When Luo Lan deployed Sai Fei's forces, on a distant planet, Dr. Ruka and his clone were carefully watching their research results. In the small training cabin, a child's embryo had grown into a human shape.

It was a young Saiyan who was curled up in a ball, with black hair floating in a green solution, delicate facial features, and snow-white skin, like an angel who fell into the world. Soaked in the nutrient solution, he was observing the outside with transparent, clear eyes.

"Askali!" Dr. Ruka stared eagerly at the child inside.

Ascari means "guardian" in the language of the Bodo tribe. It is the most outstanding man-made product completed by Dr. Luka, and it is also the ultimate weapon they use to retaliate against the Saiyans, because after the previous number theory experiments, it is concluded that After countless experiences, Dr. Luka found that although many of the previous clones were strong, they had defects in IQ and cultivation talent. After reaching the first-level warrior, they could not continue to become stronger.

"How's her fighting power?"

"It has reached 5000 combat power." Another Dr. Luka replied.

"It's no longer weak for a young child, and growing up in the future will be our all hope. But we can't wait that long, and immediately use the most efficient and energetic substances to improve her."

"Replicants have been sent out to find materials."

"That's good."

The super fighters made by Dr. Ruka are divided into three levels, namely: first-level warriors to third-level warriors. Among them, the fighters of the third-level strength have a combat power of 10,000, the energy value of the second-level fighters is more than 100,000, and the strongest fighters of the first-level have a strength of a million. Generally speaking, they are very powerful, but for the revengeful Luka For the doctor, this intensity is not enough.

Queen Syfi of Sarada is more powerful than their first class warriors.

They need stronger warriors.

So after a painful recollection, Dr. Ruka and his many clones used their brains, and finally found that only pure-bred, naturally bred Saiyan blood can meet the requirements of revenge.

In the end, they searched secretly. They found the best bloodline among the Saifi forces and formulated a plan called "Askali". This Saiyan child named "Askali".

After a few days of observation, the child's cultivation stage is basically over.

"Release Ascari, and start training now. Train her with third-level replicants and space warriors." Dr. Ruka recorded Ascari's data.

"It's a little early, but the training of Saiyans should start from a young age, as long as they don't kill them."

"We have enough healing potions here, we can't die."

"Then let's begin."

The two Dr. Lukas smiled grimly, and pressed the button of the device to empty the green solution in the incubation chamber. The Saiyan child inside blinked and slowly climbed out of the incubation chamber.

"Put it on." Dr. Ruka threw a small battle suit.

Ascari was sitting on the ground dancing, watching from side to side, her shining eyes full of curiosity, but she just didn't wear the battle suit, Dr. Ruka frowned, and when she was a little unhappy in her heart, Ascari was soft and waxy. The voice sounded: "Stomach... Hungry..."

Dr. Ruka was stunned for a moment, and waved his hand to let the replicants around him take Ascari to dinner. After all, it was their best hope for revenge, and they had to take care of them no matter how impatient they were.

"Don't forget to put your clothes on."


The sound of the collision of the dishes kept ringing. Askali sat on the high bench. She kept reaching for the food with her small hands. She opened her mouth and took a bite. All the food more than ten times her size was eaten by her. Swallow belly.

"As long as you are obedient and have enough food in the future, go and defeat the monster in front of you now."

Dr. Ruka uses food as bait to get Ascari to fight. Because Ascari is still young, the battle target chosen for her is not strong. It only looks like 3000 combat power, which is a failure of Dr. Luka when he developed a super soldier.

"For... food, kill!"

Askali screamed, a fierce light flashed in her dark eyes, and then she attacked the monster. I saw a flash of electric light. Just tear it in half. Ascari's face was stained with blood, and she giggled like a silver bell.

Dr. Ruka's eyes lit up, "Okay, so cruel at such a young age, he deserves to be the most perfect warrior."

"Queen Syfi, I'm looking forward to the day you meet more and more."


Earth, two years have passed since the end of the 21st Budokai.

on the temple.

The God of God stood at the entrance of the palace leaning on a cane, his cloudy eyes looked at Sun Wukong, Qiqi, and Sunuo who were following Bobo's cultivation not far away, and nodded involuntarily. The three pure-hearted children had been in the temple for several years, and he was astonished by the speed of their growth.

"Wukong, Qiqi, come here."

Hearing the call of the gods, Sun Wukong and the others stopped the training with Bobo and came to the gods, "Lord gods, what's the matter?"

God of God: "In the past few years of training, your growth has been extremely rapid, especially Wukong, probably because of the Saiyan blood, there is nothing in the temple to teach you, there is a place in the far west called Five Elements In the place of the mountain, there is a god called Taishang Laojun, you should go to her to practice."

"Tai Shang Laojun is the god who manages the passage between the underworld and the human world. He is a great god. If you go to her, it will help you to improve your strength."

"Five Elements Mountain... Ah, that's where grandpa is." Sun Wukong felt that he had heard of Wuxingshan, and suddenly remembered that his grandfather, Sun Wufan, died after a trip to Wuxingshan. Now it is Wuxingshan Bagua Furnace. the caretaker.

"Wukong's grandfather is indeed there, Qiqi and Su Nuo, you go along with you, and Lord Taishang Laojun Anning will give you good pointers."


Kiki and Suno answered in unison.

The old god nodded and handed them the token of the god. With this token, they would walk through the undead zone under the Five Elements Mountain unimpeded, and Laojun Taishang would wholeheartedly point to them when he saw the token.

"By the way, Wukong, your tail is a huge hidden danger. Why don't I seal it up." The old god remembered that Sun Wukong would lose his mind when he saw the full moon. Now there is no one on earth who can cure the out-of-control Sun Wukong, so he proposed to His tail was sealed.

Sun Wukong himself, of course, had no objection, turned around and let the gods seal his tail.

"Okay, you all go now, and say hello to Lord Anning on my behalf." After the old gods dealt with Sun Wukong's tail, he watched Sun Wukong and the others leave. The successors of the gods of the earth have always been in the same line, but with the emergence of cosmic forces, the gods of the gods have Realizing that the number of a god is still not enough, sending Qiqi and Suno to Wuxingshan is more to get the approval of Wuxingshan, so that the temple can have an heir to the gods.

"In a few years, Qiqi and the others will be able to inherit the position of the gods."

There is a smile of relief on the old face of the god of the gods. He has occupied the position of gods for almost three hundred years. It is time to abdicate and let the sages.

Bo Bo stood silently beside the old gods. As the housekeeper of the temple, he had experienced the replacement of the old and new gods several times, and there was no turbulence in his heart.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, and the old god raised his eyes in surprise and looked around, then cast his eyes to the lower realm.

"Someone collected Dragon Balls?"

Then, after looking closely, a familiar figure caught the attention of the gods, "It's Luo Lan, when did he come to Earth..."

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