front of him.

Taisi said this because she didn't know the depth of it, but from another angle, Luo Lan also owed Taisi a little bit, and she did spend a little time with her in recent years.

In the next time, Luo Lan accompanied Taisi to visit the headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol Organization. The headquarters of the Galaxy Patrol Organization is not very large, and it may not be as spacious as Luo Lan's own space island. After all, it is just a floating in space. man-made facilities.

However, although the space is small, it is fully equipped with all kinds of communication facilities and monitoring systems.

The entire gyro-shaped Galaxy Patrol Headquarters floats in the starry sky in the center of the Galaxy. It is mainly the place where the Galaxy King assigns tasks and the patrolmen report their work. There are other bases and fortresses scattered throughout the universe. That is the Galaxy Patrol. The real estate of the organization.

"By the way, how much do you know about the Mels Patrolman?" After visiting the facilities of the Galaxy Patrol Organization, Luo Lan asked about the situation of Myers who had met in the Galaxy King's room before.

"Is Patrol Myers..."

Taisi tilted her head and thought for a while, "He is a more senior patrol officer than Gak. Because he is very reliable, he is responsible for a wider range. The Galaxy King also trusts him very much. What's wrong, is there any problem?"

Luo Lan frowned, "No, he gave me a very powerful feeling."

Taisi smiled coquettishly: "No matter how powerful it is, can it be more powerful than you? Impossible, if there are such powerful characters in the Galaxy Patrol, the whole galaxy would have been at peace long ago."

"makes sense."

Luo Lan thought about it for a while, and felt that she was overthinking it.

It is true that the Galaxy Patrol Organization has a profound background, but that was a long time ago. To say the real masters, the Galaxy Patrol Organization really can't find many, and even against the Ginuit team, they can't come up with a decent one. master. If Myers is really a master, there is no reason to hide in the Galaxy Patrol organization.

Thinking of this, Luo Lan quickly put his previous doubts behind him, then continued to accompany Taisi for a while, and then prepared to return to the planet Sarada. Originally, he wanted to take Taisi back with him, but Taisi Silk seems to be particularly interested in the Galactic Patrol's collection of books, and in the end he is the only one who returns to the planet Sarada.

Back on the Sarada planet, Luo Lan immediately summoned Hertz, some people from the Sarada Planetary Defense Force and the Special Forces, as well as scientists such as Ebony, Dr.

As soon as the matter of Dr. Ruka of the Bodo clan and the Saiyan clones was mentioned, Herz and the others were immediately filled with righteous indignation, looking like they could not contain their anger.

"How dare you make trouble with Saiyan genes!"

"Dr. Luka of the Podo tribe."

"court death!"

Herz's fist slammed hard on the table, his dark cheeks were full of anger, and he used Saiyan genes to create replicants. No Saiyan would tolerate such a thing.

Ebony was frightened, with a look of guilt: "It's all because of my family that this happened, it's really..."

Luo Lan waved her hand to interrupt Wu Mu and continued, "It's none of your business, just think about how to deal with it."

"If it is a replicator, it will be difficult to do. This kind of monster produced by scientific and technological means can theoretically be produced as long as the technical difficulties are overcome and the resources are sufficient." Cloth Dr. Reeves removed the cigarette from his ear and struck a match.

"We don't know how many clones the other party has produced, and how strong are they?" said Evelyn of the special forces.

Hertz's voice was low: "Judging from the situation around Saifei's forces being attacked, I'm afraid their strength is not weak."

"The information about the replicants will be collected by the Galaxy Patrol Organization for us. Of course, we can't pin our hopes on the Galaxy Patrol Organization. All intelligence personnel must be sent out."

The reconnaissance ability of the Galaxy Patrol is not weak. They can find the other party in advance before they launch an attack, and send the news back. Saifei can rely on advanced navigation technology to prepare an ambush in advance, but it needs to be hard on its own. Saifei The relationship between the forces and the Galaxy Patrol Organization is only cooperation, and they cannot pin all their hopes on the other party. It is urgent to improve their investigation capabilities.

Ebony Zhanjinjie said: "Our clan will develop more advanced detection equipment, and we will never let the Bodo clan's conspiracy succeed."

"Yeah." Luo Lan nodded. He believed in Ebony's research and development capabilities, and then asked Dr. Brives and Bulma to help.

The Brives father and daughter naturally have no problem, and the next step is to fully prepare.

Fortunately, the Saifi forces already knew who they were going to deal with. If they knew themselves and the enemy, they would be safe in a hundred battles. If the identity of the opponent was clear, they had won more than half of the battle. At this time, the most fearful thing was that they didn't even know who the opponent was.


Ps: There are more later.

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