Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 565 Sunbra and Trunks

Sunbra, this is the name of Mr. Wukong's daughter, so the big brother Gohan in this world no longer exists, maybe even he himself will not be born.

Has the existence of history been denied?

Trunks sighed bitterly. Knowing this news, he had mixed feelings, and he didn't know what to say. Even if Vegeta had a child in the future, he would be named Trunks. personal.

Maybe since he came over in a time machine, the world has been split into two completely different time and space. According to scientific theory, this is called parallel space and time.

"Miss Lankey said just now that Mr. Wukong and my mother... No, Miss Bulma is not on Earth?" Trunks changed his name.

"They are in a place called Adrat, learning the secret arts there."

"Aradat Star..."

Trunks muttered to himself, searched the memory in his brain, and was sure that he had never heard of this name. Sure enough, the history had been changed beyond recognition. But Trunks' will is very strong in the end, and he quickly perks up.

"Since you already know about androids, you should know the dangers of androids, please prepare as soon as possible, androids will appear in a certain island waters in the south in three years, and in the future... all the soldiers will be killed by them Killed, and the earth fell into despair!"

Informed the future situation in detail, and then took out a bottle of potion and handed it over.

"In the future, Mr. Wukong will die of a heart attack. Brother Gohan and his mother often say that if Mr. Wukong doesn't die, there must be a way to deal with the android. This is a special medicine for viral heart disease. Please give it to Mr. Wukong. It might come in handy."

Trunks didn't know whether Sun Wukong in this world would get sick, but just in case, he gave Luo Fei the special medicine.

Luo Fei took the special medicine, glanced at it, and put it away.

"After three years, I know, by the way, do you want to see my aunt?"

Trunks hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head, "No need, I'm here to inform you of the news, and I have to rush back to protect my world. My side is quite chaotic, so I can't live without a guardian. If I'm still alive after three years, I'll come and fight the androids with you."

"Of course, maybe there will be no androids in this world at all." Trunks smiled wryly, this was the ending he hoped to see.

"It's not easy for you." Luo Fei looked at Trunks with emotion.

"I'm used to it, so I hope you can make changes here and don't let tragedy happen." Trunks tried to look at the world with an outsider's eyes.

"You can rest assured that the people on our side are very powerful, and there will never be any problems." Luo Fei looked confident.

From Trunks' words, he estimated that the so-called android should only have the strength of an ordinary Super Saiyan, not to mention Luo Lan, Syphilia, Brolina and other super-specialized super masters, who are in On Earth, the strength of myself, Ascari, Sunbra, and the younger generation should not be underestimated, and they have surpassed those of the artificial humans.

Seeing Luo Fei's confident appearance, Trunks reminded him to be careful.

Luo Fei waved his hand, not taking the android in the slightest.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if something goes wrong in the end, they can still ask their elders for help! Luo Fei believed that no difficulties could stumped his father.


At this time, the sound of the door rang, and a string of silver bell-like laughter followed. Sunbra and Ascari came back from the outdoors while walking and laughing. When they saw Trunks in the living room, both of them were stunned. a moment.

"Luo Fei, this child..." Trunks asked quietly, noticing Sunbra's lilac hair. The two of them were in the dust and their clothes were torn in many places. battle.

"She is Sunbra."

Trunks looked at Sunbra with a complicated expression and nodded.

"Cousin, who is this person!" Sunbra skillfully took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and drank it, looking at Trunks curiously.

This little brother's hair looks like hers!

There is an intimate feeling.

Askari frowned, her beautiful eyes rolling between Sunbra and Trunks.

"His name is Trunks..."

"Trunks, this kid with the same hair color as you is Bra, and next to me is my sister Ascari."

Then I introduced the identity of Trunks. When she knew that Trunks was from twenty years later, Sunbra opened her cute little mouth in surprise, and Ascari revealed that she was so expression.

"Hello!" Trunks greeted Sunbra and the others kindly.

Sun Bla rolled Shui Lingling's eyes and asked, "The future is very miserable, are those artificial humans very powerful?"

"It's very strong, I can barely deal with one, and I'm no match for two." Trunks told the truth.

"Are there super saiyans?"

"I'm a Super Saiyan." Trunks answered with his chest raised.

"Hooho, it turns out that the androids are so powerful, that's interesting." Sunbra's eyes lit up.

At this time, Ascari tilted her head and said uncertainly: "I seem to have heard Dad say that the strength of the android is only a little stronger than that of the ordinary Super Saiyan, and it has not reached the level of surpassing the Super Saiyan."

"Hey, isn't there a 'transcendence' stage yet!"

Sunbra was greatly disappointed. The android didn't seem to be as powerful as she imagined. Although it might be a little bit more powerful than she is now, it is definitely not the opponent of Cousin Luo Fei and Sister Askali. You must know that both of them are. Has reached the full power of Super Saiyan!

"Hey, little brother, do you want to compete with me? I always fight with Sister Askali. I have never won once." Nuonuo, the little girl Sunbra, asked in a voice.

Trunks looked at Sun Bula's soft appearance, and couldn't help feeling a sense of love. To be honest, Sun Bula could barely be regarded as his "half-sister". For him, who had no sister since he was a child, I have never experienced such a feeling of being spoiled.

"Little sister, my brother is a Super Saiyan, you can't beat me." Trunks bent down and looked at Sunbra with a gentle tone.

"Impossible, I'm also a Super Saiyan, very strong!" Sunbra immediately jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, shouting fiercely.

Saying that she can do anything, just can't say that she will lose!

Trunks was stunned for a moment, Luo Fei shrugged, and said, "Bra can already become a Super Saiyan last year!"

"How is that possible, she's only six years old. Wasn't she only five years old last year..." Trunks was shocked, his eyes were full of incredulity, and he suspected that his ears had heard it wrong.

"It's not just Bura, there are several Super Saiyans on Earth right now, including me, Askari, and Bula, and I and Askari are not ordinary Super Saiyans. "

"This..." Trunks didn't know what to say.

In his world, Brother Gohan didn't become a Super Saiyan until he became an adult. That was already a great genius. He himself has been trained by Son Gohan. He became a Super Saiyan with a sadness and anger.

Five-year-old Super Saiyan, unheard of.

And besides Sun Bula, another girl named Askari looks like a super saiyan too. Pure-blooded Saiyans look like little girls until they reach adulthood, and Askali isn't much older than Sunbra in terms of appearance.

When was Super Saiyan so worthless.

No, maybe it's because the planet is more powerful right now.

"Maybe even if I don't come here, this world can be safe and sound." Such a thought suddenly appeared in his heart, and Trunks was envious of the current powerful world.

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