Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 540 This is the Super Saiyan!

"If you really understand what a Super Saiyan is, you won't just show the power of being present." Faced with Frieza's confident look, who thought he was in control of the overall situation, Sun Wukong shook his head and said lightly. .

"What do you mean?" Frieza frowned.

"The power of Super Saiyan is far stronger than you think. If you want to fight with me with 5 million combat power, it can only mean that you have never seen a real Super Saiyan!"

"Joke, this king has never seen a Super Saiyan..." Frieza refuted with a look of disdain, but before he could finish his words, he was stunned by what happened next.

I saw Sun Wukong snorted earnestly, a golden flame suddenly burst out from his body, and at the same time a shocking energy began to appear.

With the overwhelming spread of terrifying momentum, Sun Wukong's hair became golden as if it was dyed, and the color of eyebrows and eyes also changed. The golden hair rose and his expression was cold, under the background of green eyes. , the whole person looks extremely cold.

Sun Wukong turned into a Super Saiyan directly in front of Frieza!

Looking at Monkey King wrapped in a layer of golden light, Frieza opened his eyes wide, and his heart was touched for a while, and he shouted in surprise: "What form is this, why is there such a sense of oppression!"

The overwhelming aura made the whole world cold. Although Frieza couldn't sense the terrifying aura of Super Saiyans, as an overlord who had ruled the universe for a long time, he had always been quite sensitive to the premonition of danger.

"This is the Super Saiyan form I'm talking about!" Sun Wukong said in a cold voice.

"Impossible, I've seen a Super Saiyan, it's clearly not like this." Frieza's face was ugly, and his breath became even colder.

How could the Saiyan with golden light in front of him be a Super Saiyan... A real Super Saiyan should be just like the Luo Lan he saw back then, with black hair and a red tail.

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, he had to say that the Saiyan in front of him oppressed him even more strongly than Luo Lan back then, and he looked more like a Super Saiyan.

Maybe it's close to his final form.

Is this what a real Super Saiyan is supposed to be like? Frieza's heart began to wonder.

At this time, Sun Wukong, who was in the form of a Super Saiyan, shook his head, without any intention of explaining it to Frieza, leaned forward, and a slight soft wind swept across, and the figure of Sun Wukong suddenly became blurred. With a beautiful flash, the figure appeared directly in front of Frieza.

"So fast!"

Such thoughts flashed through Frieza's mind.

Looking at the figure that suddenly appeared, Frieza's expression couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then a dangerous signal rose in his heart, and he wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

I saw Sun Wukong approaching Frieza, with his green eyes unwavering, raised his hand, clenched his fist, and blasted it hard.

The violent force was vented in an instant, and a straight line was drawn in the void. With a loud bang, Sun Wukong's fist fell on Frieza's body. The fierce impact directly tore the space.

Frieza let out a scream, and his body flew out as if hit by a cannonball.


With a deafening loud noise, Frieza's body was embedded in the rock, and the solid rock collapsed, until the entire continental plate was broken.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood gushed out, and the violent force tore Frieza's body, causing him to suffer unbearably.


"Damn, what's with this power?"

If it wasn't for the power contained in the body that protected his life core at a critical time, just the blow just now would be enough to kill him.

Frieza struggled to get up from the pile of rubble, furiously preparing to counterattack, but at this moment Sun Wukong's sturdy body suddenly came to his side and hit him again. Frieza's face finally became panic, and while enduring the beating of Sun Wukong, he roared through gnashing of teeth.

Swish, there was a sound of air tearing, and a series of invisible airflow shocks appeared in the sky.

Sun Wukong grabbed Frieza's tail, and threw him into the sky, then flickered, came to a higher place, glanced at Frieza calmly, then clasped his fists with both hands, and condescendingly slammed him out of the sky. knocked down.

"Go back to the ground for me!"


The heavy punch slammed into Frieza's body, and Frieza's expression became distorted.

Falling like a meteor.

bang... bang bang! !

The earth burst apart, and a wall of air spread in all directions, raising the sky full of gravel. Frieza was dazed by Sun Wukong's blow. When he got up from the impact crater, the white armor on his body had already cracked. There were also small cracks on the purple leather.

"Ah, damn it!"

After being beaten for a while, Frieza wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He was the emperor of the universe, but he was bullied by a Super Saiyan!

At the same time of grief and anger in my heart, I felt a strong sense of humiliation, and at the same time, I also woke up - my understanding of Super Saiyans has always been wrong, and the real Super Saiyans are far more powerful than he imagined.

"Wrong, this king actually made a mistake, the real Super Saiyan should be the person in front of him!"

Frieza understood again.

I couldn't help recalling the many conversations I had with Luo Lan. The other party had been emphasizing the power of Super Saiyans to him, but I just thought it was the other party's self-esteem, and it was just passing by, and I didn't care about it at all.

It turns out that the real Super Saiyan strength is not under his ultimate form.

"If I had known, I should have listened to Luo Lan's explanation. It seems that the long-term high position has also made this king arrogant."

With a self-deprecating smile, Frieza thought of the Saifi faction with several "Super Saiyans". The real powerhouse within Saifi's power is not only Luo Lan, Queen Saifi, Bro Li, and that Princess Askari, can all become Super Saiyans.

His face suddenly froze, and Frieza realized in his heart that he had made a serious mistake in his previous judgment of Saifi's forces.

It turns out that he has been working with the real "Big Mac"!

Immediately full of anger, even if he suffered a big loss because he misestimated the power of the Super Saiyan, but the Super Saiyan in front of him insulted him like this, which is unbearable and unbearable, and he must pay the price of his life. Wash away your humiliation!

"Okay, okay, this king has not used all his power for a long time, now let you really see the power of the universe emperor..."

Saying that, Frieza began to speed up the release of the last restriction on her body.

As long as he becomes the ultimate form, his combat power will suddenly increase to 60 million energy. If he does not care about fatigue, he can even burst out with 120 million power for a short time. Although the 120 million energy is difficult to control, he has such a trump card. , I'm not afraid of this Super Saiyan in front of me.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Frieza kept releasing energy, and his combat power rose quickly like a rocket. Because his own combat power has been compressed, the speed of unlocking is also very fast.

"Huh?" Sun Wukong looked at Frieza in surprise, and suddenly began to look forward to it.

"Friza is going to use all his strength, I hope I can fight to the fullest..." His expression became excited, and Sun Wukong floated not far from Frieza, watching seriously.


Another continent far away.

Vegeta continued to look for the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball away from the northern continent. Suddenly a burst of overwhelming energy swept over the sky and the whole air condensed. Vegeta stopped and looked at the direction of the breath, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and his face showed horror. color.

But before he could breathe for a long time, another icy and biting breath rose up immediately.


10 million!


In the blink of an eye, the second force has soared to a terrifying 60 million combat power!

Feeling the terrifying pressure in the air, Vegeta looked horrified, her throat was dry, and her whole body became stiff: "It's Frieza's anger, damn, Frieza's power is so powerful!"

"Then who is fighting Frieza? It seems to be stronger than Frieza... I feel very familiar, as if I called it somewhere, uh... Impossible, how could it be Kakarot's anger, How could he be so strong?!"

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