Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 289 The Correct Use of Dragon Balls

In the northern polar region of the earth, a vast snow field covered with ice and snow.

Cold winds, mixed with snowflakes.

Luo Lan raised his head and stared at the mighty red dragon in front of him. In the dark clouds, the red dragon hovered over its body. Its huge body was like a mountain range rolling down. Because it was close enough to the ground, every scale was clearly visible. Gives an infinite sense of oppression.

"Lord Luo Lan, what do you wish for?" Shenlong lowered his head. In front of Luo Lan, the red dragon's posture was very low, and he was not at all high when facing mortals.

Luo Lan nodded lightly, looked at Shenlong and said, "I have a few things that you need to do."

"Please order."

"The first thing, use your ability to interfere with all research on Saiyans. As long as it involves Saiyan blood, genetic research, and manufacturing, all of them will fail to succeed. I want to put an end to malicious artificial Saiyans. appearance."

Luo Lan's tone was very stern. Dr. Ruka's research on Saiyan clones sounded the alarm for him. He didn't want his own clones to appear in the future.

Shenlong quietly obeyed Luo Lan's orders: "As long as it is scientific research, I can make it invalid. This is very easy. From today, no one can study Saiyan cells." This wish is not difficult for Shenlong. , as long as it is not a desire related to the power level, the ability of Shenlong has always been very effective.

Shenlong's ability was activated, and the wish application soon came to Luo Lan.

This is the characteristic of Dragon Ball after the transformation. All wishes need Luo Lan's approval.

Luo Lan nodded, and the wish was officially fulfilled. As the wish of the dragon spread out, all the research and manufacture of Saiyan cells could not be carried out normally due to such accidents.

"Lord Luo Lan, please say your second wish."

After Luo Lan heard Shenlong's words, he raised his head and said indifferently, "There is a Bodo in the universe called Dr. Luka. Use your power to kill him and erase his existence. It should be possible, right?"

"This... can be done."

If it is the previous earth dragon, it may not have the ability to kill Dr. Luka, but the dragon after Luo Lan's upgrade has greatly improved both in size and ability to fulfill wishes. Although the Bodo race is a cosmic race, its own strength Not strong, killing him is not difficult for the red dragon.

A satisfied smile appeared on Luo Lan's face, then she closed the smile and said coldly, "Then kill Dr. Ruka for me."

Work hard to find each other, and then kill?

Totally unnecessary.

Let the dragon handle it.

This is the correct way to use Dragon Ball.

"The second wish is to erase Dr. Luka from the Bodo clan. This wish can be fulfilled." The red dragon's resounding voice sounded, the same request was confirmed, and the dragon's power instantly spread to the rest of the galaxy.


Dr. Ruka's Institute.

Ascari was fighting an ugly-looking spaceman in a small space, but when the silver light flashed, the young figure of Ascari shot out like an arrow, crackling a few violent attacks, and the opponent quickly collapsed Can't afford it.

"Clap clap clap!"

Applause broke out, and Dr. Ruka watched Askali's growth with satisfaction, "Yes, you can defeat the cosmos with a combat power of 5,000 in such a short period of time. Keep working hard, and you will definitely be able to realize our family's long-cherished wish."

Askali blinked her eyes and touched her stomach: "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"If you want to eat, go hunt another cosmic man, and when you're done... uh..." Before he could finish speaking, Dr. Ruka's eyes suddenly lost their luster, and the expression on his face froze in astonishment. , as if something incredible happened.


She called for a long time, but she didn't get a response. When she called like this before, this bad doctor would give her food. Why didn't she respond. Askari stared at her eyes, turned around Dr. Ruka twice, sniffed the other party's scent with her nose, and her expression suddenly became fierce.

"Don't give me food, I'll eat it myself."

Ascari kicked Dr. Ruka several meters away with one foot, then stepped on both feet hard, and then ran to her small room, took out a large stainless steel bowl the size of a washbasin, Then, holding a big bowl of Pidianpidian, he ran towards the restaurant.

On the way, I encountered several copies of Dr. Ruka, and they all fell to the ground like the previous one. Ascari glanced at it curiously, and passed by with a look of indifference.

When she got to the restaurant, she realized that no one was cooking for her at all, and the big bowl fell to the ground with a bang.


"Lord Luo Lan, your wish has been fulfilled, and Dr. Luca has disappeared from this world." After Shenlong finished his wish, a resounding voice rang out.

"Well." Luo Lan nodded slightly.

As soon as Dr. Ruka got rid of it, a big hidden danger was solved. After that, he only needed to let his soldiers deal with the replicas of those Saiyans. Thinking of this, Luo Lan's mood suddenly relaxed. , it is the easiest and most convenient to let Shenlong deal with the problem.

Thanks to Luo Lan's ability to improve the Earth Dragon before, otherwise, with the original Earth Dragon's ability, he may not be able to kill Dr. Luka.

"The biggest hidden danger has disappeared, and others can't conduct research based on Saiyan cells. The matter should come to an end." Luo Lan thought in a good mood, and then there was no intention to stay on the earth, just a teleport leave the earth.

The old god in the temple paid attention to Luo Lan's movements, and after he left, he was still thinking about whether something changed in the universe.

In the end, he shook his head with a wry smile. Even if there was any change in the universe, it was not something that the mere gods could handle.

Soon after, a annihilation of Saiyan clones in the universe began. In fact, for those clones, the first plan on the Sarada planet is to recruit them. After all, they are Saiyans. If they can be subdued. That's not bad, but as soon as they got in touch, they found that the clones were simply killing machines without any reason, and they would only fight when they met. As soon as the news came back to the headquarters, the order to clear them came down.

All replicas, as long as they are irrational, will be dealt with.

The Saifei faction has developed into a behemoth at the current stage, and any disturbance in it can affect the situation of the entire Northern Galaxy.

Some surrounding forces saw that Sai Fei was making a big move, and immediately panicked when the situation was unknown, thinking that the other party wanted to annex them. The meaning of expansion can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Especially when some people saw that the warriors of the Sarada planet were besieging some Saiyans, they all speculated that there might be a rebellion on the Sarada planet.

These warriors went after traitors.

Then it's none of your business.

The surrounding forces immediately let go of their hearts. In order to seek the favor of Saifei's forces, some cosmic people took the initiative to meet them and said that they were willing to serve the Saifei's forces.

The high-level officials of Saifei's forces all rejected this, and the Sarada Planet side was reluctant to publicize the Saiyan clones.

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