Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 538 This king knows Super Saiyan better than you! (free)

"Yes, I'm a Saiyan."

Sun Wukong readily admitted his identity as a Saiyan, and then looked at Frieza with bright eyes, "Come and fight, I know your strength is very strong, I came to Namek just to fight with you. of."

"Dare to shout in front of this king, but you are very courageous. It seems that you don't know the horror of this king, so that's fine, this king has not done anything for a long time, just to bring you here. Practice your hands." Frieza was surprised for a moment, licking her lavender lips, a murderous intent on her face.

"Let the horses come!"

"I don't know how to live or die!" Frieza shook his head, his gaze seemed to be looking at an ignorant native who had not yet shaken off his ignorance. Because Frieza is not very tall under normal circumstances, he can only speak with his head up in front of Sun Wukong.

After speaking indifferently, the aircraft slowly landed to a height of half a meter above the ground. Frieza got off the aircraft and came to Sun Wukong with one hand on his hips.

A stout tail slapped the ground, shattering the solid rock with a snap.

"You must not know the horror of this king, so I'm not afraid to tell you, as far as this king's combat power is as high as 530,000! This is only a small part of this king's power, don't be frightened after a while. ." Frieza stretched out her finger and gestured a short distance, boasting triumphantly about her strength.

Looking forward to seeing the shivering appearance of the opponent knowing his fighting strength.

"Whether you want to fight or not, don't talk so much."

Seeing Frieza talking to himself, Sun Wukong frowned. This Frieza may not have much strength, but he feels too good about himself, and he has to push a lot of nonsense before the battle.

Hearing this, Frieza's face darkened immediately, and a murderous aura erupted vigorously.

"Haha, it's been a long time since no one dared to speak like this in front of this king. Those who dared to speak to this king with this attitude before have already been sent to the underworld by this king." Frieza narrowed her eyes, half a smile. , maintaining his elegance, in fact, his heart is like a volcano that may erupt at any time.

The surrounding temperature suddenly dropped below freezing, Frieza twisted her neck, and with a click, there was a sound of bones turning, and her body suddenly lit up with a flash of light, and a suffocating icy aura erupted in an instant.

530,000 combat power!

Sun Wukong fixed his eyes and glanced at Frieza, who was in high spirits. This strength was almost the same as Frieza's boasted combat power.

"But it's not enough..." Sun Wukong shook his head. According to what Luo Lan and the King of the Northern Realm told him, Frieza's combat power should be far more than that.

Seems to still have hidden strength.

"Since you've released your power, then it's my turn." Sun Wukong looked at Frieza seriously, squeezed his fist and gave a light drink, and suddenly a pale golden light shone.

With a loud bang, a mighty aura erupted from Sun Wukong's body, as if a large-yield nuclear bomb was dropped on the flat ground, and bursts of tyrannical energy rolled in like a mountain torrent and tsunami, drowning everything around him in an instant. , the entire Namek was soon shrouded in this terrifying momentum.

Beep beep!

Detecting the energy that erupted from Sun Wukong, the detector beside Frieza's ear was beating wildly, and the value on it was constantly changing. It quickly increased from 10,000 combat power to 2.4 million combat power!

This new type of detector has the same specifications as Saifei's forces, the unit is "degree", and the detection range can be as high as tens of millions of combat power.

"2.4 million combat power!"

"Ordinary Saiyans can't have such fighting power, are you a Super Saiyan?!" Frieza looked shocked.

"That's right!" Sun Wukong admitted directly.

"Hehe, it's really a Super Saiyan, but it's a pity that even a Super Saiyan is far from the king's opponent."

Frieza shook his head and showed a bright and cruel smile. He knew a long time ago that the power of a Super Saiyan is only a few million combat power. This level of power can be considered very strong in the universe, but In his eyes, it was just an ant that could be pinched to death.

Well, if it is a Super Saiyan, then if you want to kill him, the normal power is not enough, at least you have to unlock the first restriction. To be on the safe side, let’s just release the double transformation!

Frieza thought so, and simply began to brew in front of Sun Wukong.

Unlike Saiyans who gain powerful power through transformation, Frieza's transformation is not so much a transformation, but rather the release of his original power. As a cosmic demon with excellent talent, Frieza was powerful from a very young age. Troubled by the power of his body, in order to control the power in his body so as not to runaway, he adopted the method of transformation to suppress the powerful energy in his body.

Others transform to gain powerful power, while Frieza is to suppress power, and the starting point is different.

And the strength of his normal state is enough for him to run rampant in the universe.

Sun Wukong watched Frieza gradually release his power with bright eyes, and his face became even more excited. He did not disturb him halfway.

Because he knew that even if he tried to stop it, it would be useless. Frieza's power was originally his own. Even if he was interrupted halfway or attacked, the energy in his body would only explode in advance to prevent him from suffering a fatal crisis.

On the other hand, as a Saiyan, he is also a belligerent martial artist. Sun Wukong likes to beat his opponents upright.

Buzzing, the tyrannical wind blew the cracked earth and rocks. When Frieza unlocked the first power on his body, his height soared to 2.5 meters, and the combat power directly increased to 1.6 million. After that, he unlocked the second power. Heavy strength, height has increased slightly, and strength has increased again.

Only the appearance has become extremely ugly.

Like the Puyi family, they hunched their waists, their long heads dragged behind their backs, and two rows of pointed horns grew on both sides of the top of their heads.

In this form, Frieza's combat power is no less than 5 million.

"It's amazing, your strength has increased several times at once!" Sun Wukong shouted excitedly.

"Stupid, you are still excited when you are about to die, but Saiyans are such a stubborn race... Before killing you, can you tell me whether you are a Saiyan from the planet Sarada, or Begi The Saiyan of the Ta star, if it is the Saiyan of the Sarada planet, for the sake of the partner, this king can leave you a whole corpse."

The alien-looking Frieza had a low voice and a cold and ruthless gaze.

"I was born on Planet Vegeta, but I was sent out when I was very young. Now I sometimes live on Planet Sarada. It's hard to say whether it belongs to the Saiyans there."

"It turned out to be the remnant of Star Vegeta!" A cold light flashed in Frieza's eyes.

"Hey, there is a super Saiyan like you among the Vegeta Saiyans. I'm afraid your talent is even more powerful than Vegeta. If you didn't come to Namek without knowing your life or death, this king might still be alive. I can't find you, but just die now, Super Saiyan!"

"Why do you always think you can beat a Super Saiyan?" Sun Wukong asked strangely, and Frieza gave him the feeling of being full of mysterious self-confidence.

"Of course, because this king knows Super Saiyan better than you!" Frieza laughed, her face full of confidence.


Ps: When uploading yesterday, obviously only one chapter was uploaded, but I don’t know why there are two chapters in the background. I originally promised to cover the content of the second chapter today, but at night, the repeated chapters from yesterday have been blocked by the starting point background. , in order to make up for those readers who subscribed one more chapter, today's chapter is published in the form of a work testimonial, so it is free.

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