Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 566 Let's go to the future world together

In the end, Trunks was unable to meet Sunbra's request and had a short battle with her, but the result of the battle surprised Trunks. He could only tie the little girl. After the fight, Trunks couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"Obviously he is still such a small child, yet he is so strong!"

Trunks couldn't believe it. Compared with Sunbra, he seemed to have practiced in vain over the years.

Noticing Luo Fei and Askari who were smiling as usual next to them, Trunks froze, realizing that there are two more powerful, Super Saiyans in this world, so powerful, even children All so great.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but the strength of the other party's group is beyond imagination.

"It's too powerful, maybe even if the android does appear, it's not your opponent." With a long sigh of relief, Trunks praised.

"Hey, I still can't beat you!" Sunbra quit Super Saiyan mode, not satisfied with his performance.

"You are still young, and you will become more powerful in the future."

"Well, I think so too." Sunbra raised his head proudly and smiled happily.

Seeing Sun Bla's innocent smile, Trunks couldn't help but smile. This little girl's mind was simple. If he had such strength when he was a child, Gohan might not have sacrificed himself. The sacrificed Son Gohan, Trunks sighed.

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and the task of coming to this era has been completed.

Afterwards, Trunks formally bid farewell to Luo Fei and the others.

Just then, Ascari stopped him, "Trunks, wait a minute!"


Trunks looked back at her.

Ascari tilted her head and said, "You just said that after you return to the future world, you will come to help us deal with the androids here, right?"

"Yes, as long as I am alive, I will definitely come to help you. It will take about three years to add energy, and that time is almost exactly when the androids appeared." Trunks replied seriously, because the future world He also needs his protection, so it is impossible for him to stay in this world for the next three years.

Luo Fei and Sun Bula cast suspicious glances at Askari at the same time, as if asking her why she asked such a question.

Ascari smiled, her jet-black eyes shining like crystals, and she said directly: "How is your time machine space, can you squeeze a few more people?"

"Mom considered the situation of too many people when she designed the time machine. Well, it can barely fit two adults."

Speaking of this, Trunks' expression suddenly changed. He already knew the meaning of Ascari's words, and said in surprise: "What do you mean, you want to go to the future world with me?"

Ascari laughed, "Isn't it very interesting, I haven't visited other worlds yet."

"What, can't you?"

"Yes, of course!" Trunks replied quickly and loudly, his face full of surprise.

When Bulma made the time machine, he aimed at the purpose of delivering special medicine to Sun Wukong from the very beginning. According to their estimation, Sun Wukong at that time had just become a super Saiyan, and his strength was definitely not as strong as those of the androids, so It never occurred to me to bring back some people from the past world.

But it's different here!

Looking at Luo Fei, Askari, and Sun Bula, who were extraordinary in strength, Trunks' eyes suddenly lit up, and he felt that his thinking couldn't be so rigid.

The strength of these people is no less than their own. If they help, wouldn't the artificial humans in the future world be eliminated soon?

Luo Fei touched his chin and smiled with interest: "The future world may be interesting."

"Hooho, I'm going too." Sun Bla knew that there was a fight, and his face flushed red.

"Although there is only one seat in the time machine, it can take two adults. Bra and Miss Ascarly are not tall, so there is no problem for the few of us to squeeze in." Trunks affirmed. .

"That's settled, let's prepare, and then go to the future world with you." Luo Fei made a final decision.

"Okay!" Trunks nodded vigorously.

In my heart, I feel more and more that the time machine sent me to this powerful world, which is a chance God gave me to save the world!


Now that the decision has been made, Luo Fei and the others have begun to arrange their trip to the future world. After this time, the next time they come back will be three years later, so there are many things that need to be explained.

First of all, they have to report safety to the Sarada planet, otherwise they and others have been missing for three years for no reason, and the headquarters will have to jump around. Secondly, the Earth side also needs to make arrangements. Although I don’t think that the artificial humans in three years will cause a lot of trouble, it is still necessary to make arrangements in advance.

So it was divided into several paths, and Sunbra and Trunks waited in place. Luo Fei and Ascari rushed to Sarada planet and Lucky star to explain things.

After everything was done, several people reunited at their home in the West Capital, and handed over the special medicine for heart disease to Lan Qi, who had turned blue-haired.

"Sister Lan Qi, please inform them at the temple."

"Well, leave it to me!"

Blue-haired Lan Qi looked at them gently and demurely, "You can't mess around in another world, you must be careful."


Several people nodded with a smile, and then gestured towards Trunks.

Trunks received the signal and threw out the universal capsule containing the time machine with a "bang", and soon an ellipsoid-shaped vertical time machine appeared in the spacious courtyard.

After the hatch was opened, Trunks and Luo Fei went in first, and then Ascari and Sunbra rose into the air, their slender bodies squeezed into their arms, because the space in the time machine itself was quite spacious, In addition, Trunks and Luo Fei are only teenagers, even with two young girls, it is not too crowded to sit on.

"Ready, we can go."

"Well, let's go!" Trunks set the time machine parameters with excitement and pressed the button.


The time machine slowly lifted into the sky, and the houses below gradually became smaller. When the time machine rose to a height of several hundred meters above the ground, the brilliant flashes flashed rapidly, and with a hum, the time machine suddenly disappeared into the vast sky. .

Watching the time machine disappear from the sky, Lan Qi raised her head and straightened her hair that had been ruffled by the whirlwind with a smile.

"I'm going to the temple to meet Qiqi and the others. I haven't seen them for a while, so I miss them." A smile appeared on her beautiful face, Lan Qi's body rose up in the air, and disappeared as a bright light band... …


Destroy the gods.

Under the ancient god tree.

Weiss sat quietly on the branch of the gods, watching Luo Lan in the distance and the others earnestly waving their fists and feet to exercise, smiling and nodding. He was very satisfied with the progress of several people, especially Luo Lan, who has a good understanding of realm. Extraordinarily sharp, at this time, he has been able to restrain most of his strength.

"Sephilia's progress is also okay, barely keeping up with the rhythm... Broly's words, forget it, he is not suitable for the path of the gods."

Weiss has an outstanding talent in guiding people, and he knows exactly who is suitable for what kind of cultivation.

Broly is not suitable for cultivation in the realm of the gods, and Weiss understands it very well, so he is directly exercising his strength.

Suddenly, Weiss felt a slight fluctuation in the space-time somewhere in the seventh universe. He picked up the divine scepter and saw that Luo Fei and the three had sneaked away to another time-space, and his eyebrows could not help frowning.

"These little devils, the act of traveling through time and space is forbidden by the gods, and they change the time line indiscriminately. The light ones will produce parallel time and space, and the heavy ones may cause serious consequences!"

"But the time and space they went to seem to already exist. Forget it, as long as they don't create a new time and space, let them go. When they come back, let Luo Lan teach them a good lesson!" Make a note of it, then glance at it and stop looking at it.

In the face of time and space, any life should maintain a most pious respect.

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